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Everything posted by emery

  1. mine did going through filling out entry forms already rofl ;)
  2. will certainyl see you at canine :D and thanks You know I love being picked on! No better way to learn ;) hahahahahaha. BEdazzled just don't pay attention to my naughty puppy tonight i think she is finally over teething and feeling better. took her to better pets and gardes today and she had like no lead left it was all in my hand from her pulling rofl :S so when you see the naughty rotti pup pulling me around the undercover area you know you found me rofl I wont be there sat i am having my birthday party time to relax good luck in adelaide though will hopefulyl get to meet properly when you get back
  3. You know I love being picked on! No better way to learn hahahahahaha. BEdazzled just don't pay attention to my naughty puppy tonight i think she is finally over teething and feeling better. took her to better pets and gardes today and she had like no lead left it was all in my hand from her pulling rofl :S so when you see the naughty rotti pup pulling me around the undercover area you know you found me rofl I wont be there sat i am having my birthday party time to relax good luck in adelaide though will hopefulyl get to meet properly when you get back
  4. the red kids are so well behaved i am jealous watching how well the red kid and the aussie work with all the distractions around on tuesdays. will keep working to get one title on my girls at least lol. well my thought for the day you know you have dogs when, your name brand handbag has a tennis ball and clicker in, your work uniform has liver treats in the pocket loose and your car has spare leads and collars rather than water or coolant. Rofl yes that is all three for me today
  5. No chance Lexi will be the first one thanks to Valley CBR -oh sorry thats a Rally O title. Looking to hand off some of the others in the near future It starts as just a casual remark - oh would you like to do some heelwork with Beans and before they know it - they are signed up for life membership ;) bahahahahaha i will try that with the monster lol
  6. you were at canine a 3.15 and you started her inmidland at 4 you must of flew here lol or got smooth run no traffic No the other way I ended up being a half hour late for work! :D Edited to add: I just realised you meant here as in Midland not Southern River like most DOlers define 'here' oops lol yeah thats right i am on the outskirt of midland lol so i knwo the travelling distance ;)
  7. so do i hubby is naughty thankfully i got a good vaccum and most was able to be picked up in bundles i have heard that saying lol will keep at it you were at canine a 3.15 and you started her inmidland at 4 you must of flew here lol or got smooth run no traffic
  8. its like a metal comb with teeth which pick up the loose, dead hair from the coat as you brush with the *what's the word rofl* same as shaving lol go with the way of the coat Ok disclaimer i am sleep deprived and brain isn't working lol or i am having a bad blonde brain fart moment. i love it to remove the dead yucky coat leaves them sleek and shiny there you go thats a better description :D works very well on the rottis
  9. its like a metal comb with teeth which pick up the loose, dead hair from the coat as you brush with the *what's the word rofl* same as shaving lol go with the way of the coat Ok disclaimer i am sleep deprived and brain isn't working lol or i am having a bad blonde brain fart moment. i love it to remove the dead yucky coat leaves them sleek and shiny
  10. Woohoo, exciting! Bring home the goods Ptolomy & Bedazzled Emery hang in there, she's still a baby really and is just getting to that fun (LOL) stage of adolescence, as Ptolomy said we all have bad training days, ones when we want to strangle our dogs, or is that just me... :D Oh no i definatley wanted to strangle her last night or leave her at the grounds and go home alone, geting towards the car to get some extra treats she started pulling backwards and choking herself and she loves the car go figure
  11. Bahahahahaha yes she does this i can get the perfect stack need to move one foot and she wont put it down it cracks me up as its normally her front foot so looks like she is pointing It was ACWA's AGM so we trained earlier than normal. Unforuntately that will be our last Tuesday undercover session as next Tuesday we will both be in Adelaide :D for a few days. But do come up and say hi if you see us again and introduce us to your pigheaded girl. I think we all have sessions like you must have had last night so we all know where you are coming from - hang in there - and if things don't improve - red wine helps ;) Mental note to self take red wine to training rofl. She was so stubborn last night reminds me of when her mother used to come into season so will keep an eye out she may not be far off. Some days she is great others well like last night hair pulling out adventures hehehehe. Most people love her and she turns the charm on for them most don't believe me when i say she is a cow but she really is. She has just been brought inside for breakfast and hubby was outside grooming the male rotti, she was carrying on like a pork chop barking whining and scratching at door she was none to pleased to be inside whilst he was out there ;) jealous much Thanks mirawee i will keep trying to find out what she likes. food only works for a few seconds, at hoem she will tug with a soft toy but not the rope, loves squeaking squeaky toys but didn't really work outside the house, cat toys hmmm sometimes lol, reminds me of a fish forgets what she likes rofl She is like that too at shows i let her run it out or play with a friends older dog so she is less energetic and more focused on me Hubby groomed the older male rotti (zeus) last night with the fuminator here is the aftermath on my carpet rofl. got over a bag of hair. Its my new black shiny rug
  12. I will get through it she is like my life size teddy bear i fell for this pup from the moment she was born the first pic and she has just grown to delight, i just needed to vent lol. We will get there, I want to give Ptolomy and Bedazzled a run for their money rofl well eventually I will take a break from stand training for the time being and work on other training when we get there i may throw in a stand or two her mother was older before she stood still. She is just so stubborn. she wouldn't stand tonight so trainer took her lol she kept moving too so it isn't just me she is just a typical female lol being a B is her life long dream i reckon ;P
  13. When I resize some of the pics my sister took back in March I will post some!! I am so excited about getting a new species!! I have had all sorts of animals over the years, but this will be my first camelid Its also a bit daunting, as I dont fully understand their temperaments, but I guess I will learn as I go! Emery, Im sorry you are having dramas with your girl! I must admit, my latest ridgy who is now 4 was quite a struggle to train. Have you considered some one-on-one training with someone?? It sure helped me and my girl, getting an idea of what drives them is a big help! I will take her to obedience on sunday and see how we go before i consider one on one she might just need a bit more focus first. i have let her get away with a little bit more so she is happy and energetic inthering, but she is already starting to push the boundaries and i am not going to have that she needs to listen when i ask a command of her. i think because the other two were so easy i had preconceived ideas and as i haven't yet figured out her drive like tuggin or what not it is making it harder i swear the other two rotts are labs in disguise are secret hoovers lol she was a hoover at her breeders but is so not here just wants to be difficult, i am not showing to the royal so will give us a break at least to reget into it so to speak maybe she is a bit bored with it, don't want that asshe is only a baby and i hope to have a long career with her in several disciplines Yes, previous well behaved easy to train dogs lull you into a false sense of security!! Our first ridgy girl was such an easy dog. A perfect first ridgy!! The second certainly brought us back down to earth .....Four years old and is just starting to act like a growed up dog . gremlins rofl Don't say that rofl i will send her back before then and swap her for her mother back hahahahahaha. then again it's been 8 months she might be naughty too hmm naughty puppy or naughty adult hard decision hahahahahaha. she is getting strong and she throws that around a bit now too pulling, pulling backwards etc and the others didn't i am tiny and if she is already making me lose balance i need to get on top of it. last thing the breed needs is a misbhaved tenage rottweiler with no training :S
  14. When I resize some of the pics my sister took back in March I will post some!! I am so excited about getting a new species!! I have had all sorts of animals over the years, but this will be my first camelid Its also a bit daunting, as I dont fully understand their temperaments, but I guess I will learn as I go! Emery, Im sorry you are having dramas with your girl! I must admit, my latest ridgy who is now 4 was quite a struggle to train. Have you considered some one-on-one training with someone?? It sure helped me and my girl, getting an idea of what drives them is a big help! I will take her to obedience on sunday and see how we go before i consider one on one she might just need a bit more focus first. i have let her get away with a little bit more so she is happy and energetic inthering, but she is already starting to push the boundaries and i am not going to have that she needs to listen when i ask a command of her. i think because the other two were so easy i had preconceived ideas and as i haven't yet figured out her drive like tuggin or what not it is making it harder i swear the other two rotts are labs in disguise are secret hoovers lol she was a hoover at her breeders but is so not here just wants to be difficult, i am not showing to the royal so will give us a break at least to reget into it so to speak maybe she is a bit bored with it, don't want that asshe is only a baby and i hope to have a long career with her in several disciplines
  15. i saw you ladies was going to come over and say hi you had just put thedogs into a sit stay walked away from them then up then were leaving i assume as the lights went out i was in my car cutting up bait i got there late. will have to come say hi next tuesday. i need advice on ow to train my stubborn pig headed girl i have bruises from the lead tonight her pulling i am getting over it off to obedience on sunday. she chases after other dogs when they are infront of her is, happy if on her own. willd drop on command ( i am not teaching sit at this stage as she still doesn't stack perfectly) i need heeling help but also how to teach her to move out infront Have been clicker training want her to focus but she is so much more focused on everything else i am actually getting really frustrated it is upsetting me. she is pig headed about food too is very fussy will work fo five minutes for some bait then wont train unless its something else. at home she is driven will stack perfectly for cats, birds, even a squeaky toy take her out and its like she is driveless realyl stumped haven't had a dog do this before. my male rotti only needs to be taught somethign once and he does it, my girls mother was pretty easy too she wants to please but htis one okay that is my vent before she makes me cry sorry.
  16. You know I love being picked on! No better way to learn hahahahahaha. BEdazzled just don't pay attention to my naughty puppy tonight i think she is finally over teething and feeling better. took her to better pets and gardes today and she had like no lead left it was all in my hand from her pulling rofl :S so when you see the naughty rotti pup pulling me around the undercover area you know you found me rofl
  17. ebay is great for size 8 outfits i got heaps and i am tiny tiny tiny
  18. When I bought my bike I had the seat swapped for a very luxurious gel one. I have never had a sore bum, no matter how far I've ridden. is it still available bedazzled how much it sounds great i get sore ridining to the shops rofl I will look out for you. i am happy to share if rubystar is happy too . maybe i can practice riding with the older boy so i get the hang of it at least he heels rofl
  19. Yes see bedazzled feels my pain, she topped Open and UD and got nothing either Had we competed in agility, we'd have gotten nice pretty rosettes and I don't think you needed to have won either to get one I like trophies and ribbons/rosettes, even though they are currently collecting dust in my drawer! But I may set up a bookcase with them But the cooler bags and stuff you can use at trials is great! I have only ever won a "prize" twice, one was the cooler bag which I love, comes in handy! The other was a bag of Advance, for small breeds! So I gave it to mum and dad for their maltese I find it odd that the majority of breeds competing are medium/large, yet the food on offer is for small breeds ;) i like pretty ribbons would die if we got a trophy we have our first ribbon and it is being framed so can not wait rof. i hope to joing you all in obedience or agility one day.
  20. DIBS!!!!! Oh darn, just saw emery got in first maybe not rofl someone may of pmed bedazzled ;) I got to wait to start trainging to my girl comes home from qld rofl thatcould be another 6 months yet by golly i miss her ;) so if you want it to start training go for it rubystar
  21. When I bought my bike I had the seat swapped for a very luxurious gel one. I have never had a sore bum, no matter how far I've ridden. is it still available bedazzled how much it sounds great i get sore ridining to the shops rofl
  22. ooops see this is what happens when you have more than one window open rofl i meant benson not boss rofl oh but the answer is here anyway. should keep my mind on one item at a time instead of several . Good luck with it though.
  23. thanks sparky and wazzat cos i can'tsay it enough CONGRATS to you kim and naca
  24. I know quite a few DOLers WANT to do it next year. But none I know of this year. For all those wanting to do it, I'll let you know how it went thanks that'd be great i want to do it when i get my girl back and when kelari is old enough. where is it held?? good luck to kodi? has boss done it??
  25. Good luck to all this weekend i am not showing missed the entry cut off rofl but am going to enjoy the break. birthday today so totally stuffed from beinga full on day got another tomorrow and then my mums on sunday love birthday weekends they ae great :D)
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