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Everything posted by Luvmy4
My grandma in law has owned 2 over the yrs and is thinking about number 3 what is the ave price on a ltd reg pet as it would be desexed and spoilt as it would be her only pet. She even likes the idea of taking on an older dog
I will never buy another breed since getting Leila. Next time I'll do it right. Nanny dog fits her correct. I live on a farm I let her in and out the house as she pleases. I let the chooks free roam Leila has barked about 4 times in her life. once because she seen cows for the 1st time, other 3 because a foxes enter the yard. I babysat once the the kids were 8 months and 2yrs my kids were 6,3 and 2 when I got her because of that I left her outside because they other ppls kids and she hadn't been around babies I put a load of washing on came back to the loungeroom and she wasn't sitting outside the door. I said Where's Leila 2yr old I was watching said I let her in to play she's laying on the floor 8 month olds laying ontop of her almost asleep. I've epilesy If I'm not up at my normal time which is rare shes walks in my room jumps up on the bed and lays beside as if to check on me. She seems so wise. non dog owner don't understand our bond
I was looking into them once they were $2400+ from a breeder in Gunnedah nsw they were importing seman
We tried it with kelpie pups (working)ended up rehoming one, they were to high energy and mischieve making together led each oth astray to smart. It would depend on the pups personalities
what does the part 'but something else entirely - and its not a good thing....' mean?? maybe i am a bit slow, but I am defintely not getting that latter part. I was abit slow on that too but I'm guessing a pain in the bum pmsl
They are great dogs since getting my Leila I don't think I'd pick another breed. She's like my 4th kid but its a different bond. Shes just so wise lol sound so mushy
She's gorgeous
I always wanted a ferret was driving though a town stopped at a petshop bought 1 the info they gave me Lets just say thank god for ozferret.com.au coz the petshop told me crap for a quick sale I knew more then them from researching ferrets I made her into a beautiful pet they cost a fair bit to set up right (desexing is a must) After buying her I reckon petshops should only be allowed to sell pet products, birds and fish. The birds and fish they should be watched
Just wondering If there are laws against breeding every heat cycle? I'm hearing of someone breeding alot just b4 xmas and a new litter now, (same bitch) all xmas litter died they are said to be blaming it on the heat. 3 of this litter are dead already they are blaming it on the cold by the look of it they sell the pups at 4 weeks old
http://www.amstaffnsw.org/pages/colours.htm They come with them markings
To you on the 1st lot. I've just seen backyard breeders of staffies they only have 2 dogs,(a bitch and dog) announce their got a new litter on fb, last 1 was b4 xmas all the pups died their blamed it on the weather being 2 hot. Here is a copy paste of status about their newest addition "i hav 6 beautiful puppies staffies but i will not b offering them 2 any1 untill they r bout 4 weeks old as the cold weather has taken 3 :-("
http://www.laa.org.au/ala-lab/coats.html lab x poodle coat 1st cross pic down bottom says they will be hairy
The poor dogs a pup machine
Well I've 3 kids 7-3 was planning on more but epilepsy stopped that got it when my yougest was 7 months old meds make it unsafe to have more so I got my staffy we have a different bond she's a 4th kid but no whinging, cuddles when i need it without me asking she just knows. if I'm not out of bed at my regular time she's in there with me checking why. If one of my kids are sad or hurt she's making them happy.
I've just seen backyard breeders of staffies they only have 2 dogs,(a bitch and dog) announce their got a new litter on fb, last 1 was b4 xmas all the pups died their blamed it on the weather being 2 hot. Here is a copy paste of status about their newest addition "i hav 6 beautiful puppies staffies but i will not b offering them 2 any1 untill they r bout 4 weeks old as the cold weather has taken 3 :-(" ppl like this is why I've changed my mind
His roadtest are full of crap a friend was after some ducks I read his roadtests they were opposite to what everyone one the backyard poultry forum were saying
Yes I had the room, time and would of got the money but so many ppl won't look after an animal properly
Actually thanks Everyone I've done alot of thinking, After seeing how others treat their dogs (not in this forum) and I do not want to be come a breeder anymore my dogs my 4th baby and maybe one I might get into showing
Thanks I will read up. this is not a jump in quick thing for me. I've loved staffy for yrs from afar got my hands on one through a classfiied ad yes backyard breeder b4 u jump on me yes i'll admit since she had a great nature and played 2nd mum to my partner kelpies bitches pups (we're farmer their working line) I did think of breeding her for a pup of her nature then realised hey she's most of the way she is from my love so I desexed her.
I understand that while my kids are home I do playgroup 3 times a week. What I mean Is I will have more time once their in school. Thanks everyone
I have been Interested in this for a long time. I would love to breed and show Staffordshire Bull Terriers was thinking once I have all my kids in school and have the time (a few years away) I'd love to hear from breeders how to start, whats involved, why you did, the pros, the cons and what not. Just any stories. btw I'm in NSW