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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. and the rest of them http://www.tresurapsow.pl/pliki/doberman/3.wmv http://www.tresurapsow.pl/pliki/doberman/6.wmv http://www.tresurapsow.pl/pliki/doberman/5.wmv http://www.tresurapsow.pl/pliki/doberman/4.wmv
  2. try if this works http://www.tresurapsow.pl/pliki/doberman/2.wmv
  3. Edit: Try this as last, below I post direct links to videos OK I'll try the long way around http://www.psieforum.pl/portal.php log in as me (on the right hand side) when loged on you will see on the left hand side a menu , choose forum go down the list till you get to a section called Psie rasy than choose group 2 than there is a subject there (most likely on top - moj przyjaciel doberman has several pages page 24 is the one you are looking for Than the word Tutaj - single click windows media player opens automatically, takes a while to load the video.
  4. PIES means DOG in Polish so were you able to log on as me using my password and you could see the forum and the underlined word TUTAJ? I just click on that and a windows media player pops out automatically and a video buffers.... anyway I will ask the person that has posted them to e-mial them to me and I can e-mial them to you guys.
  5. let me know guys what did you think of the videos
  6. Lia - do you want me to send you breeding requirements for dobes in Poland and Gemany? Very interesting.... sorry to highjack. If anyone else wants I can post it here or pm.
  7. use my log in user name Monika i Rex password myszka
  8. You dont need to understand the site forum looks just like ours Second post from the top (by Dimen) links to films - word to link it is TUTAJ and its underlined. click on it video will load
  9. Thank Lia. You might be right about the Australian bit. http://psieforum.pl/viewtopic.php?t=68&pos...=asc&&start=460 here is another forum - in the second post you will see some links to short videos from the World Dobermann championships in Slovakia 2004 This is the winning dog. Films in order protection - obviously dog was given command to bite and to release retrieve - I'd love Rex to retrieve like that!!! checking of the area - dog is send out looking for an intruder that is hidign behind one of the tents. bravery test - similar to first, just a better ending healing
  10. Cordelia you will find that schutzhund people will tell you that it has nothing with protection training, as I said dogs are to bite a sleave, it is the same principal as a dog chasing a ball and grabbing it by its full mouth. Bite work is a small part of shutzhund, perfect obiedinece is first. tracking second. I have watched a schutzhund training session, dogs did all sorts of things and they might got one bite of a sleave in one session. Anyway - from what I know schutzhund dogs are not trained to attack anyone - not that they would be any good in personal protection. Might be geood at barking at someone - thats about it. These dogs however would be very well trained in obiedniece, exceptionally well in fact (UD level if not better) Dont hold your breath for a speedy reply, these are not clubs like any obiednience clubs if you get 5 people training in one session this is a crowded night.
  11. Schutzhund is not recognised by ANKC. There is no reason for those dogs to be declared dangerous - this is a sport not a real bite work - basically idea is that if there is no protective sleave the dog will not bite - as to reality bet to ask the schutzhund people - and I am almost 100% sure that they will confirm what I say. Dog is trained to bite the sleave not a person wearing it. Correct me anyone that knows better, and if I'm wrong. If you like I can provide you with times and place where one of the clubs trains, or put you in touch with someone there.
  12. Not that I am any good at this at all, and I'm sure there are experts here. Wait/stay, touch heal on left and right, understand directions - left and right come hop/over/up through down stay weave than names of equipement (tunnel, tyre)
  13. Easy The dog has to know persons name, obviously, this will not work with a stranger visiting your house, but family and often visiting friend the dog could recognise by name. This will sound silly and most likely it is not the way to teach your dog peoples names but it has worked for me ;) I would point to my dog and say Rex, than point at a person and say his/her name. Also if a person is in another room you call them by their name and say John COME and the person comes. Dog learns through own association that come is come and that John just obeyed my command. And than its easy, say "Rex go to John and give him a kiss" and he does (dont forget the hand command) oh and he knows command GO I bet Rex understands: Rex go blah John blah blah blah kiss and he just associated those words into a sentence. There is a book that explains how to teach your dog various tricks I forgotten the name - something along the lines of how to speak or uderstand a dog language. it has a blue cover with a samoyed on it carring something (I think a basket) or perhaps this was on the back cover and on the front was the same samoyed reading the book wearing glasses. If you do everthing in that book your dog will be able to perform such things like Fido go upstairs and bring my red shoes. The book was about $25 it is not thick and slightly larger than A5
  14. bow walk back heal to right leg (have a different command) weave between your legs shake but with a hind leg circle kiss, than give kiss to xxx person find touch
  15. why dont you use a limited slip collar, half check half flat. You still have some checking power but you cant strungle your dog not injure it.
  16. I use liver (buy it raw from the butcher than nuke for 10 mion and cut to small cubes once cool) My dog loves it and only gets it as treats. A this is what he likes most there is no need to change. Liver is not available for general feeding - ever.
  17. Yeah - I guess loosing it on my side is just frustration I never hit my dog, even the check of the chain although harder is not doing anything to him. Once (ages ago) I lost it in the leash free park. Bugger didnt want to come and followed another dog playing. I left him there, walked off, got in the car and drove off. With tears in my eyes of course. He broke the world record chasing me . He tried this again about 6 months later. I managed to only start the car. I have to say that I have not lost it in months if not years - he is just so good
  18. Im not a superhuman and I have lost temper. Never in the learning stage - when I teach something new it is all fun and play but when the dog knows what I want and has done this thousands of times and repetedly chooses not to do it than grrrrrr. I bet that loosing temper for me is different than it is for someone else, I just yell, and check the chain harder. Bad person I am, have to control myself.
  19. Not yet but Steve is considering getting a PR manager :p Perhaps I should apply
  20. if anyone wants to come better hurry up I have 5 places taken from the 9.07 date.
  21. I feel ripped off :D Becouse mine instead of booked 2 hours was "only" 3. Gotta say that I lost count of emials after the lesson in less than a week, they still continue (since November) I'd hate to see the bill for those....................... but I know its not coming.......... or have I missed something K9? Want to save money - come to the seminar - see subject K9 Force is comming to Sydney.
  22. all places for the 28.05 are taken. Next available is 9.07 so I need a show of hands for that.
  23. I have mentioned before that Steves training days go pretty quickly and now first available Saturday we have is 28.05.05 I have now 7 definite atendees and 6 possible - so please make up your mind asap. For those of you that are still thinking this might be a hint I need to find out if this date suits majority of those willing to attend - so that I can secure this date, otherwise we might be looking at one in June or July and I am trying to avoid the unnecesary delay. I would be greatfull if someone adviced me if there are any important shows (including interstate ones) that might coincide with this date. Steve requires the deposit (1/2 of the amount) 6 weeks ahead, plus a reminder to be paid 2 weeks before the day. Please contact me if you have special requirements or specifics you would like to cover, but for now the proposal is in no specific order or importance: overview on how dogs think and learn how to bring the best in YOUR dog common myths common erros done by trainers - eg. wrong corrections obiedience tips how to identify various drives how to switch drives in your dog resolution of our specific problems - fobias, agression - dog and human, fear, lead pulling, digging etc - if we have any dogs like that, becouse I know all of ours are perfect Those that are going to attend I will need your details for Steve to post some info to you prior to the day (e-mail address or postal address please) You will need to fill it in and send it back, in order for him to prepare the day for specifics.
  24. I have got 5 definite yeses. Hurry up if you want to be included.
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