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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. I think you can do it in 5 weeks. Depends how "bad" is his condition right now, but if he is just a bit flabby then you can do it. As for having super muscles - that meeds a bit more then a month, althought you will see an improvement pretty soon. You would have to assess what excercise has he been doing in the recent weeks and basically do more from now on. I would be doing swimming and joggin each day, and no rest days unless you see him in lame or in pain. I mean - getting up slower would indicate to me that he is a bit stiff and in a bit of pain. I would still excercise, just not as much Good luck at the Royal.
  2. You can always check THIS website On a more serious note - what do you want to do with the dog, maybe that will help.
  3. Dobe but they are not generally people friendly and more on the aloof side Gsd Poodle
  4. Voted Scary that there is more yes votes then no votes!!!
  5. if you choose ASAP be prepared to wait for the results for months. Ive done a vwd test on my litter of pups and waited about 5 months for results, Ive done it with another lab before and got the results is 2-3 weeks. ASAP was cheaper, but Im not going to use them again.
  6. Oh I've seen the xolos around and only now realise that it was you lol.
  7. She is coming with me house hunting. BUT you never know I might end up living close to you as Im looking at Hornsby as well. Sorry for the Off topic!
  8. Im bringing Fury to Spring Fair on Sunday if anyone wants to get her off my hands. My neighbours will love you for ever so will my BF Ill let you play with her first - do the assesment if you can cope with the freak ;)
  9. MonElite Dobermann? ;) Only kidding! But if you want Ill lend you Fury for a week ;) that should teach you a bit more about over excited dogs that want to do more. She does have an off switch, but on occassion when you want to turn it off it keeps flicking over to on
  10. I dare say it was mostly about reliability of malinois and non reliability across gsds
  11. I feed raw. I have dogs that are 40kg each and it costs me less then $2 a day to feed each one of them. They are in a fantastic condition healthy super shiny coats and white teeth
  12. Really? I always thought it was the GSD.
  13. Now, it is funny and we call this dog clever, well trained and cute. Replace this dog with a rottie, dobe, GSD or doG forbid a pittbull and its no longer funny, its serious stuff, that most would consider very dangerous.
  14. like moths to the flame. He has a uneducated view of dog training and behaviours. People wiht a lot of experience in dog ownership, training, behaviours, protection training, police work etc try to tell him that he is wrong. Its a shame that general public is very uneducated about dog ownership, and one of the reasons that accidents such as the one that this thread is about, happen. There isnt enough education about dog ownership, this site provides a lot to those that want to learn, but it seems MattB isnt one of those willing to open his horisons. Unfortunatelly that is also representative of the general population.
  15. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Since you know it all, why dont you tell us all more about your breed, your achievements in some dog sports and share what knowledge you have in regards to training. So far you have been impressed with some dogs recall, said that it cant be achieved with a specific breed (pitbull) and told us that labradors are great family pets that never bite. Few videos that I posted just ruined your theory, but I am still super interested in what breed do you have and what do you do with your dog.
  16. And one of my favourite little dogs doing bite work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTN5kTkdvME "Lucky" he is dead now, imagine that furious thing, super dangerous!!! Band those as well............ :rolleyes:
  17. MattB - so labradors are all ok??? Check these out, they are capable to bite!
  18. MattB you are wrong re police and army. The reason these dogs are not used is that they are to friendly towards people. When trained they tend to focus way to much on the equipment rather then a person. The rather bite the sleeve then an arm. Plus most are not big enough
  19. Sadly it does. Look at my profile picture, of a totally goofed out happy dobe. I showed this photo to a girl at work she was petrified
  20. Look media invented a new breed -
  21. And CARS especially!!! Eve the licencing sysem, harsh penalties and all sorts of restrictions do not make driving a car a completly safe experience. In any country...
  22. And another very informative report HERE Despite all the restrictions etc check out how many people drown in the backyard pool every year, and even in the bath! Should pools be banned?
  23. Hereis an interesting article for MathewB to read and start a campaign to erradicate all horses, then bulls and cows in Australia. Here are some other stats: Human Deaths in Australia Between 1980-1990, Inclusive (from Stevens & Paxton, 1992) Cause of Death Total Deaths Crocodile Attacks 8 Shark Attacks 11 Lightning Strikes 19 Bee Stings 20 Scuba Diving Accidents 88 Drownings/Submersions 3,367 Motor Vehicle Accidents 32,772
  24. Are you sure it was the sexual preference that the breeder decided not to sell you a dog? Maybe it was something else and you just perceive it as that... On another note - as my general observation - I think gay couples are some of the best dog owners around. Providing they met my other strict criteria I would have put a gay couple on top of my puppy waiting list. Its hard to compete with usually double income and no kids homes. ;)
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