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Everything posted by MavericksMission

  1. That's really awesome Pheebs! I have been shooting everyday but just never really get around to uploading them.
  2. I am so very very sorry for your loss Run Free Blacky
  3. Day FiftyNine; Day Sixty; Day SixtyOne; Day SixtyTwo;
  4. Not to mention the very strange looking and pretty scary feline looking down on them - LOL.
  5. here is a quick one I took last night. Maverick is the best, most gentle, loving, patient dog in the world! kittens climbing all over him and he doesn't bat an eyelid!
  6. Maverick is just a name I loved. Willow again was just a name that I always loved but also after Willow from Buffy :laugh: Oliver (ginger cat) was named after the ginger kitten in the disney movie Oliver & Company.
  7. sorry about the overload of Willow! everyone else add some more cuteness to the thread! :D
  8. Just a couple of iphone snaps! Snuggles with her best friend Freddy the foster kitten.. Walks on the beach.. Sand monster on the way home from the beach.. Helping me edit photos.. Snoozing with Mav.. Doing some weeding..
  9. More Westie pics you ask? I'm sure I can manage that.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: yes she is very OTT! hehe
  10. Day FiftyEight; I love long walks on the beach..
  11. My weekend on at work again Might make it one this year! :laugh:
  12. so very sorry for your loss run free Charlie
  13. Day FiftySix; Z is for Zoom Lens.. Quick iPhone Snap!
  14. he is seriously such a handsome dog CM! --- Day FiftyFour; X is for "X Marks the Spot"
  15. since I'm on a roll with the animal cruelty dress ups may as well post this one of Maverick I took today for my photo challenge! :laugh:
  16. I think deep down I knew she would be a FF the minute I took her home and she fell in love with Maverick but I liked to make myself think I was taking her back.. :laugh: :laugh:
  17. awesome catch up LMS! --- Day FiftyFour; W is for Wonderful Willow Wearing Wings.. :laugh:
  18. Willow asked me to post this photo as she is the cutest fairy princess pooch around... :laugh::laugh:
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