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Esky the husky

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Everything posted by Esky the husky

  1. Great photos. I hope to see more after this fun day
  2. I want one I want one I want one Now off to research breeders. Get a job and keep adding to my dog saving fund
  3. Thanks for that Finnish it is I like the sound of an off switch
  4. Oooh I want one soo much I know I have to wait though. Until I have a job and my own place. I miss having my own place. So can anyone explain the difference between a Swedish and a Finnish Lapphoond
  5. So more OO as in stew Rather than u as un truck ?? ;) If i get one i need to be able to pronounce it's breed name. BTW fran it was so cool reading this thread. It's like the beginnings of your lappie journey :D
  6. Read the whole thread Now no one mentioned, how do you pronounce the word Lapphund? Also what is the difference between a the finnish and swedish lappies? Talked with the BF and he's pretty keen on a lappie too. They aren't as cheeky as huskies, right? Right?
  7. And what does the mother tell that poor boy when he grows up with no testicles
  8. Why would you go for the overpriced mutt or purebackyardbred dog when you could get one from a registered breeder for the same price?
  9. What about Boomerang for a name Glad the pup is back with you safe and sound. Hope you find a new suitable home for it soon
  10. ^ The people I live with have done that I don't know if they were aware they could have a permit to have more than 2 dogs though.. I've only just moved here so Esky isn't registered with the council yet
  11. I let mine ride beside my bike. They have a harness and a walky dog attachment so that we both stay safe. At the moment I just do heaps of laps around the oval. The dog can run on the grass and I can still ride on the gravel. I can modify the pace depending on how energetic the dogs are. Much better than walking I have stumpy legs. I can't no too fast They also get games of fetch. Esky gets kept outside in the day, and let into the caravan I sleep in at night.
  12. Thursday the 1st C'mon everyone else. It's my first time doing the challenges I wanna see other photos
  13. Thankyou for giving him a great life in his golden years R.I.P
  14. ALrighty outside with me to try and get some shots
  15. That's what OH said when it was over: Great report, but it needs to be on A Current Affair or Today Tonight. I've been thinking that too. This is the kind of stuff that needs to go in girlfriend or dolly magazine (I have the article half written out in my head already)
  16. It should be fine Otherwise why would these guys have named their vinyard after the dogs (curly coated retrievers no less) http://www.dogridge.com.au/
  17. ANKC has actually written a response to the statements made by RSPCA I found it on the Dogs SA website before I sent my letter off. http://www.dogssa.com.au/documents/Response_to_RSPCA.pdf I think it's quite well composed But it doesn't hurt if we keep voicing our disgust at the RSPCAs comments
  18. Agreed For those who don't know its over there <<<<<<<<<< Below my name Personally I have never reported. I guess the amount of time I spend on this forum maybe I should report something
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