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  1. Whoa whoa whoa... I don't intend my advice as the be all and end all with raw feeding. I'm just telling anyone who has done the right research, found out the nutritional information relevant to dogs, and decided to go ahead with raw feeding shouldn't be afraid to feed giant breeds raw. Of course I wouldn't recommend willy nilly raw feeding, but I'm just saying that once you get into the swing of things, you'll be much more relaxed and at ease with raw feeding. I'm sorry if I said something terribly wrong.
  2. Thanks Rubystar and Dyzney, that's what I was thinking.
  3. Sorry to be a bit off topic, but I had a question about insurance. I read somewhere (maybe on DOL) that if you get treatment and claim for a condition/illness like, for example, Hip Dysplasia while you have insurance, then it will count as a pre-existing condition and won't be covered the following year/whenever you renew your contract. Is this true?
  4. Just putting a question out there... But if we don't vaccinate ourselves more than once when we are young, why do we vaccinate dogs yearly or even three-yearly? Just asking...
  5. Hey all, I was looking on the canidae website and came across this. Is this true? I have always though that just plain 'meat' (e.g. chicken, lamb, beef etc.) on the packaging was preferable to 'meat meal' (e.g. chicken meal, lamb meal, beef meal etc.) Is what they say about 'meat meal' having higher levels of meat protein than 'meat' true? Thanks, Josh
  6. Does anyone know where you can get a dog vasectomy in Sydney? I've never heard of it, and I've heard about the growth-plate/early desexing argument in larger breeds. I'm guessing a vasectomy would not affect the growth plates closing up? I suppose all the usual male habits will still be there, although you won't have to worry about unplanned matings and the increase in height from early desexing... Thanks
  7. Hey Elsa, I'm relatively new to the forums and am looking into BARF diets, and was wondering whether you could send me a copy of the diet as well. Thanks, Josh
  8. meganmm, where and what time is the dog show that you spoke of? Are there certainly going to be Leonbergers there?
  9. Hey! Congrats to all the people getting puppies! Thought I might add my name to the list. I am looking to get a Leonberger puppy in November 2010-February 2011!
  10. Thanks for the support & help. I've sent an email to Konigslair, thanks for the recommendation. How much do you guys reckon it will cost for a male puppy? Just a round figure? And Kath, how did you bring him to QLD from Tasmania? Can anyone inform me about how importing a dog from, for example, New-Zealand would work? Thanks again...
  11. Hi I am new to posting on this forum, though I have been reading posts for a while. I have been researching large dogs, and have been really looking at a Newfie, Leo or a Bernese Mtn Dog, and was wondering if any of you could point me to a reputable Leonberger breeder who you would trust to buy a Leo puppy from. I live in NSW, but am willing to travel to Victoria or QLD for a good breeder who I can stay in touch with for any issues arising with the dog. Also if you know of any planned litters in late 2010, your help would be much appreciated. Also, how would you go about importing a dog? Would you have to travel to NZ for instance? Thanks for reading...
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