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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. Why does she need it then?
  2. Beautiful dog. One comment - a haltie and a long line should never be used together!! You can so easily damage the dogs neck...
  3. Rexs breeder - I no longer talk to. Divanis breeder - Im best friends with. other dogs I have I bred myself.
  4. Yup Im another ruthless fan If you are going to have pics of the dogs taken they should be dressed up in a collar made by ruthless leather.
  5. MonElite


    Lately in the cold weather and rain he wasnt doing well. Id leave him in a coat today and be stressing all day that he is cold. He probably wouldnt move of a sofa that they have outside till I came back home from work and then he would just try to snuggle up to me....
  6. MonElite


    Horrible weather. Divani inherited Rexs coat, Furia took his place in front of the fire place for good by the looks of it. I went to get dog meat and had to pack it for the freezer in smaller bags
  7. MonElite


    I will never forget his face and his eyes. I was making dinner last night and cut some bacon up, normally when I did it Id call him to give him a piece. He just wasnt there last night
  8. MonElite


    I found some fun threads about Rex or with him in them, they all should bright up everyones day Thief Call the RSPCA Free to a good home, show dobie
  9. MonElite


    I found a youtube slideshow I made 3 years ago, of Rex and his friends (dog and human) Its never been more appropriate then now. And yes it makes me cry, but it shows you what kind of life he had
  10. MonElite


    Yes I've got them I'll post them tomorrow off to bed now I haven't slept for about 40 hours
  11. MonElite


    Yes I've got them I'll post them tomorrow off to bed now I haven't slept for about 40 hours
  12. MonElite


    He would lay down in front of the fire place these days. I walked into the room and Furia took his place, she never slept there before. Totally freaked me out, everywhere I look, everything I touch reminds me of him.
  13. MonElite


    Yes but at work, I can post it tomorrow
  14. MonElite


    Good bye my beautiful boy.............. REX officially known as Grand Champion Alldobe Strike It Lucky ET 07.01.2000 - 25.05.2010 I have no words to express how sad I am, and Ripley wrote beautiful eulogy for him in the dobe thread, so Ill copy it here. Few people have photos of him, I have so many that I dont know which ones to choose. When he was young? When he was a show dog? When he destroyed toys and looked super cute? When he was on a kayak with me? At the beach? Asleep? With other dogs? With people, parrots or bunny? So if you have a photo of my boy to share, feel free to post them here. I will miss him for ever.
  15. My dogs are bilingual. They undersand several words both in English and Polish
  16. that would not be a great breeding programme for my prefix, same sire 8 times ...
  17. Im kennel blind and only love my own dogs. "maternal" instincts tell me my child is the preetiest and looks best dressed in that collar. Sorry Knuckles
  18. His grandmother Paola Penelopa Piligrimas - I had seen her in RL, oh I wanted to take her home...........
  19. Nek - it will cost you aprox 10-15K, cmon you can do it. Ill pay you 2k stud fee when I want use him, if you let me of course
  20. pretty but it looked a lot better on my dobermann
  21. When it comes to boarding there is no better place then PAXs
  22. Wouldnt you let the new owners pick their pet names?
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