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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. If I go to a hairdresser to have my hair coloured I expect to pay for the hair dye AND the service that comes with it, not just the hair dye. How is buing a puppy different?
  2. Here is one for you from today. Someone told me that they won't be buying a dog from me because I wouldn't let them come and look at the puppies right now, that I made them feel uncomfortable about not allowing them to come, and it all just doesn't seem right. When they asked about visiting, I said that the can visit when puppies are 6-7 weeks old. And as to adults, they can see the father at a show, as he is being shown on weekend and doesn't belong to me. But I wont be going to the show as its in Wollongong. My puppies are less than 2 weeks old. Yes I will let the masses of "tyre kickers" come and upset my feeding bitch with tiny puppies. Not!
  3. There are no guarantees with pure bred or BYB dogsor rescued dogs when it comes to health. I can guarantee that my puppies will not be vWD affected as both parents have been tested for it. I can also guarantee that they dont have the DCM gene, as both parents have been tested for that and are negative. Can I guarantee that they will never get Cardio? No. Because there might be more than one gene responsible for the desease. And we dont have tests for the other genes as yet. And I can not guarantee that the puppy wont have cancer, that it wont have bloat, that will not have something else. Why?? because there are no tests for those. Because many are not only genetic but also environmental. Wobblers - so many dobes have it, there is no test, dogs get it mostly very late in life and its basically impossible to breed out. Not to mention that environmental factors play a very big role in Wobblers.
  4. For pics of puppies have a look at http://www.facebook.com/MonEliteDobermanns I dont know how to attach them here from the phone
  5. That's a bit different to many of my experiences. I often get a phone call, despite the fact that in the advertisement I ask to fill in an enquiry form on my website. The phone call usually is I've seen your add on the Internet, have you got puppies? Yes, what website did you find me on? On the net, google (I give them a list of potential sites) Don't know but you've got puppies, right? Yes I have puppies How much for a big black male, with a big head and chest? After I tell them how much some just say -oh ok, thanks Some say - but I've seen a couple in the training post for $300 each Not a lot of questions about lines, temperament or the health testing there lol
  6. All the pups have put on massive amounts of weight since yesterday. And Furia is looking and feeling fantastic!
  7. another shot, if you look closely you will see that she is carrying a puppy in her mouth. So cute and so gently! Freaks everyone out tho :laugh:
  8. Well said. It's good for the general pet public to find out how the purebred system works. Especially the enormous amount of thought & effort that goes into producing puppies. As well as the emotional & financial demands on the breeders. From that perspective, the price of puppies is modest. In need of something educational? here is something Ive changed that bedding 5 times during the birth of the puppies. It got worse at times than whats on the photos. Do I need to say that I was covered in all this as well?
  9. I tell "no" to more people than "yes"
  10. Here is the lot of them She is an outstanding mum, and is doing really well herself, she is happy, wags the tail when I talk to her, eats well and does a fantastic job of looking after them. My one fantastic bitch :love:
  11. Lol pebbles Furia is doing great, she is such a good mum ! And pups are doing well too, all gained weight or at least didnt loose any, since yesterday.
  12. Thanks everyone. That was/isn't all. It's just part of one day. I'm very lucky that I had someone teach me how to pull puppies out, how to revive them and whim u can all any time and they will lead me through what to do or not to do. I've used that "phone a friend" helpline a lot, and still do. I'm lucky that I've only lost one puppy and didn't have to do a ceserean. That I have a great vet friend, great partner and a fantastic bitch. It's only day 2. They are doing well. And I had 4 hours sleep straight! Woohoo!
  13. Mum and her live 12 puppies are doing perfectly fine. She is an exceptional mum.
  14. I always say that if someone gives me an indication that what I charge for puppies is expensive, or that when they hear the price and know the number of the puppies in the litter, say "wow thats a lot of money for you", Id slap them. But Ive been thinking (after my Furia gave birth to a lovely litter at 12 pups) that I might bring the price down by outsourcing some of the functions of dog breeding. What I was willing to outsource yesterday was 1. sucking the birth waters out of the dead pups lungs, gaging and spitting it out, whilst trying to revive ones born dead 2. same as above except spitting it through a car window (very un-lady like) on the way to the vets, while she gave birth to one in the car. 3. the dogs yelp and cry when she was in biggest pain contracting a breach puppy with no sack, the look in her eyes and my heart breaking that Im responsible for that 4. two consecutive sleepless days and night, when I crouched in the whelping box to the point I could no longer feel my knees nor my back. 5 the heartbrake after my inablity of bringing the puppy back to life, born dead as it was in the birth canal for to long, breach, no sack and I couldnt physically pull it out. I gave the puppy CPR for 10 minutes, while trying to get the bitch away from the puppy. 6. the look on her face when she followed me to the bin with the dead puppy. 7. She has 9 tits and 12 puppies. No puppy is interested in a milk replacement from the bottle. 8 someones telling me how negative I am when I say to them that I will not sell them a male dog (they dont want to desex it) and have 5 working entire males on their acerage with no fencing. So yeah, whoever you are next going WOW at the price of my puppies, stick it. Or suck on some birth waters and than we talk about me giving you a discount. Rant over - I think I need to sleep ;-)
  15. 12 live pups born yesterday 21.2.13 one arrived dead after being there for way to long, without a sack and breach. I couldnt revive it :-( two are a question mark but looks like they are improving so I hope that they will continue that way Furia very tired, and so am I.
  16. Confimed, she is definitelly pregnant
  17. MonElite - Dobermanns 19.02.2013 (I hope!) More info here Planned MonElite litter
  18. I also have this Failure to comply with the above terms and conditions may result in the Breeder reclaiming the abovementioned Dobermann, including any relevant paperwork, with no obligation to the Buyer whatsoever. and I guess this is scary enough at the begging, so if someone doenst want to, they dont have to buy from me :)
  19. I dont know about other breeders but I certainly want the dogs I bred back, in the event where the owners cant/dont want to keep the dog. I have this as part of the contract that owners sing when they buy a dog from me The Buyer confirms that he/she is purchasing the Dobermann with the intention of keeping the Dobermann for the duration of its life. The Buyer agrees that the dog not be transferred, sold or given away to anyone. (Should the afore-mentioned happen to take place without the Breeder/Sellers consent the Breeder/Seller shall receive $10 000 in damages). In the event where the Buyer’s life situation may force him/her to re-home the Dobermann, the first option will be given to the Breeder. The Breeder will accept the return of this Dobermann with any relevant paperwork (registration papers signed over to the breeder, micro-chipping papers etc.).
  20. I belive people should have self responsibility when multiplying, but they dont. But when it comes to animals and crops there are plenty of others to judge and question. So no I dont belive in Eugenics as this would be forcing people to do something they dont want to do. But since this is off topic it should be left alone, or should anyone choose to start an "off topic" subject I might participate.
  21. Oh yes ;then one would hope there would be less rude arrogant people in the world. Is that a dig at me? :) Less heart problems, less diabietes, less dissabilities and hopefully more and more intelligence
  22. If only people applied to themselves what (most) breeders apply to when selecting parnets of their next litter, I think world would be a diffrent place :-) harsh but true.
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