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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. I had a handlers spot at a seminar here near Sydney and althought Im not making a shrine I did like him a lot. Very good trainer, great speaker and entertainer. It was a pure pleasure to attend the seminar and if he ever comes back again Ill be attending again!
  2. I havent purchased but sold puppies from my first litter as a breeder. I was open about it with the buyers and I tired to give them more info then most long term breeders normally would. I had no problems selling puppies and I dont have any ongoing problems with any of the dogs or buyers.
  3. $200 in the northern suburbs? - you pretty much have no chances. My BF went through this not long ago and for that price there was nothing. Perhaps start looking in other suburbs...
  4. Send me her prefix or pedigree and Ill tell you more. Dobe is a medium size dog, but so is a border collie. Dobe is a dog that meant to bring a man down, so it has to have some substance. In Australia in the standard we have a specific height for them, a male should be 69cm. FCI standard has a range and it is 68-72cm. And a 72cm dobe is a big dog. I could do a search here or on other forums to show you when people look for a dobe and they all say - oh I think Im going to get a working line one as the show ones look like whippets, they have no substance, no bone pin heads. Sure there are some that do, but I have no doubt that some of the working lines ones do too!
  5. Its about my breed - dobermanns. ALL THE TIME I hear this "story" - My dobie is big as he/she is from the working lines. Its not a show dog. My WORKING line dog has substance. (I translate it as - your show dogs dont have any) Well I have show dogs and my girls are nearly 40kg each, Im not able to hold onto them on a flat collar if they pull me. They are not fat, they are strong big boned dobermanns. My Divanis brother - that has several significant wins in the show ring is 46kg and there is no way anyone would call that dog non substantial. Im sick and tired of hearing how big/substantial and sizeable are dogs from working lines. And that apparently show dobes are not! maybe some people need to go to a show to have a look around..... I know few dogs from working lines and countless number of show dogs. The working line bitches I met were tiny, mine tower over them and weigh nearly twice as much. What is it with people that they continue saying it? Do the working line breeders have such strong propaganda that show dobes are like whippets and general public belives them? Again newby today on here - I have a working line dobie pup - its going to be big. Well - get a show dobie from me and it will also be big! Rant over For the purpose of the thread - what is it that annoys you that people say about your breed. And I cetainly hope this thread is not going to end up another show v's working lines.... please dont if you are tempted to turn it that way!
  6. As a shortes possible description Id say that Drive is the dogs persistant willingness to do something, how motivated is the dog. Nerve is the dogs ability to deal with stress (such as new places, several istraction etc)
  7. All of my dogs are pushy, And Rex was as well. They demand stuff and they are rude. Some more then the others. I put it down to dominance, or sometimes passive dominance. In a way I like it but couple of my dogs are so bloody rude that its hard to belive. Love them anyway!
  8. Anything that I've got in my hand. If I have it and say the magic word she wants it. But I guess the favs are the bite sleave and bite pillow, Sprenger balls on strink, Orbee balls on string, any tug toy that fits in her mouth, the polar fleece onces, jute ones, soccer ball, fluffy toys........ whatever
  9. If you went to his live show when he was here in Oz you would know he wasnt trying to be pack leader in his house. He said he preffers to be in a calm submisive state, and his wife to rule. :rolleyes:
  10. Thank you for your kind words. someone in the Dobe thread wouldnt agree with you yesterday I used Garrison Moravia Heart as well, in fact I was the first person that used him. I chose that dog because I have spend significant amount of time with him and his temperament is to die for. Perhaps not for the faint hearted as this is a busy busy busy dog that needs a lot of attention and play time and training and and and and and. But this is what I wanted. He is very friendly and confident and I dont think I have ever seen a better head on any dobermann EVER anywhere in the world, I just love it, but of course its MY personal opinion. The pupps he sired have great temperaments, I have met several from other breeders. I used Federico Moravia Heart as well he has a better conformation then Garrison and the pupps sired by him are also to die for. The pup in my avatar is by Garrison. Fireax have a litter by Federico right now. To a bitch that I wanted to steal and begged on my knees to buy. But Fireax breeder kept her for herself Oh how nice are you? You will find that many working line breeders will tell you that show dobes are the skinny whippet like animals, and I say to that they need to go to a dog show to check the dobes that are currently in the ring. Yes of course there are some that are on a smaller side but most are not. All my pupps are super substantial, my Fireax bitch is a large bitch and she was put to large European dogs hence whatever came out is a size of a pony Accidentally the smallest bitch I have ever seen was from Von Forell lines. Cracker of a dog but tiny. Probably about 25kg, where mine are 38kg. Both males from my first litter were over 40kg at 12 months of age and not a gram of fat. This is one of the dogs I bred (by Federico) - he doesnt live with me
  11. Yeah its a AquaPets website, Im yet to do a MonElite one. One day when I have time.......
  12. Some more info for you http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=175328 As for breeders (not working lines) I recommend Fireax Coppertop Ebondobe Anamist Bisart and of course MonElite plus many more all around Australia.
  13. How much time are you willing to give your dog EVERY day? have you ever owned dobermanns before, or any strong brainy confident dominant dogs?
  14. At the weekend seminar that I went to someone had a simmilar problem to you. Kamal suggested to shape the tug and he tried all the sch techniques on the dog, - such as flirt pole letting the dog win it easily, pretending to steal it. Big thing he did with any excercise was to generalise it in all areas, it looks as if you didnt generalise the play with Kaos
  15. Sometimes training is cancelled due to rain, if I know that it is before 4pm today Ill post it here, but from 4 onwards I wont be in front of the computer. If you are coming today bring some treats and your dogs fav toy - preferably a tug toy. Dog to remain in the car while others are being trained. Potentially see you there
  16. What do yo need to know? Training is at Horsely Park Showgrounds, Horsley Drive Horsey Park on Mondays 7.30pm.
  17. Why not go to a sch club and ask? Godfried Dildey has a brilliant book and a set of dvds expaling more then just the heeling. But there are "nowmal" obediecne people out there that know how to teach the attention heeling, are there any at obedience trials where you are? Some of them are on DOL - dont be shy guys
  18. Rockdale, Kogarah, Bexley Carlton etc are areas near me, it takes me 45 minutes by public transport to get to work in the city. Look for suburbs along the southern line, you might find something suitable. A train from Kogarah to the city takes about 20 minutes, if not less.
  19. ruthless makes really nice leads and collars
  20. There is no better kennel in Sydney then Pax's one (she is a member here) Several DOLers had their dogs there (myself including) and all were super happy.
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