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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. I have a full male dobermann. He is a show and stud dog so obviusly not desexed. And yes he is dog agressive. Well male agressive. Any girl is fine. Does your dog treat male and female dogs the same way? Please do not let your dog "win" with a small dog, the smaller dog is not necesarily going to have a smaller ego than yours and could get seriusly hurt by your GSD. And 2 big dogs - they can injure each other. Firstly I woul start with female dog, let us know how he behaves with females. it is crucial that you learn to observe the dog and learn the body language to prevent any dog fight. It is also important that you learn how to separate fighting dogs (no screeming, no hitting, no sticks etc - just grab the back legs of a dog and pull backwards) in case your dog gets into a fight. Your dog is a young full of raging hormones male, a teenager. He will potentially get worse with age. I recomend that you take some training lessons with K9 Force (in Sydney) or at least visit his website. It is Very important you train your dog to come on command, and you understand the implications of what van happend if he doesnt come back. I also recomend that you have him desexed if you are not planning on breeding and showing. They cant masturbate the same as you can. From my personal experience - I will never have another full of himself non desexed male. it is too stressfull for me and for him.
  2. Have you tried Scottys rolls? They are additive free and made from real ingridients and come in variety of tastes for the dog.
  3. Thanks I know After all he is a National winner, Grand Champ, Challenge dog at 3 Sydney Royals, multi BIS all breeds etc. etc No wonder your girls are crazy - he is very handsom.... Now he is retired and practicing CPX, as well as dancing with his crazy owner and loving it (Sorry to hijack the threat)
  4. Of course you can! What you should know is that he can also do this http://www.lukrowi.pl/galeria/index.php?p=...re=6339#section However as a responcible stud dog owner I will tell you that you should be aware that it is also in the bloodlines that he does this (2 part series of photos - or more of a before and after shots) http://www.lukrowi.pl/galeria/index.php?p=...re=3106#section http://www.lukrowi.pl/galeria/index.php?p=...re=3107#section
  5. My dog has a CPX (Couch Potato Excellent) - he is titled! do you know how ahrd it is to do this??? :rolleyes: http://www.lukrowi.pl/galeria/index.php?p=...re=2850#section or this :rolleyes: http://www.lukrowi.pl/galeria/index.php?p=...re=3413#section or in fact this :rolleyes: http://www.lukrowi.pl/galeria/?p=2&id_section=29 As to the other home discipline - do you think that chasing a possum that walks on the very high fence I have and the dog runs along this would classify as a puppy run in lure coursing ?LOLOLOLOL
  6. Conformation - titled Gr Ch Endurance - titled Obiedience - trailed not tiled Agility - just starting fot fun Dancing with Dogs - at home for the family and friends as audience But the best we excell at is lying on the lounge - I guess one can call it Couch Potatoing We are also extremly good and chasing possums at night, never actually catching one.
  7. Does yuor dog have a problem with his digestive system? vomiting raw meat can be a sign of that. it could also mean that he is not used to it or eats it too fast. Try chicken necks, wings back first - easy to digest and will do the job as well. Try to avoid long weight bearing bones (like a lambs shank) try a lambs neck instead, or a kangaroo tail (it is very reach meat) so your dog might vomit it again. Have you tried changing his food to another brand?
  8. meaty bones (whatever type) for pearly teeth. Bad breath - usually either a problem with teeth or with digestion. Can you please tell us what you feed your dog.
  9. I will ask this - you people as adults - when was YOUR last vaccination, for anything? Dont seem to vaccinate people every year....... or even every 5-10 years. We only vaccinate kids becouse later in live we carry antibodies and dont need the boosters....... why do dogs do?
  10. paksapunch - I see you are another dobe lover....... do we know each other? What state are you from?
  11. Caslero - I promise you you will love the FRESH fish breth far better I ften feed my dog in the kitchen, but no way when he gets the fish - our on the grass and than dont go there for 12 hours :lol As to prawns - we also had some left overs - very few, but those heads smelled so good to Rex, so we took off the top shell and he enjoyed the rest (the insides and the little legs)
  12. My dog get raw whole fish every so often. Yes head and guts etc. I cut it for him into smaller pieces and sometimes he leaves the head uneaten, but the body is consumend in no time. I buy whatever is the cheepes - blackfish, mackrel, whiting. Squid/octopus/calamari is also loved and good for them. Along with canned fish of course. Hello caslero
  13. I always thought that prevention is better than cure, so perhaps the 100 hours of animal nutrition could be expanded, than in the long run some lectures about medicines would not be as necesary. Yes idealistic and of course not real, Just a thought. pewithers - this diet consist of a lot of cereal - something that dogs dont really need. I would be replacing the wheatbix with some meat very fast. My breeder sugested somewhat simmilar diet when I bought my dog, after couple of years when I fed only BARF it was clear that my dogs coat was a lot better than any dog she had in her yard. And yes I have admired my breeder for long time........
  14. Divine Angel - I would change the vet.......... I feed BARF for many years now, yes poos are harder and smaller than those produced from feeding commercial foods. BTW my vet recommends BARF....
  15. mostly natural - whichever is the cheapest on the day, he loves any taste except vanilla. I give buttermilk and cottage or ricotta cheese as well.
  16. Another one with kind words here. I will be writing stories tomorrow......... I hope. Or perhaps you K9 will write another great story.
  17. If dogs dont have the pack structures I makes me think twice about humans. I thought that we would be further removed from our origins than dogs removed from wolfes. If so we should not heave hiererchies, packs etc. But we do........ So IMHO so do dogs.
  18. I have a medium size dog and a final weight as a grown up is around 35-40kg - I'm guessing simmilar for a GSD. My dog weigh 15kg at 15 weeks, 16kg at 16weeks etc for a long time this trend continued. It was also 15 weeks 15 chicken necks for lunch etc. I would be worried that a dog is 21kg at 14 weeks - not your breed...
  19. DA - as I said I have no doubt that you will do well. In no way I want to imply that you bought her becouse she was cute. However beware as many people do. This is not so much of a case in Oz as its a rare breed and breeders would screen buyers very well, but it can be a case in lets say Europe were these dogs are by far more popular.
  20. Steve - at least we agree on one point that what Jasmine was doing was unacceptable. The website that I pasted - it wasnt a recomendation to DA - it was a first site that I picked in Google when I searched to find anything about maremmas. And the description of the temperament straight away was amasingly simmilar to that of a caucasian or a centralasian sheepdogs (BTW do you know those 2 breeds?) They too were bred to work alone, to be responcible for the land and a flock and to make their own decisions. They are absolutly fantastic dogs, and as I said not for everyone, as they cant be treated like a lab, boxer, GSD etc. So DA - steep learning curve. As I like to question things (best way to learn) Steve - I dont understand - what do you mean when you say that they show dominance by submision??? Sorry but how can a dog putting ears back, looking away and turning over to show the belly can be interpreted as a dominant? I must be missing something......... I believe that regardless of a breed the dog language is the same, might have slight differences but in general is the same. How than a maremma is going to get on with any other breed if they speak an opposite language???? I am in a way passionate about those 2 breeds as they look like bears and overly cute as pupps and unfortunatelly get purchased by people that cant handle them and they often gat blamed for suddenly turning on their owners and end up PTS for agression. Where all it was required was some knowledge, patience and persistance - majority of people dont have enought of all 3. DA - I'm sure you will do wonders with her - learn as much as you can and patience and persistance and you will have a wonderfull friend. Tommy - regardles of a breed - nipping is not acceptable, of course some breeds will be more prone to nip than others but still no nipping is the way to go.
  21. Devine Angel - I have seen her photos - gorgeous! I dont question the fact if she is purebreed or not, I question the statement about maremmas not being able to show domination. So it they are supposedly not showing domination what happeneds with crosses? BTW my friend that had a caucasian ovcharka did a CD with it. Also I know of a couple of central asian sheepdogs with CD. Lots of very specific training but can be done. Never progressed to CDX as those dogs would not fetch ;) If maremmas are anything like those 2 breeds that I have mentioned your typical training methods will not work. What a shame my friend with caucasian doesnt speak English I would put you in touch she is the one with a CD and an absolute mountain of knowledge. But if you have some curly specific question I can try to translate.
  22. I have read the brief description on this site http://www.all-animals.com/maremma/ The temperament of this dog sounds to me simmilar to a Caucasian Ovcharka or a Central Asian Sheepdog. If it is in any way simmilar it confirms what I have said in my previous post. I personally know quite a few of caucasian sheepdogs and even more of Central Asians- certainly not a dog for anyone, and yes it can dominate its owner to the degree that can be beyond any control. They will never be a "slave" to an owner they are a slave to themselves and the land and a flock they protect, but if not guided corectly they will protect the land and the flock also from the owner. Yes they are a specific breed but also a dog and a pack animal, therefore capable of domination. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  23. I know nothing about maremmas - Arent maremmas pack animals? This is the first time I have heard that breed of a dog has something to do with, or not to do with signs of domination. Fill me please. Another question - what about if a dog is a maremma cross?
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