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Everything posted by emery

  1. Oh so totally its still going on this morning sigh. Its giving me a good laugh though he'll wake up one day after he has pushed us all away and be totally alone with no money at least i got a happy family and my dogs Good about no stingers when we lived on caves road campsites they were everywhere
  2. Oh meelup is divine. how were the stingers??? I wont be heading down my bro is living in bunbury at the moment and apparantally he is going to kill me because i asked a question rofl. Got to love drunken younger brothers who still are yet to grow up. Though to be fair i did ensure i organised and let daddy dearest know what is goin gon incase he does rock up at my door rofl.
  3. I have done some editing to my webpage if anyone would care to take a second look and give their opinon i changed the background and writing colour and enlarged the font. Thanks http://tyrazerotts.angelfire.com/
  4. woohoo i'm int he top ten lol. but a long way from first
  5. I find all the discussion re this class or that class to me is a further indication just how much the show scene is hurting. from comments ranging from the pros and cons of all breed shows and of course the inenevitable comparisons to the specialty shows and their superior judge qualities is the greatest load of b/s I have heard. These comparisons have been around that long they have whiskers.Experience over some 27yrs. have shown me that the majority of " specialist " tragics readily use the old all breed shows to gain their titles which to me is another indication that many are only too happy to lower their standard if it means a title. I believe that all specialist clubs should be disbanded because of the damage they do to the overall dog scene. How many German Shepherd dogs' do you see at all breed shows ? How many Rottweilers do you see at all breed shows ? but check their numbers at specialist shows. Does anybody really believe that we dont' have judges here capable of judging these breeds. Look at both of these breeds and see what the so called experts have done to these once magnificent breeds. Just be greatfull for your beautiful dogs' and enjoy the days out with them,it aint' rocket science. can't answer the german shepherd one but here in perth we often have 20 rottis at any one show and sometimes not much more at our specialty unless we get interstaters across. we normally always have a full line up and competion in classes. eta a lot of our rottis that are graded multi v rated or are multi BISS winners or place getters etc also tend to be mutli BIS or BIG winners so think they are holding there own in both rings and haven't been altered per se to get a title
  6. hope you both get them back i had a nice leather one that i got from jencol collies stolen at a show
  7. Oh bruno is just gorgeous
  8. But isn't this still going to remove the best from the competition? I personally want to beat those already titled it will make the win much mroe special to me
  9. people are rude you should go out so they can't pick them up lol poor pets
  10. Deal And I know I haven't sent my CV to you yet but I'm procrastinating about getting back into IT at the moment I called into a local groomers this morning and asked if they had any trainee positions available....the girl said she would speak to the owner who is due in later, as they have been talking about taking someone new on.....so hoping I get a phone call later today good luck
  11. Emery can I ask where you are getting them done and who will you send the X-rays too. I need to get Soggy's done at some point, and in another thread everybody advised to avoid 9 weeks after they have been in season - so will leave it another couple of months - but I would like to be organised and have a plan in my mind I am going to applecross. have been told if i ring them and tell them i am a dogswest memeber i can fill ina form and gt discount. I am not worrying as they are a way to travel and i only use them for xrays. I am thinking dr lavalle (sp) for reading. Will check with my dogs breeder though but he i see a lot of rotti people have used and he has a quick turn around My girl started her season 28th of jan or there abouts and i am getting hers done. no proven info i saw the thread but i did her mum 2 months after her season and her results were hips 0.0 and elbows 0.0 don't elave it to close to her coming into season again though that is what i was told. have been quoted $300 ish for xrays friend just had hers done for $250 maybe i got quoted the most so i am prepared my girl is about 38 kilos too which makes a difference Hope this helps
  12. My first show dog, i went along to show classes still very much clueless showed the dog and had fun, i came last in ever class lol. yeah it was disheartening but we had fun. With time and effort this dog is now part way to her title she just turned 3. i have her daughter here who's sister is a quarter of the way to her title at 8 months my girl still to receive points but ya know what when she gets looked at my heart swells. There has been times when she has gone up over one of the best handlers in this state in our breed and even if i get no further the feeling is amazing. She has beaten the male for class of breed pretty much every second week (we share it around lol) and also won a baby in gorup. SHe may not have any points but we are getting there and its taken 3 years lol. I very much want to compete against the champs/grand champs as it will make the win so much more special. yes we have high competiton in our breed pretty much 20 or more at every show but we enjoy getting out there and seeing where we place. I don't think we need to change the system. We also sit with someone who has a rare breed she is only ever the same one there and she has been NA'd because the judge doesn't think her dog is mature enough etc so it does happen.
  13. thats what i liked about angelfire. you click the pages you like how many columns etc you want add pages as you want it stores media. i am getting there lol still got lots of work to do but the majority about the dogs etc is out there now... and now i just need to get my girls hip and elbows done booked in for the 5th i pray they are good
  14. Thanks everyone. Great looking websites i see i can put more effort into mine lol. Its a start though i got it out there Rip boris. CC i will definately get you to take some pics thanks
  15. Okay changed to call names will play around with backgorund and colour and see what i can come up with
  16. Hey well done ;) but personally I find white text on a dark background very straining on the eyes ;) Maybe try a light background with dark text? Thankyou for the tips i will see what i can do :D
  17. imised that page lol thanks baby sitter might be a bit hard :S
  18. Feels so left out i have no idea whats going on at the royal haven't got my canine news yet. How's group 6 i hear rottis are on a thursday gonna be interesting luckily i will be on maternity leave i finally finished my webpage for my prefix and dogs if anyone is intersted the link is http://tyrazerotts.angelfire.com all feedback aprpeciated its my first time creating something like this and i am really computer illiterate lol
  19. Kelari is the same think we can do a two for one offer?? OKay have been working on my webpage for my prefix/dogs for the last two weeks. i know its after midnight but i think i have finally finished and am ready to send it viral will get a friend to proof it first incase i made silly spelling errors doing it so late but i am a little excited and i had fun making it. no idea if its easy to navigate or if it has enough or not enough info etc. will have to ask for opinions when i send it viral :D
  20. There was a dog that went in before us last night that had lost all facial hair !! QuitE bizarre oh very weird hers is just a little spot one above right eye second on left eye and a bit on nose but i got our specialty next month too dogs lol
  21. Kelari has the biggest hot spot she has ever had an is still losing fur around her eye and now her nose. doesn't appear to be mange or anything it is so gradual i wonder if that could be allergy related too?
  22. I'll give you a run for your money in the bad owner awards...forget locking the kitten in the fridge, try between the outside door and the security screen! For a few hours! About 12 years ago we had a young kitten - didn't see the little tyke dash in when we shut the back door before going out. When we got home, heard the meowing, checked out all the cupboards in the back rooms, eventually narrowed the sound down to the laundry, looked behind the washing machine, IN the washing machine, half an hour after first hearing the meows we opened the door and she peeled herself off the security screen where she'd been plastered for 3 hours or so. Whoops. Your kelpies are broken. When I asked the vet once years ago how to stop my girl barking at people walking on the OTHER side of the street, he asked "Is she a kelpie? If so just get used to it." Having said that I think mine is broken too...I follow Jan Fennel methods, and the other day I had a couple of guests come over and Ella was barking as usual when someone arrives, so I put her in the bathroom. Technically when they are quiet you are supposed to let them out. She was quiet so I forgot her. For about two hours! JF method fail! Guests were leaving when I suddenly thought "Gees it's quiet, where's the dynamo?" Whoops number two. oops poor kitty gave me a giggle though
  23. thanks rottsup will ask for nadine now to find her paperwork lol ;)
  24. OMG - poor little kitten, glad he is ok, my cat, charlie, is always trying to get into the fridge so she can eat the lettuce - she loves lettuce ok i am not feeling so guilty now seems to be common with cats lol. i think he was after the ham no the lettuce rofl
  25. Which vet should i use to xray for hips and elbows in perth wa. I got my other dog done in 08 i think i used Applecross. is this right?? thanks
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