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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. Rex doing his out of sight (that of course had to be in sight for the photo) 10 minute down stay before his dinner. This is a part of Triangle of Tempatation.
  2. Steve teaches Rex how to start flying ;) this is the take off part
  3. Rex loving Steve..... I think I shold sell this dog he doesnt love ME anymore
  4. Yesterday some of us attended an obiedience tips workshop with Steve. There were 6 dobes, 3 GSDs, belgian and a whippet. I have enjoyed it (as pe usual) and here are some photos. For now only with people that I know will not mind having their photo splashed all over the internet, when I find out from others I will put more. Also I know I wasnt the only one with a camara, so I hope that I will get to see some other shots.
  5. pucksapunch - yes it was you LOLOL but there are couple more - you will meet them on Sat - dobe and a whippet - they have been to lure c. already with me and loved it. As for Ruben not chasing - I will bring Image she will show him how its done! OMG - my arms already hurt.............
  6. I will most likely come. Will try to drag some people with me as well lol
  7. I think K9's dog is Kayne, but I could be wrong....
  8. Tarka - Ruby is :p Great dog. Yes completly disobiedient but very responcive and she will do very well if you keep up with the training. I must say that for the second lesson you guys were doing great. Well done. I will not see you next week as Im going to K9's so I hope that in 2 weeks time I will see a dog that only occasionally drags you along ;) And no comments here about my instructing skills...... I hope that your mum has tought you - if you have nothing nice to say say nothing.
  9. Here we go again....... Someone pulled out so I have another spot available. If interested PM me your email address.
  10. obviously wind = distraction for your dog. Plus being outside with more noises, birds etc. Most dogs go "nuts" in the wind, apparently so do children...
  11. chezzyr - thats my point, you are by the looks of it not interested in the trials, so if you say stay you dont particularly want to remember to leave on a right leg (although it can come in handy) you do not return to your dog around your dog to an exact heal position. you want the dog to STAY wheather you will leave to the left, to the right jumping, looking at it or smiling or whatever. General rule - time than distance than distractions
  12. It sounds like you are going from a 1min stay at the front of the dogs nose straight to the 15 steps at 2 minutes. There are MANY steps in between..... As much as this is a good description for ob. ring many pet people dont really care if the dog sits, is in a down or in a stand on their left or right or at the front as long as it will STAY in a lets say 1m circle. If I was a person never interested in trialas I would never teach the left hand side (and only that) original position. I would teach the dog to stay wne Im at the front, behind or whatever, each and every day a different original position, not necesarily the left of handler
  13. The fact that you are human doenst make you a boss. If only it was that easy... Agree - boss doenst have to be a negative word. there are good and bad bosses amongst humans and dogs ...
  14. Yet again Am - a ditto from me .... BOF - earned the right to be a boss???? Sorry what do you mean? It would be a problem if I wasnt a boss........ I dont earn the right, I just am. And no not becouse Im biger and a human. I am the boss in my dogs eyes - I provide everything in his life - food, play, security, freedom etc. Can you expand on your thought of earning the right to be the boss please.
  15. It should not be a problem if the dog has been tought to watch your face. I do make eye contact and have no problems If its confrontational - the dog can look away, after all Im the boss
  16. And you should, its one of the crutial things you should do with the dog. Just remember that if you are practicing stay as an excercise and your dog is extremly food motivated and very very hungry at the time of the excercise it will be more likely to break the stay. Look on K9s website for Triangle of Temptation - it is a detailed description of how to do the wait for food (and not only) and it also teaching a stay. Yes by all means make the dog wait for its food, from day one. Just aknowledged that for SOME dogs it might be a very big distraction.
  17. Whatever you choose as a hand signal is your "problem" however the commonly used one is an open hand in front of dogs nose, almost as if it wanted to go foward it would hit your hand with its nose. Its a clear big hand signal. As Tess mentioned do time, than distance than distractions. So waiting for food although its one briliant idea might be to much of a distraction in the beginning for some dogs. If you going to do thsi, at least have the dog on lead so it can be correted if need be. Also after the stay if you recall the dog it teached the dog a sequence of events and it might anticipate the next step and break the stay. So dog in a sit or a down, clear hand signal and you stay with the dog dont go anywhere. Release and reward when you happy with the time that the dog stayed. Start from really smal periods increase them gradually, but vary the time so the dog doesnt know how long is THIS stay going to be. When happy with the time the dog is staying take one step away. if the dog stays go back and reward. Work on that for a while increasing the time at one step away at first, insead of going a second step away. Go back to your dog to reward dont recall it. If you dont want to go back you can give a release word and the dog can go wherever it wants. Do it on lead first or tie the dog up, in case it will want to bolt. If the dog moves go back and put it in the original position. You might do an arghh the moment it moves - you need the good timing for that. Gradually increase time, than distance than add distractions. If you are happy with lets say a 5 minutes at your feet and want to move on to some distance than drop the time. So 5 min at your feet is a move to lets say 1 minute at a 2 step distance. Clear as mud?
  18. No Kayne. Please PM me your emial address.
  19. Couple of people pulled out and I have 2 spots available if anyone is interested. PM me if you are.
  20. So I guess you liked the club There were A LOT of people there yesterday - I guess we are doing something right ;) Yes I have seen a new GSD. Well I think you will be in a white class next week than. I was the instructor that was not wearing the instructors blue shirt.... to the left hand side of the park near the black 4wd parked uder the trees. Come and say hello next time. I usually stay afterwards and go for a walk or chat with some people, or let the dogs play (my dobe, malamute, GSD and a whippet are the usual suspects... I have taken a blue class yesterday and absolutly loved it (a bit higher standard than the beginners, but still with all sorts of problems) so I will try to take that class again. You will just have to make your way through the classes to get to me quickly :p
  21. Tarka - did you go to Peakhurst? I was there (as per usual) but there were a lot of new faces and I couldnt aproach everyone that I dont know....
  22. Yep I feed fish to my dog. Once a week on average. Whatever hubby catches or whatever is the cheapest in the fish shop Macrell, whiting, bonito, yellowtail etc Yes the whole fish, scales, head and guts - the lot. My dog really likes it
  23. Home specific issues can be explained to you. Just to give you an example - personal experience. I went to K9 Force becouse my dog is dog agressive. I spend some time there and waited for K9 to bring his dog out to see what mine does. He never did. I was somewhat dissapointed. Only after some time it did sink in........ he didnt need to see it...... he has seen it all before. What makes K9 different to others? I dont know I guess the fact that his methods actually work. As to visit to Peakhurst - of course come along, I can show you stuff for leash pulling thats about it
  24. Tarka, be prepared that there will a long wait for an appointement. Well worth the wait. I guess I will keep you in mind if someone pulls out from a K9 workshop scheduled for 10.09. But for now, all places there are booked.
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