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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. Unfortunatelly due to other issues (very important as well) I dare say that the Dobe Club of NSW wont be calling a special meeting. Im not sure if Im allowed to talk about the clubs issue publically, so I wont. However most members are aware of this proposal, I have posted info on the Dobe mailing list and fair bit privatelly.
  2. Its nto the first time this has happened. I recall few years ago, same area, same stuff has been placed. Whoever it is is one sicko.
  3. I dont know about the rottie clubs but before you ask Tapf, I have already told you that the NSW Dobermann club doesnt meet till October so there will be nothing drawn till then, and even if there will it might be way to late as the ANKC conference is in October. However from what I understand the National body and all clubs have been notified about the isssue. Can not say what other states are doing about it, as I simply dont know.
  4. google the emial address it came from and perhaps you will find something about the person.
  5. Well its a month away. One dog looses concentralion heeling, the other dog doesnt really do a long stay nor drop on the move. I also loose both dogs in the group. Considering that till the trial there are 4 training sessions and Im a total slacko and dont do much at home I dare say it will be a mirracle if any of the dogs can be ready. And entries close in a week or so.... But I can assure everyone that the BBQ will be awesome, as Im ready to cook
  6. Does anyone know where does Hugh Gent reside? Accepting the invitation and attending the even are two different things, especailly if large distances are involved. Sorry to sound pessimistic....
  7. Ive read the letter from GSDCS to ANKC urging them to remove the proposal of the title changes from the October agenda. Ive got a pdf copy if anyone wants it emailed.
  8. As to the Sch Nationals - well Ill be for sure doing the BBQ I will as always be in charge of the food , and might decide to make a fool of myself and my dog (that is not ready to compete) to enter.... So please come over and support the sport and the club that is organising it. These events are not big, we need more people there!!!
  9. Look what i got from Alison Hi Fellow Sportdog friends Our SA Chief Judge has a tentative acceptance from the ANKC President, Hugh Gent, to attend our SA National Championship trial this year. We will also be inviting DogsNSW to send a representative from that state to accompany Mr. Gent, with the aim, at Mr. Gent's suggestion, of taking steps towards gaining ANKC acceptance for Australian Schutzhund titles. We need to pull out all stops to put together a good entry and to make a good showing. Please get after your fellow sports men and women to enter every dog that is capable of completing a discipline - from SchH to OB or TR, BH etc. And those of us that can't enter a dog, please turn up and add your moral support to underline the relevance of the event. The ANKC hasn't looked at the Sport for over 20 years, when they had it on probation for five years. The findings from that back then were that the ANKC had no problems with the sport but they did not want to supervise it. Today it is a different political environment; people are better educated about the sport, there is a new group of people on the ANKC Board and with a new wind blowing internationally in support of Australian's participation in the sport, there is more inclination to look at the Sport again with a more open mind. First impressions are important so everyone please do your bit to make the National a good one. Please don't leave it up to others, there is a lot of legwork to be done and we're still a long way from reaching our goals for the sport. National trial schedule and other details are on the SA site www.schutzhundaustralia.com Go to Home and click on the Breaking News icon for judge's details and location etc, and click on the top line of the listings (on the front page) for the Schedule. Vanessa, can you also remind people of the up and coming National on Global Friends and invite them to attend? Thanks. Alison Would that indicate that ANKC is considering full membership with the FCI?????? Who knows, its all very confusing now, maybe the things they say and the things they do are two different ones....
  10. I was happy to see this thread cleaned up, but here we go again, by the looks of it. Tapf - there is a saying - when you point a finger at someone 3 point at you. So far you told few people that they stir the pot, perhaps its you that does..... Its funny as when a question is asked about GDS clubs or conformation there is a lot of discussion but never a real answer. Almost like a conspiracy TrinaJ - thank you for the little info, is there anything I can help with? Let me know privatelly pls.
  11. LOL @ Kavik. shadup - you have kelpies anyway and a funny looking GSD
  12. Ditto for Dobes. With NSW club metings every two months (next one in Oct in NSW) there is no time for the Dobe clubs and then the national body to act before the October ANKC conference. What are the steps? Only from Imports? what about from Aus pedigrees that have imported dogs in them? Sure !!! That is why it got excptions from the dangerous dogs act in Vic only for their own breed, right?
  13. Tapf and Echo - so have any GSD clubs engaged in a protest against this possible new rule for the pedigrees?
  14. Before you know it titles like CPX will be recognised. Couch Potatoe Excellent that is, my Rex would have been a multi winner of this title.
  15. But ANKC had time to accept Doggy Dancing, set up titles, trials etc. Just not schutzhund, because that is a dirty word
  16. Not one word about it on the Dobe list. Most members there are show people, and obviously dont really care. So yup Id say Dobe Clubs wont be much help, they are interested in conformation showing most, then obedience and tracking, and there are no people working their dogs nor doing the sport of sch.
  17. Tapf - is there a word as to what does GSD club doing in protest?
  18. More from Alison 21.08.10 NEWS FLASH! Owners of dogs receiving ANKC registration transfer papers in yesterday's post have reported ALL the official FCI working titles have been removed from their pedigrees by the Kennel Club! This arbitary action by the ANKC is a blatent misuse of their power and it simply outrageous behaviour on their part. Especially after their receiving protests about their lack of consultation, and where the ANKC President then promised affiliates to table the matter at the Conference next October for discussion! Owners, do not accept this disrespect lying down! Return any doctored pedigrees to the Kennel Club immediately and request all the dog's official titles be included, as received. The ANKC are acting like vandals by deleting internationally recognized working titles. (What are we? Some Third World backwater that we cannot provide our Australian owners with accurate pedigrees.) W And who is going to compensate owner's for the loss of value and income within the national and international working and service dog community, that is just one result of this unjustified relegation? Because as a full and proper record of a dog's working status and heritage, Australian pedigrees stand to become pretty much worthless. Furthermore, do members need to be concerned that the ANKC has already expunged our dog's working titles from the data base? Is the proposed promise from President to address this matter at the next ANKC Conference just a bit of window dressing, paying lip service to what is already a done deal on their part? To pretend the high handed devaluation of other people's assets was some sort of democratically arrived at decision? I.e.: Feeding people a line to keep them quiet while in the meantime getting on with the real business of valadalizing their dog's pedigrees, irreparably and forever. Our dog's internationally recognised FCI working titles and the high standing and status these titles represent at home and abroad are not a political footballs for the likes of the GSDCV and Dogs Victoria, or the ANKC for that matter, to play their petty politics with. Don't be rolled over into giving away our entitlements. Get up and demand complete and accurate pedigrees! Don't wait for others to act for you, be effective and get organized! But we are not out of the woods yet, as it is only withdrawn until it is discussed at the ANKC Conference in October. It is important Affiliate clubs register with the ANKC their rejection of the ANKC's intention to breach it's international obligations to recognise official FCI working titles before this Conference. To prevent ANKC abdicating their responsibilities towards working dog owners and breeders members need to approach this matter with a united front, as this conference is going to be our only opportunity to stop this appalling call on the part of the ANKC from taking place. ANKC affiliate clubs please present submissions to the Conference in October stating objection and asking the ANKC to drop the motion. We are further advised that it is possible to request approval for a delegation to be present at this conference to speak on behalf of the said submissions. Supporting documentation is available (FCI Statutes and Standing Orders as well as ANKC Regulations.) It is also recommended to collect supportive submissions of those government agencies (police, customs etc) that purchase this stock or their offspring. They are the front line of our working dog community, and ANKC's intent to stand down lending recognition to the importance of these qualified evaluations will have a significant impact on the functionality of our service dogs.
  19. Nowhere near where you are looking for but worth every minute of travel, and from Randwick about an hour by M5 then M7. Carters Canine Capers owned by PAX that is a member here, send her a PM for details.
  20. That says to me that its just the beggining. They slipped a bit early by puting the notice on the website. But to me this clearly says its not over.
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