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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. http://www.facebook.com/?sk=nf#!/pages...ND/313184537797
  2. I know that my dogs track in food drive. Im talking tracking as following footsteps of a person. My dogs also air scent and will chase a rabbit in a field, and that is done in prey drive. When they air scent and its not followed by a hunting behaviour its simply becasuse there is not enought trigger for them to go into drive, not that they are not driven dogs.
  3. Craig Murray Premier Dog Training 0408113874 Nathan McCredie Dog Gone Mad 0424674 763 and K9Pro member here
  4. Ball games? Hockey, Soccer, Football, Basketball, Netball etc I think this would clasified as play drive Prey would be hunting.
  5. Forgot about them maybe greyhounds to lure should be added to it? potentially LGB's as well? herding? or were we taling about teaching dog some obedience by doing training in drive?
  6. corvus that invitation that I extended for you to come and watch a training session at the Waratah Club still stands. I remember you saying there are no good trainers in Sydney, I dare say you just havent met any yet and there are few on this site
  7. You mean countless number of forums around the world...
  8. Who in their right mind would train a dog in YOUR definition of prey drive??? I guess I could - gimme some bunnies to chase and catch Divani will be a superstar! You might find that the term - training in prey drive - is used "globaly" and defined as a dogs desire to chase and catch fast moving OBJECTS, not live animals.
  9. Did anyone ever say it was? How about a movement of a person towards the dog? Waving a stick, cracking a whip and advancing in an angry manner on the dog. Sure it can trigger a drive, just not the one you are thinking about here. But as a definition - prey drive is a desire of of a carnivore to persue and catch prey. I guess for training purposes it can be adapted as - dogs desire to chase and catch fast moving OBJECTS (not always animals)
  10. That's my point, though. How is it that some dogs know instinctively that a rabbit is a prey animal without ever having seen one, whereas others are only triggered when a rabbit runs? It seems to me that in the latter example, you could argue that it's the movement that triggers them rather than the rabbit itself. The few dogs I've met that go into drive at the sight of a stationary rabbit without ever having chased a rabbit before have been seriously prey driven dogs. I said before that this is what I think of as a prey driven dog. Seeing as they have an instinctive drive for prey, not chasing prey specifically. I can not belive you asked this question....... I would have thought that someone that is doing phd in animal behaviour would know the answer! Each animal has different triggers (or a combo of) to go into prey drive. Sight, smell, movement, potential touch plus all of it nicely packaged with past experiences triggers or doesnt trigger the dog. And how is it? one dog has genetics towrds movement the other towards the smell. Again with learned experiences it can change or it doesnt. Since you have schutzhund trainers as freinds ask them how some breeders judge the tracking ability of a puppy. I can tell you that some breeders will say that if a one day old pup rolls away from the mother for a significant distance and goes in cicrcles to get back to her to feed, rather then in a straight line, it wont do well in tracking.
  11. So it actually wasnt a FAMILY dog, right? It was a newely rehomed dog with some family that was not aware of triggers for the dog.....
  12. If you can speak Serbian then its easy enough to communicate in Polish. But if I had a choice Id go to North Italy Cold enough to go skiing, warm enough to to the sea, close enough to all countries, great food, nice people, just need to watch the handbag all the time...
  13. Im laughing about it now to, just wasnt on the day.
  14. And I guess they should deregister all the sch titled dogs, imports including.
  15. Funny that all working line breeders of sch eligible breeds advertise it freely and they are still registered breeders. Also funny that ANKC would have something agains 2/3 of the sport - considering they hold competitions in those disciplines themselves. Or is it that they have someting agains bite work and dont really understand the sport as a whole, hence made some decision based on histeria rather then knowledge?
  16. The truth is that I actually only (pretty much) use the 2 sprenger balls (at training) and 2 orbee balls at the beach as they float. I use one fleecy tug and of course a bite pillow. All other stuff is just there, and I only use it when I forget to take something with me, or cant be bothered to go to the car to get the good stuff. I took Furia for a bit of a training session last night on my street (I normally only train at the club or in one park) and Im sure people thought this dog is crazy She was tugging on the rope of the ball, and t some stage I took the check chain off her and she decided that this could be good value as well and grabbed it.
  17. I dont have a build up, everything here gets destroyed pretty fast. My dogs can ripp up a large orbee ball -this is while Im holding the rope Oh I forgot about my Kong collection there are several of them
  18. yeah..... I have orbee balls (3) sprenger balls (3) They are 3 as I had 2 and lost one and then bought new 2 fleecy tugs I made myself bite pillow bite tug had a fire hose tug, it was brilliant, left it out, it got stolen and destroyed plus countless number of ropes, fluffy toys, balls, chuckers etc
  19. Fortunately I have never been in a situation where my dogs would be put to test. And I hope I never will be in such situation!!! Once I did a pretend real life scenario with Rex where a guy jumped from behind a car (someone Rex never met before) and attacked me. We kept the distance for the guy not to get hurt but Rex went for him, angry, hackles, barking. Would he bite? dont know, I dare say he would. Girls - they would definitely nip someone, would they do a full grip and hold - I doubt it. If they were on lead they would go for it, if they were off lead they would make a lot of noice and probably kept the distance (about 2-3 m) Divani has nipped peole that walked in to my yard without invitation. Rex once nipped a friend that was play fighting with me in my living room. Also Divani guards my flatemates car, whenever he takes her with him. Mind you she doesnt guard MY car But my dogs when barking and carrying on certainly put on a good show, good enough for people to take a step back. Anyone that they have never met before arriving at my front gate moves back several steps and has a sheer horror in their eyes
  20. People that are serious about competitions do it often. As often as they choose a dog with right temperament for what they want, and as often as they train their chosen way. Pet owners -nah they go to a dog park and let the dogs mingle. Does this satisfy your vague curiosity? If you want statistical data, why dont you run a poll
  21. To me Honey loos perfect, on that note I need to slim my dogs down a bit
  22. I dont know, but I dont think so. And Im not 100% sure if he will come, this is the info I got, and I hope its true, Ill try to contact him directly to confirm, maybe even get him to come on regular basis, he used to.
  23. Ill ask him to come to training again if you want Kavik
  24. Seen him and spoke to him many times, novelty wore off for me but he is a nice guy so will be good to catch up
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