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Everything posted by emery

  1. hills kennel club. i missed that. i will come cheer you all on i only have entires but i think this class needs support
  2. Ouch good luck. CC great news about Indi And you can all stel cc for photos but i got her for the dog show on the 21st so stay away from that date
  3. my show trainer says get a tea strainer tie it to a stick and put bait in and hold just in front of nose pup will follow reard every few steps
  4. Sunday 15th May It is only for purebred arabians and arabian derivatives (ie partbreds LOL) Woohoo! Have you got time booked off work? I heard last night that my kelpie puppy is going to a while longer The bitch managed to pull damage the internal scar from a previous c-section and so they will be waiting until her next season at the end of the year to breed her. Oh no :D mirawee how dissapointing. ST can not wait to see baby ari's good luck with the impending whelping
  5. Oh Rv that's not good and to steal your glasse :S
  6. Thanks mirawee and congrats on your BOB's and good luck at your horse show :D that is great news yay
  7. Hugs, Emery. Hope everything works out okay. I had something similar happen with one of mine very recently - thought it was a lipoma, until it suddenly grew to the size of a 50c piece in 2 days. Off to the vets and it turned out to be sarcoma Two major surgeries later, and I have a healthy doggy back, but the surgery to remove all the margins was a shocker. The incision was the length of my hand-span! Oh good golly. Glad yours is better and they were able to get it out. That is what is worrying me the most the position not exactly much slack on an eyelid :s
  8. Thanks Ptolomy lets hope this is the end of bad luck for the perthies and our pets all pick up soon, its only just coming into cooler weather too But yes I spent all night beating myself up, I'd do anyhthing for my pets and to think i missed something like that makes me feel so bad how is scoota today? Hope he is on the mend.
  9. well it is entroprian it may or may not need surgery still he is on eye cream to bring the imflamation down and back on fri to have a looksie and decide. he has a lump on his eyelid which we thought was a wort or age spot vet had a look and its cancer i feel so guilty i didn't get it checked out earlier, she said other than his eye he is perfectly healthy but God I feel like the worst pet owner ever. So sorry big boy we will get it sorted i promise
  10. my big boy woke up with his eyes almost glued shut today :S he does suffer from from from ummm pregnancy brain um entropian or the other one i confused lol but they were terrible today he is off to vet too
  11. well they gave him a room last night, he has to pack everything up today as that room is someone else's so far still no room :S They are a bit disorganised totally hope they get sorted soon CC hope indi is ok
  12. Oh no, not good hope you get answers soon. hugs to you both
  13. well hubby flew out no worries gets up north to be told he has no bed or room :D he has a head cold and may be sleeping under the stars
  14. heheheh looks like hubby flies lunch time tomorrow should i hold my breathe??????? i just saw our national schedule for 2012 i better start saving now, several dogs entered, catalogue, critiques, and breed surveys on all dogs and that doesn't count obedience if i get myself organised lol around 200 or so mark :S and we got special dam/sire progeny classes too
  15. Thanks wazzat. I can laugh now but when tired and getting messed around this morning, i was a bit hormonal lol. He looks to be flying out tomorrow arvo but i wont hold my breathe I don't mind spending an extra night with him but now it looks like he wont be back in time for son's birthday which is sad
  16. I saw one recently that said never mind the dog beware of the cat and as i have a psycho kitty lol i thought it was great
  17. Happy Birthday Banjo. Well can i have a whinge not dog related at all lol. Got up at 3am today as hubby is supposed to fly to newman for his new job. Confirmed flights and when he had to be there. So wake children up get to airport to be told you are not on this flight :S If you come back at 5.45 we will call the comapny and find out what's going on. Fine come home for a bit go back (no sleep at all) they call up to be told he has to call his supervisor it's not our problem. Sigh. Hubby calls one of his bosses who tries desperately to contact one of the workers already in Newman to organise flights. 2 hours at the airport at this stage, Finally get a call new company have none of your paperwork. What the????? next flight isn't to 1.30pm Fine we going home then to get some sleep. Get home just before 8 with two tired and cranky adults and two very tired toddlers straight to bed for them and they still asleep. Phone call have you done this this and this. Yes as soon as it arrived. Well company can't find it we will try get you on a flight tomorrow. They had better be paying hubby as he is supposed to be working and we can't afford for him not to it's their stuff up and I am rather annoyed. Okay vent over Resume normal posting lol
  18. this is my boy he and my other dog at the time chased and killed my daughters rabbit i say trying to play as not a mark on rabbit, here he is with the cats he mother's them hope it helps
  19. I hope you can find something he will eay. And fingers crossed he is stablilized
  20. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=219153 if anyone can help
  21. aww ptolomy i am so sorry i hope you get to the bottom of it. rest easy moo
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