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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. Most in Dobe thread would be reading this anyway. I was talking about dobe yahoo mailing list Im a member of.
  2. What do your dogs do? How many kg per dog did you have to feed? At the time my dogs were going for hour-ish walks per day, dog training once a week, 10-15mins of training each night, Bronx would work with me in-store on one day a weekend and any play they did through the day. At once stage i was feeding up to 4-6kgs per day per dog every day - i even got them vet checked and he was surprised that they could be that skinny eating that much since they weren't in growing stages. They were getting barf mix (mulched chickens as meat based) as well as meaty bones (lamb, turkey, chicken, pork as main meats) that they could eat the entirety of, so that weight didn't include uneaten bone. That is jsut unbelieveable. 4-6 kg for a dog that is 30-40 kg? My dobes are about 40kg each, they do about 45min leash free running a day, two play basically non stop all day. Training once a week, sometimes more often. Those that play non stop eat 1-1.5kg of whatever I give them a day the one that doesnt play eats about 1kg and is always a bit fat. My boyfriends dog - apparently mastif x ridgeback eats about 1.5kg a day, he is less active then my dobes but goes to work with the BF that is a tradie so he is up and about all day. 5kg for a GSD is insane, how much dry do you give them? 3kg each? Funny you say that Anne. On an odd accasion I might run out or forget to defrost stuff for my dogs natural diet. (I dont call it BARF as I have never purchased BARF patties, I just feed natual, raw ingredients) So when I forget to have raw for the dogs they are given kibble, with a can of makrel. And I always say - today them having Mc Donalds. I dont really eat that much of commercially produced foods, never buy ready made pasta sauce, I tend to cook a lot. I sin by eating sweets, mind you dogs get some of my sinning foods too. All are a picture of health, and no strangers to palish sausage as a training treat
  3. ZERO activity on the dobe list. I wonder if its an indication of most not giving a rats a*se about the issue.
  4. Dobe list has been super quiet - there were no post in regards to the matter, what are the rottie people doing/talking about doing?
  5. And this is a new pledge post, easier to read and a bit more user freindly STOP ANKC PIRACY FROM COMPROMISING THE INTEGRITY OF OUR REGISTRY! Dear Canine Friends The ANKC is not doing its job by providing us with correct and accurate pedigrees. On the Dogs Victoria website is a new ANKC directive. Namely that Schutzhund titles, "obtained in other countries by dogs imported into Australia will not be added to the ANKC database at the time of registration. Furthermore, that Schutzhund titles such as ScH & IPO previously added to the ANKC database will be removed. ScH, IPO and other similar titles are a form of attack training and the ANKC does not recognise these titles or discipline." Resist this unjustified farce being perpetrated upon us by our own Kennel Club, to our detriment and that of our dogs! Write to the ANKC http://www.ankc.org.au/Contact-Us.aspx to register your protest at their rogue action, falsifying Australian pedigrees by omission, in breach of FCI regulations. By this policy the ANKC are devaluing OUR dogs and OUR Australian pedigrees. FCI IPO / SchH titles add value to our dogs at home and internationally. International accreditation which we pay to have to enhance our dog's working credentials and thus the status and value of their offspring. These are official titles - titles that belong to the dogs that earned them. As such they are required to follow the dog and should remain part of their Australian records as well. By overthrowing these titles the ANKC is in breach of its formal agreement with FCI, that obliges all Kennel Clubs to recognise each other's pedigrees, judges and titles (which includes FCI IPO / SchH titles), provided they are not contrary to the laws enacted by Governments of the countries concerned. Seeing as the Sport of Schutzhund is NOT declared illegal in any state in Australia, the ANKC has no grounds to claim immunity from compliance on the latter grounds. Nor can they claim that IPO / SchH titles earned in FCI countries are the subject of censorship by Australian law either. Frankly, any Australian canine official claiming to know what they are talking about, who then stands up in this day and age to say that IPO / Schutzhund is a form of "attack training", is either trapped in the Jurassic Period or is deliberately deceiving the listener/reader to justify the unjustifiable. What does that say about the integrity of their motives when Dogs Victoria / ANKC are in possession of the transcript from the 1998 Victorian court case "Burns VS City of Casey", where, after reviewing all the evidence the presiding court judge made the finding that Schutzhund training was not attack dog training and that the training did not result in a dog more likely to bite, but rather in a dog less likely to bite. The bottom line is the ANKC has no valid justification to remove these titles. Which most likely explains why they have not engaged in any proper consultation with those whose pedigrees are going to arbitrarily down-graded and whose dogs stand to lose in value as a consequence. The ANKC is not only riding rough-shod over our right to have accurate pedigrees, but does this in breach of its international obligations. The ANKC should be concerned that this very slippery slope they have chosen to take on our behalf, but without our consent, is not only stripping owners of an asset, but is jeopardising the international standing of our Australian pedigrees if not their own credibility in the eyes of the world. What is really behind Dogs Victoria/ANKC's high-handed behaviour? Join the dots and it soon becomes clear who is driving this latest attempt to demonise and exclude the sport. The German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia has engaged in an almost rabid anti-Schutzhund / IPO campaign via a variety of agencies and forums over many years now. Disgracefully so, being anti-competitive and to the detriment of their own breed as well as to the wider working dog and service dog community. Thanks to a small, self-serving group entrenched within the hierarchy of the German Shepherd Dog fraternity, a highly sophisticated performance test is relegated to being called "attack training" and our dog's official working titles dismissed and discriminated against. The GSDCA hierarchy might be driving this cracked jalopy but clearly the ANKC are complicit by enabling them to harm the interests and investments of other members. Who benefits when important FCI working titles and their accreditations are wiped out by a keystroke? As if those dogs had never passed those trials and those official titles had never existed. To know this we need to go back in time. The GSDCA wish to dismantle the sport of Schutzhund / IPO in this country. Not for any grand, higher purpose they've tried to sell us (bad luck for them that internet came along, together with exposure of their lies and propaganda), but rather, because the World Union of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) Charter, of which the GSDCA is a signatory, requires all its member nations to support the Sport of Schutzhund and to encourage their members to participate in it. Having Schutzhund training available to their members might then lead to WUSV wanting them to comply with other Schutzhund-related SV/WUSV programs as well; such as a more demanding character test which includes Schutzhund elements, or requiring Excellent-rated dogs at the Main Breed Show be Schutzhund titled. The GSDCA hierarchy have no idea how to run a Schutzhund program themselves, thus accredited Schutzhund organizations that can are a threat to their Constituency. Of course, the GSDCA could always resign from the WUSV. Clearly they don't share their values nor genuinely wish to comply with the terms of the WUSV Charter. But they do want their cake and eat it too, so instead seek the disappearance of the sport in this country and will do whatever it takes. The fanatic never stops to consider the collateral damage done to others from their hostile actions and this latest ruling is a case in point. Their greater triumph though has been the Victorian anti-dog legislation, that effectively criminalizes normal people unfortunate enough to get caught "hetzing" their dog using an "object in their hand." (I.e.: The wording is open to just about anything in this genre, including tennis balls on string etc.) GSDCV moles within Dogs Victoria and the Victorian (DPI) Department of Primary Industries lobbied hard to get this lunatic legislation up after the failure to make the case in court that Schutzhund dogs were dangerous attack dogs. Undeterred, they simply moved the goal posts to promoting more creative legislative wording. Long term thinking not being their strong point, the police and other canine services in that state find they also can fall victim to a bureaucracy gone mad! The wording is so broad it captures people who train dogs in a professional capacity to those doing perfectly safe hobby actitivies. Those responsible show no regrets that ordinary dog owners can now be criminalized for engaging in quite harmless activities with their dogs. The recent assault on the integrity of our Australian pedigrees has come about because, again, short-sighted, self serving bullies within the GSDCA hierarchy want their narrow prejudices to prevail at any cost. In their enthusiasm to bring down IPO / Schutzhund, devalue our dogs and impinge on our rights to enjoy our chosen hobby, they managed to shoot themselves in the foot though. Caught up in the web of their own lies, the Victorian legislation expanded, placing restrictions on Schutzhund titled imports coming into that state, including the Schutzhund-titled imports of German Shepherd Dog officials and breeders! The comedy of errors continued, and the GSDCV was forced to seek "secret" negotiations with the Victorian DPI to request a special exemption for their own Schutzhund-titled imports. They did negotiate an exemption for themselves, leaving all the other working breeds with Schutzhund titles in that state out in the cold. Mean-spirited people tend to reap what they sow, and despite the exemption for their own dogs, they remained disconcerted over part of the legislation requiring all Schutzhund / IPO imports in Victoria be muzzled when in public - not a good look for the Victorian show rings. Which brings us the full circle to where we are today, where Lo and Behold, the ANKC to the rescue - ready and willing (again) to pull the GSDCA's dirty irons out of the fire! Without any prior consultation with those affected, by a stroke of the pen the ANKC blithely informs us they intend to remove all IPO / Schutzhund titles from the pedigrees of ALL the affected working breeds in the country! What they are not telling us is we are all being penalised for consequences coming about because of the GSDCA's unsporting behaviour in plotting to bring down the Sport of Schutzhund in this country. The so-called "protectors of the breed" consistently fail to appreciate that the German Shepherd Dog breed built its reputation as the King of Working Dogs on the Schutzhund program. By getting rid of the titles on the pedigrees they can pretend their Schutzhund-titled imports haven't got these titles! And this, thus, is how one sheds one's responsibilities to the breed and cleverly avoids the muzzle regulation in Victoria in process. Because of legislation they worked so hard to get up in that state has turned around and bit them, everyone must suffer and the whole country is expected to wear having incomplete and inaccurate pedigree records to cover for their troublemaking. Don't be bullied into giving away your entitlements. Get up and speak out for accurate pedigrees! Get organized! Things to do: 1) Members in ANKC affiliated clubs and organizations please table a motion to demand of your State Member Body that ANKC to drop this policy. 2) Get your local ANKC affiliated breed club to write directly to FCI to protest the ANKC riding rough-shod over your right to have your dog's FCI titles properly recognised in it's pedigree; a breach of their international agreement. Ask that they do something about it. Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) General Secretariat FCI Y.De Clercq Email: [email protected] 3) Get your ANKC affiliated breed club to write to fellow breed clubs internationally and ask them to lodge protests with their national kennel clubs to get them take action to censor the ANKC for fast tracking their official titles into the rubbish bin.Below are some suggestions of some breed organizations your clubs could contact. Welt-union der Vereine fuer Deutsche Schaeferhunde e.V. E-Mail: WUSV President Wolfgang Henke [email protected] Vereine fuer Deutsche Schaeferhunde (SV) e.V. SV Secretary [email protected] Geschäftsstelle des ADRK, Dr. Manfred Herrmann Email [email protected] Administration FMBB (World Federation Belgian Shepherd Dogs) Geert Bouckaert [email protected] 4) Write to the canine email forums to make owners and breeders of ANKC pedigreed working dogs aware that their assets and their investments are being arbitrarily devalued. FOOTNOTE: There is some justice in the world. After years of Australian Schutzhund organizations complaining to WUSV / SV about the GSDCA blocking Australian IPO teams from entering international championship trials and their vetoing SV/VDH Schutzhund judges from judging at Australian Schutzhund trials, the BOM of the German SV recently met and decided to put aside the GSDCA power of veto over their fellow Australians. It is unlikely they will be advertising their humiliating relegation.
  6. I have pasted your post and send her an email with the question. For anyone that doesnt know who Alison and Jens Kollenberg are here is their webstie http://www.nordenstamm.com/ Interesting reading in the History pages
  7. What do your dogs do? How many kg per dog did you have to feed?
  8. Star. Its part of her pedigree name and I think she will be a star!
  9. I got this from Alison Kollenberg - Schutzhund Australia. Some usefull info where/who to write to.
  10. I would do it at about 10-12 months when the dog is fully grown in height already but not being a cocky male as yet.
  11. I have got a dog that has a semi broke off switch. It does work sometimes but the on botton is ON for VERY long time in a day.
  12. She is pretty much back to her normal self today. Just a bit of swelling left. She still thinks that she should sleep on the bed with me though
  13. Not everyone is dog savvy and not everyone wants to pet a dog/puppy etc. Socialising a puppy with people doesnt mean it has to be petted by everyone. A puppy can happily mingle with hugen number of people and never be petted by anyone. This will not mean that puppy is not socialised. If you had a child would you want people rush towards your kid and touching it?? On another hand I personally would find it very hard to resist petting a puppy.
  14. Because the high table, slippery surface shuts dog down, they are not sure of the situration and less likely to react.
  15. Thats because I go to the best vet in the world. Its just a shame she doesnt really like him :D
  16. BF just called me after the visit to the vet. Divani got a shot of something, she will be drinking and urinating a lot for about a week, she might get worse still but from tomorrow she will be getting better. She was sh*t scared of the vet, shaking and fell of the table. Well I knew she wont like him, they have met before LOL but other then that she will be like new in no time Im told.
  17. No she looked worse when I woke up at 6.30. BF is taking her to the vet right now. She didnt eat anything strange, I had a look in her mouth, there was nothing weird there. She acts normal, drinks is hungry but just rubs her face on things and scratches behind ears (and that is really red now) I looked for ticks, any visible bites but I cant find a thing.
  18. Divani woke me up several times during the night, I got up now to let her out, and she has a face that is completly swallen. My flatmate took her with him to the Blue Mountains yesterday and I notitced that she had some bite like lumps on her forehead. She seems to act a bit strange, but not much, just is not sleeping and feeling sorry for herself. And of course rumbbing her face on things. I gave her phenurgan and will take her to the vet in the morning, but what on earth could this be?
  19. All my dogs will no social value and virtually no respect for someone new they meet, yet they will be super happy to take treats from them. In fact if my BF is giving my dogs a treat I can still call them have no treats and they will come to me as they have a high social value for me. So in my opinion dispensing treats does not equal social value.
  20. When I walk my 3 they are all on prong collars and on leather leads. I can not risk them pulling me over, hence the prongs. When I walk one they are on a martingale and leather lead. But most of the time they are off lead.
  21. I also found This Thread from the past. We are now 3 pairs of ugg boots later, they all ened up looking like that pair. Last lot was brand new one week old.. Current pair has the fur eaten from around the anckles. I can not remember how much bedding has been destroyed, several pairs of shoes, sunglasses, about 5 jumpers that I loved, undies and bras. Plus a LOT more........
  22. SekretKei - close with the name - Infuriate
  23. That cute puppy in my avatar grew up to be the abovementioned monster!!!
  24. Some of you might remember This Thread from the past Well its genetic. I have a leather eating dobermann family living in my house! This is what I was greated with when I came out from the shower this morning This was a new Italian made super soft, beautiful design leather glove that I totally LOVED! New, expensive, purchased in Poland. RIP glove, I will miss you no end, till about September, then next year. In total agrevated anger I smacked the freak of a dog with the gloves chasing her around the dining table. She hid in fear behind my flatmate and wouldnt come out. I was seriously ready to kill her. She is the rudest living thing, she is super smart, she steals things, she is destructive, she jumps on me from a distance of 3m, no matter how many times she landed on my raised knee, she even occasionall bench surfs. She barks, she guards, she gets up on the bed at night not invided. She can be sweet and loving..... but geezus there wasnt much love I was willing to give this morning!
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