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Everything posted by MavericksMission

  1. Thirteen ; Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil
  2. Thirteen ; Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil
  3. Thanks MavericksMission...... :D MM you caved waaay too early, we could've got a few bottles of wine out of this I reckon ;) Doh! ;) ...
  4. Eleven ; Confusion (Mouse kicked Bernard out of his new house so that he could test it out!)
  5. Stay Safe Queensland Dolers! ;) & Congratz WA Hope your feeling better soon TLC Eleven ; Confusion (Mouse kicked Bernard out of his new house so that he could test it out!)
  6. LOL.... can I please join? Pumpitdog, is Blister a rought coat? Wow.... he is beautiful! Ravyk, love the cross road giants photo... Otto meditating.... We would love to have pics of Ringo & Nandi!
  7. Gorgeous photos as always everyone! Ten ; Thirsty
  8. Well My Muttley Boy Turned Two Today! Time sure has flown, he has been there for me when I have needed him the most. My big wolf dog, muttley boy, fluffy bum, smoochy man, I love you so much! ;) ;) ;) ;) From This To This
  9. Eight ; The Cone of Shame Nine ; Big Brown Eyes (in honour of Maverick's 2nd Birthday today! )
  10. Eight ; The Cone of Shame Nine ; Big Brown Eyes (in honour of Maverick's 2nd Birthday today! )
  11. It is one of those things that bobs it's head from side to side when the sun shines on it, bit random, but I think it's cute!
  12. Great photos guys! Poor effort from me today, was really busy 07.01.11 ; Always Smiling
  13. Day 7 ; Always Smiling. very poor effort from me, been really busy today.
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