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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. SA club is VERY active, Sydney ones are not. Illawara one would be the closest and its active.
  2. Dobermann is not a dog for just anyone. More often then not they don't fit with people lifestyles. They are not an easy breed and most people are to lazy to provide what the dog needs. Better research would help but most think that dobes are smart and don't need much training. Forgetting they are super energetic working and thinking breed
  3. Yes there is a fair bit of him on DOL. Do you older members remember a thread when I took him to work and he run around the office and stolen someons teddy bear from the desk?
  4. I miss his head tilt, when he tried to listen to words in sentences. I miss his deep bark that I only heard when there was a need for one. I miss his smell, wag of a tail and warmth of his body when get got up on the bed gently so u wouldn't see him lol. He was my best friend ever.
  5. since I had to say a sudden good bye to my Rex. It seems it was a week ago not a year ago. If I say his name my other dogs put the ears up and sometimes go looking for him. I miss him heaps, I thought it will get easier with time, maybe it did a bit, but there are days that I wish I could give him a hug.
  6. Poodlefan - she called the modern GSD a disaster. I thought it was brave. No GSD debates please.
  7. I was there too (with the brown adult dobie that has a bit to much fat on her right now ) And yes, it was fantastic, probably one of the best seminars I have ever been to, super informative!! I have Pat's puppy puzzle cd, that is a great learning tool.
  8. Our 5 seconds of fame, when we were on TV this morning Taken at the Dobermann Club of NSW Specialty Show on Easter Sunday.
  9. Dobe Club of NSW has organised a seminar with Pat this coming Saturday. The seminar is sold out at this stage. Pat has requested that we supply few adult dogs that have some kind of structural damage or injury so that she can explain about those. We are having problems finding dogs of any breed. I am bringing my 5 year old Divani that has a broken toe, torn ligaments in the foot and torn muscles near her hip. Pat also indicated that one of the breeds she would love to get is a GSD. So anyone that has a dog with injury/damage can you please contact me or Dobe Club.
  10. I hope you will do 2 first places at two Royals PAX, Ill have my fingers crossed for you!
  11. Studio Sebastian David now lives in Tasmania, I had a pleasant shock when I spotted him at Salamaca Markets in Hobart earlier this year. He said he will be at the Royal in Sydney this year. And here is his phone number -03 63546378
  12. The dogs that are on a Associate register (mainly cross breeds) need to be desexed. they are also registered as Billy, Fido, Max etc, their call name, rather then pedigree name (which they dont have) So pedgiree papers are a birth certificate of a pedigree dog.
  13. Congrats to all winners!!! :p
  14. You guarantee your collars, do you guarantee that I win ? Lol Only kidding, love your work and congratulations!!!!!
  15. One of my puppies (now 9 weeks old) has gone to live with a wonderful family in Mackay in QLD. They ared looking for a puppy preschool or a obedience club. Any recomendations?
  16. Ahh Yes the heaven on earth for the dogs. Kennels that PAX runs. I just had my two there, they wanted to stay longer me thinks, they love it there.
  17. I think it more then 4 years ago tho. Ive heard that she got rehomed after as she wanted to eat the owners newborn kid. And that she had pretty bad separation anxiety.
  18. I did not mean for that to be the sole indicator of a good working/tough Dobermann. I will from now on How very strange that my "pathetic" show dogs do it and the working ones dont. I wonder why. I would love for ONE puppy buyer to come to me and say - I want to compete in something with the dog, Im yet to find one like that...... everyone wants a pet, not interested in any dog sports AT ALL.
  19. Both of my bitches wrap the legs around whoever has the tug toy. The young one a lot more. Yet they are not tough dogs at all.
  20. I should have got kikuyu in the first place
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