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Everything posted by emery

  1. Well done rubystar hope you go well tomorrow too
  2. this is so what i will miss i love my zeusy's bum wiggles
  3. i have three rottis 1 docked two with tails, i can not see my boy with a tail but i can't picture the girls without theres. i love the breed too much to not own them due to a tail
  4. sat i have to work fri night, hopefulyl wolfy makes it through and i can come say hi. thought it might be nice to bring kids too
  5. Friday night and K9 and Saturday in Kalamunda at showgrounds... thats all I know thanks i am not entered but may pop down for a looksie
  6. the kalamunda show does anyone know what days it is on and what times??
  7. Last weekend was the first show for Arlo and his "Mum". Arlo is one of the pups from our last litter - he is now 20 months old I also had time last Saturday since I was at home excuses excuses :rofl:rofl
  8. i had a good ngiht training on tuesday on my own with a dog and two kids who kept running around being noisy, half flattened my battery then when i was paying they let the dog out of the car and she had taken off sigh lol
  9. my first rotti out of paper $400 he has mega hip issues and eye problems but wouldn't change him for the world. my next two are pedigreed and cost in the K's for the first one and the second an air fare (she is a pup from my bitch) the next i'll pay whatever that is an airfare or several k if its lines i want
  10. No, it says excluding the John George Walk Trail in Viveash... that isn't the reserve just the track next to the river as far as I can figure out :D Oh i am even more assumed irt meant whole area lol but as i said there are poo bags and rangers have seen me walking off lead dogs and not said anything :D
  11. it actually says excluding the reserve in viveash yet the provide dog poo bags and everyone is down there guess that means it is supposed to be on leash oops
  12. Hi Holly's mum if you turn into viveash where la salle is and go down to the river, it isn't technically off leash but as long as your dogs are not bothering anyone everyone does it, they can swim run through the grass and you can walk for ages at the reserve, must do the right thing and pick up after dogs :D i go with my three rottis they love it. other than that there are not really anywhere they can go. there is near the old govenor stirling school agian its a reserve and you can walk for ages again not technically off leash and tends to be more people not neccessarily dogs here depneding on time of day :D hope this helps List of areas you can't take your dog to in the City of Swan http://www.swan.wa.gov.au/Residents/Animal.../Exercise_Areas. Unless signed otherwise you can have dogs offlead on all reserves as long as you have effective control of your dog It is being rebuilt as it is falling down :p Naughty Scoota and Brooky... did they fail the same exercise? Unfortunately I can't have any more male dogs... will put my hand up in advance for Cider if she is up for offer though i will look next time i know they got poo bags not sure if it is signed saying dogs must be on lead i normally go down to take dogs swimming so they aren't paying atteniton to people anyway then they go on lead to leave :D yeah it is a bit delapidated and needs work lol
  13. Hi Holly's mum if you turn into viveash where la salle is and go down to the river, it isn't technically off leash but as long as your dogs are not bothering anyone everyone does it, they can swim run through the grass and you can walk for ages at the reserve, must do the right thing and pick up after dogs i go with my three rottis they love it. other than that there are not really anywhere they can go. there is near the old govenor stirling school agian its a reserve and you can walk for ages again not technically off leash and tends to be more people not neccessarily dogs here depneding on time of day hope this helps Old Governor Stirling School??? Is it not running any more??? They are bulldozing it they are using the old midland primary school at the moment oh poor boys sure they tried hard
  14. No worries at all. if you ever see a small girl with multiple rottis and children thats me and with the no rain mozzie spray is a must rofl
  15. Cheers, a bit nervous about the test, but I'll give it a shot. Why do I look on gumtree, poor thing is only about 6mts old too http://perth.gumtree.com.au/c-Pets-dogs-pu...QAdIdZ274649470 Now you've got me looking through there... http://perth.gumtree.com.au/c-Pets-dogs-pu...QAdIdZ274659311 Is this sort of thing normal?? unfortunately yes all too common
  16. bring mosquito spray as its on the river there does tend to be mosquitos, iw ont be there tongiht though i did promise dog a walk i am so tired and dealing with dogs and two toddlers hmm nah. i have always gone middle of the day to whiteman and found park to be pretty empty if ppl arrive i start walking around the park
  17. Whiteman Park has a large off-lead, enclosed area, specifically for dogs. But I prefer walking them around the park on lead. No idiots to deal with... I thought this and i get kids running up to the dogs though rottis scared people from doing that lol
  18. Cheers, a bit nervous about the test, but I'll give it a shot. Why do I look on gumtree, poor thing is only about 6mts old too http://perth.gumtree.com.au/c-Pets-dogs-pu...QAdIdZ274649470 awww poor sweety
  19. Hi Holly's mum if you turn into viveash where la salle is and go down to the river, it isn't technically off leash but as long as your dogs are not bothering anyone everyone does it, they can swim run through the grass and you can walk for ages at the reserve, must do the right thing and pick up after dogs i go with my three rottis they love it. other than that there are not really anywhere they can go. there is near the old govenor stirling school agian its a reserve and you can walk for ages again not technically off leash and tends to be more people not neccessarily dogs here depneding on time of day hope this helps
  20. oh dear and thanks hopefully jag will pop in or i will pm her :D i have got her thinking as she got its a repetble (her spelling) breeder and i get papers i was liek check they are registered with cawa and not ocuncil and papers are registration papers not vaccination or microchip papers
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