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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. Cant you see that for some people and dogs it is not an option? People work full time so the dog is alone at home for 9 sometimes 10 hours in a day. Add 8 hours for sleeping, two hours after meal (so they dont get bloat) that means 20 hours a day in a pen. What kind of life a dog will have, locked up basically all the time? At least in a yard there are things to be looked at, birds to chase, people going pass to bark at etc. BTW I dont have a containment system and I dont have a problem with my dog escaping. I also dont have a problem with use of one if necessary. Long line - yes I use the long line. For now I got bruises and burns on my legs and hands from use of it. Dog obeys on line the moment I unclip it he knows my control is finished. Maybe my dogs is smarter than yours, it certainly learned to be perfect when that long line is attached. How effective is your long line at 100 meters considering a dobe can travel that distance in seconds, and frankly it is not far away.
  2. You can get human grade meat at the pet shop, you just need to order it specifically. My dog will not the normal pet mince as I believe it contains kidneys and he will simply not touch it. I order human grade lean beef in 5 or 10kg bags from my pet shop.
  3. There is no reason for your puppy not to eat the same sort of diet. The earlier you start the more of a variety of things they learn to eat. Give your puppy the same diet, make sure it grows slowly but steady. Start with chicken necks - puppy will also love it. ***** BTW - DobermanDave rang me yesterday. His dog vomited as it ate the food and straight after was running followed by heavy drinking. But now DD knows not to excercise the dog straight after feeding and the potential dangers of it.
  4. Afton perhaps you could read these article about electronic TRAINING collars http://www.k9force.net/etruth.html http://www.k9force.net/ecollarlc.html and here about the invisible fences http://www.k9force.net/innotek.html
  5. DobermanDave - I have given you my phone number privatelly with an explanation why I would like to talk to you, and I strongly suggest you call me. The is just another symptom of what I think he can potentially have. Plase call me after lunch, this isnt normal.
  6. Hiding bits between the meat LOLOL you gotta be kidding, he can manage to spit out bits that are size of half a pea. My dog will not touch vegies unless they are fully blended with meat to the extend that bits of vegies are smaller than grains of rice, And than it has to be mixed with mince meat but there has to be at least 50% meat in the mixture otherwise he wont eat it. has to be complete paste of veg and meat otherwise he will rather go hungry for a day.
  7. you can do whatever, but i can almost guarantee you that your dog will not eat vegies with no meat in it. BARF aims to have balance over time not in every meal. How is it easier to mix? I buy a box of carcasess one day devide them into meal portiions and freeze. Another time I might come across cheap fish, so I buy them and freze. Lamb flaps on special - get them. I dont go and buy EVERYTHING one day. I guess becouse my freezer isnt big enough and I also like to get the bargains instead of getting specific stuff at high price.
  8. you will be better off with one day chicken necks, next day lamb flaps, another day mince meat with vegies, egg and joghurt. one day for fish etc. Its easier to prepare and the dog that is choosy will not eat only the bits it likes and leave half of the meal not eaten. Just remember your dog will most likely turn his head away from veg and egg mix so you need to "spice it" up. I do half of the meal as mince meat and half as veg etc. I often put some liver (raw) into the blender with the veg. Of course all of this is mixed nicely by hand so that she can not eat meat and leave the vegies.
  9. Yes my dogs name is Rex and he is not a "solid" or big build doberman. He weighs about 36 kg where majority of males weight about 40kg. He might be looking solid becouse he has great musce tone however he is not big boned or big build. Let me know how your dog enjoyed chicken necks.
  10. My dog eats 1kg of chicken necks or frames for dinner. You should see how satisfied he is after them LOL - he loves it! mince meat about 500g for a meal - the rest is veg etc (I break the BARF rule a bit and give small amounts of pasta or rice or bread in the meal) - he is nto crush hot on this type of a meal (dislikes vegies) I buy 5kg of mince in one go. I buy 10kg of frames in one box for $4 - there is about 12-14 big ones in there. He eats 2 for dinner. close to 1kg of fish for a meal Oh - and when Im really lazy I buy scottys rolls from a petshop they are $6.50 for 2kg he eats 1kg for a meal. And this is how my dog looks like - when enjoying himself http://lukrowi.pl/galeria/index.php?p=2&id...re=6872#section
  11. bones and chicken 4 times a week mince with veg and other bits twice a week fish once a week Just as a guide. if it means 3 days in row for chicken - so be it, next week it might be 2 x fish and 3 times meat and veg meat. whtever is in the freezer. Just try not get into "all meat" diet.
  12. This is how I "make" my BARF. Drive to the buthcer and buy in bulk chicken frames, wings, necks plus Lamb necks, pork bones. Plus chicken mince. Come home and package into meal size bags and freeze. When ready take a bag in the morning before I leave for work and is defrosted by the time I come home, ready to serve on the silver platter :-P Go to the pet shop to get mince meat (beef or kangaroo) on the way back stop at the fruit and veg shop get vegies and some fruit (for myslef as well) At home throw into the food processor vegies, eggs (yes with shells) some nuts, some seeds and blend into a paste. Mix with minced meat and package into meal ready sizes and freeze. 1/2 hour of preparation for at least 4 weeks supply. Oh and must not forget - OH brings fish from his fishing trips - bones, fins, guts and heads for the dog. If no fishing $2.99/kg for spanish makrell in the local fish shop - 2-3 for Rex's dinner is all its required. BARF is not time consuming, you need to prepare yourself well and source food in good cheap places.
  13. I am yet to find a dog that learns without any repetition............, repetition is absolutly required in training any dog, first the learing stage, than in proofing and lastly in reminders from time to time. I used food originally, but since my dog isnt very food motivated I tend to use my voice and pets as a reward for good behaviour these days. However with the next dog I will get I will be using the pray drive as a drive to teach behaviurs.
  14. Making a monkey out of yourself when dog is a pupp and spitting food form your mouth. What a fantastic shot Kavik!!! Well this is what I know so far, I am yet to discover better methods. Grotty - cabanossi instead of dog food in your mouth LOL
  15. By not letting the dog to sleep on your bed. Thats a very good start.
  16. Thank you ladies - it it wasnt for you we wouldnt have a lovely day out!!! Was great. Although Rex anly did half of each run, I am happy for my friend and her girl to get the bug. We will do it again, no doubt, keep us posted on when is the next one. If you have any photos of our dobes I would love to get them as we only have 2 (too busy chatting and catching the dogs LOL)
  17. The new date is 20th of August if anyone wants to join.
  18. I only have a cloth type one but it can be regulated to allow the dog to open its mouth a bit. I certainly do hope that one will not be needed. I'll be on the look out for a uncontrolable vizsla :rolleyes: Be on the lookout for a killer dobermann
  19. Yes MM I'm here. To refresh your memory I'm the one with the funny accent that was at the undercover party and we spoke about writing our DOL nicknames on the snow using a certin device for women :rolleyes:
  20. Oxis - cooking kills the bacteria - bacon is cooked and smoked so its safe. Well it is still fat and full of salt, but YKWIM
  21. Lets hope so. Usually when I muzzle my dog I get the - "look at the killer" comments. :rolleyes: Will see you there guys but if you are not near your cars how will I recognise you? I really doubt that there will be any other dobes there - so please aproach me if I you see me.
  22. Poodlefan - thanks he doesnt like entire males, however if given a female friend will concentrate on her and forget the rest of the world. Chasing a lure with a female would be like heaven to him. I hope that one of my friends will come as well so our dogs can run together. He is fairly obiedient and will come when called. 30ft =10-15 m that is far enough. I will come and watch and than if he is Ok I will run him. Last thing I would want is to put another dog in a dangerous position. What if I muzzle him just in case? Maybe I can go last? anyway - I will most likely come, than will see if he is behaving well enough.
  23. I knew about parosites, but this virus seems to be a different story.... I will make a wild guess that it doesnt exist here. I will also make a wild guess that THEY (over in Eurpe) should refrain from feeding raw pork. Something I never knew. I await to be corrected :rolleyes:
  24. Oh if its midday I will come as well than - providing it is not as hot as it was last weekend! Look out for a charcoal Land Rover Discovery with a NSW yellow rego and a black and tan dobe He might have to run by himself - doesnt like other males at all. Or maybe there will be a girl to run with him??? So, do you say that there will be enough fencing that he cant get out and be a danger to other dogs?
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