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Everything posted by emery

  1. oh dear! did he sulk for hours afterward? nope he started attacking my feet lol. and demanded food rofl
  2. that's ok i claim the bad pet owner award whole heartidly. could hear meowing yesterday couldn't find the cat so gave up. lunch time i open fridge and guess who wanders out he went in whilst kids were getting school lunch out he is only a kitten so wasn't noticed. he was fine too but boy did i feel bad
  3. show trianing with helena tuesday nights at canine association soutehrn river. she is very good. lots of us travel. people from midland, byford, girrawheen and all over
  4. feel better soon rallyvalley. here is a bad photo as its from my phone of zeus getting in touch with his feminine side
  5. big hugs it sucks. i have three rottis and they still get hassled even if i am walking all three of them at once. they are all lambs in rottis costumes thankfully but my male would protect if need be.
  6. very nice dress rnh. you need to come handle my girls so i get some points rofl. sorry to hear cash got knocked out but well done on being invited
  7. thanks it is slowly growing on them though they are sure they put a different spelling down. i told them to call and ask. i think it is more the spelling tha tis getting to her oh then the actual prefix
  8. so nany offers : ) happy birthday rally
  9. will swap for two Rb (reasonably behaved) children???? they are toilet trained Hmm after considerable consumption of 5th leg (wine) have decided the only way I could consider swap of OC's with RB's would be with a very LS (Large sum) of green notes. awww bahahahahaha they aint that bad some days rofl. goes to the monopoly kit i got lots of green notes Hmmmmmmmmm will leave final decision to bedazzled, the fact Rb's are toilet trained may be enough, after tonights effort or lack thereof of OC's....... Will you throw in a hotel and 4 houses, along with GN's (green notes) as an added incentive??? i will throw in 2 hotels and 5 houses as added incentive. ;) and 4 orange notes as well
  10. will swap for two Rb (reasonably behaved) children???? they are toilet trained Hmm after considerable consumption of 5th leg (wine) have decided the only way I could consider swap of OC's with RB's would be with a very LS (Large sum) of green notes. awww bahahahahaha they aint that bad some days rofl. goes to the monopoly kit i got lots of green notes
  11. will swap for two Rb (reasonably behaved) children???? they are toilet trained
  12. oh they may just have to keep it lol :D you know who they are too lol but i wont say just incase rofl :D that is great ooops lol i will ask if i can say what it is. mayeb someone knows something similar lol then they can change it that way rofl
  13. I have an entire mother and daughter running witha neutred male. they all get along brilliantly. one got otld off the other day for trying to steal the males bone but no fights. mind you when i sent mummy dog to her breeders she attacked her mother and got severely injured in the process.
  14. no probs they were a bit small for my rottis lol but thought they may be handy for others
  15. i wonder the same thing lol. no idea why you would write a suggestion down that you are not happy with lol. i'll tell them to call and see what they say. i couldn't find anything similar so don't think anyone would object to it either.
  16. Have an aquaintance that has recieved their prefix paper back saying htey have recieved a pefix. it is in partnership and the choice is really bad. they are really unhappy with it. it was like the last choice and only to fill spaces can they in anyway say no and resubmit more choices to be chosen or are they stuck with it? this is wa? thanks
  17. 48inch metal $99.95 http://www.crazysales.com.au/48-collapsibl...-va206-ele.html
  18. http://www.crazysales.com.au/extra-large-s...andle-blue.html only $27.95
  19. water bottle or loud clapping with an ahhhh sound and redirect. poor mason. i saw fb big hugs. i heard you should give a month to settle in a new dog but yeah.... hope it settles and you get some sleep tonight
  20. facebook i saw awwwwwwwww. congrats :D not me sorry i got a wedding on the 20th, the specialty on the 21st, my brithdya on the 27th and my mum's on the 29th and i expect to go into labour int eh first week. think i am busy enough lol wow Lisa, busy time lol Its ok I know not to ask here Ill try my facebook!! More showies lol Best part is I am going to see my friend of 12 years again ( she will be 74 this year) and the reason the Xolo breed is in Australia, the dog show is just a do while there, I much rather see my friend, but she is a mad show lady so we will keep both happy! lol oh that would be great yeah makes it a bit hard all these obedience people lol. not many showing. a few are away at the moment due to shows over east so m aybe when they come back one of them will eb going too :D
  21. not me sorry i got a wedding on the 20th, the specialty on the 21st, my brithdya on the 27th and my mum's on the 29th and i expect to go into labour int eh first week. think i am busy enough lol :D
  22. Ouch that sounds mighty painful. I was at the dog beach and a rather playful dog ran straight into my son today causing him to face plant into lots of soft sand. he looked like a sand monster when he got up (he's 2) i found it funny he didn't though and i had to clean him up.
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