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Everything posted by Luvmy4
Great dane owner was on something
What Can You Expect To Pay For A Saint Bernard
Luvmy4 replied to frenchiegirl's topic in General Dog Discussion
I wouldn't of thought you'd get any breed papered for $800 well maybe a stb -
I'd love to know how mine would greet ppl when I wasn't there
a must Exactly Agree If you can't watch but his books 1st (shih tzu) was as a substitute sibling when I couldn't keep a baby, when he passed I had developed epilepsy had 3 kids and it was to risky for more my sbt is my 4th but a wise old soul at 1yr old Yes My dogs have been from byber's (I won't lie) yes I've been lucky.since joining fb and seeing ppl(acquaintance's) advertise their litters on it (1 bitch pups each cycle ) never again yes i've been lucky. I feel sorry for the mother. Mean while my Baby is curled up with my kids
Why not trap with the cage things see what you get then shoot??
Need to meet my Leila cannot Imagine her any nicer
I've a 1yr old sbt and a huge yard (it's a farm) she lives inside. There is so much exercise you don't count I've 3 kids. When she's not following me like a lamb while I go from room to room doing housework, feed the chickens that are in different pens around the yard, she's playing with the kids or entertain the hyper work pup. Before I realised this the other day I thought she was low energy
I heard that from a rottie breeders son. Unsure if they were bybers I think its funny how people assume my sbt my husbands. She mine. Then ignorant tell me never to trust her with the kids. (I allow her to live inside)
Dubbo, mogriguy and Mendooran were not Dingo regions http://www.nt.gov.au/nreta/wildlife/progra..._management.pdf page 8 shows their habitats
Most properties, forests and national parks this way have fox baits out. If a person is releasing them he must not care to much about them
http://www.dailyliberal.com.au/news/local/...es/1850036.aspx This sites been down all today But sightings and dingoes shot in the area have been happening as earlier as 18 months ago it's was kept quite til yesterday. The areas mention are Mendooran,mogriguy and Dubbo. I live very close 22nd of feb what I thought was a lone kelpie came on our property took on 2 pig dogs they were chained the 13yr old part blind and deaf one died 1 week later, it killed 2 chooks, a ferret, killed and mutilated 2 of my neighbours sheep after seen this http://www.marapana.com/Fact%20Sheets.pdf the black one could be mistaken for a kelpie from a distance
real kids: Mercedes sounds mer-seed-eze Lori sounds law-ree ppl get them wrong
geez someppl have had some dogs dogs:Missy Brooke Tayah Shaye Zoe Leila ferrets:India Kazena Harlow Chooks:loretta Dolly June Patsy
For those that use them for dogs that live on rocky rough terrain how nessarry are they? I've been thinking of going on long walks and taking my staffy its a rocky property i've seen dog's who have been on tar roads and hurt their paws. Are they good?
I live in a small town only know one person with papered dogs offhand (proberly because they run a stud) owned dogs all my life all from classified ads or friends litters found this site by google to my next dog will be the papered way
a weapon? the same could be said about any animal with teeth!!! Yeah it could be said but just the mentality of "some" pitbull buyers they get them never train or socialise them They escape their yard cause havoc it gives the rest bad names and regulations
If this all true I agree esp as its said dogs were with owners and they were told to leash them. Poor camels, tourist and operators all will have mantal scars for life. dogs will be paying for something owners could of prevented
Who Takes Their Dog To Work With Them?
Luvmy4 replied to cannibalgoldfish's topic in General Dog Discussion
Doesn't count I'm a sahm but mine has visited my son's classroom and did a day at playgroup -
I think potential owners should be morally tested into why they want apbt. previous dogs and what happened to them. In the right hands an abpt is an excellent pet the wrong it's a weapon and why would someone want one these days with so many restrictions?
Since getting her my life has got easier. (up to 2yrs 3 months ago life was easy=normal, thats when my temporal lobe epileppsy kicked it ) Blind ppl have guide dogs I have Leila. If one of my kids crys shes there b4 I normally am. She normally sleeps with my 4 yr old who dreams on being a vet when she grows up but if my other 2 are sick or upset Leila is in their bed. if i'm not out of betr at my normal time she is with me checking why
somethings you have no choice but to let a person go, you can only educate them so much the rest they have to do with their own brain
Does Desexing Really Make A Difference
Luvmy4 replied to Lucy's mama's topic in General Dog Discussion
sorry if it's been asked before what breed is Banjo? what age did you get him? just wondering with they way he acts to the kids and the trainer not includiing them seeing his a "family dog" are yous showing him? (just asking i've never had show dogs) I find it wierd kids being excluded if hes a family dog. but i've always trained my own dogs -
as Wazzat Xolo is getting at u don't know the problems u are bring home u might be getting a double banger of both breeds
I will admit 6yrs ago I thought they were gorgeous,I looked into buying one att they were $750 a pup so we were not bringing in much money so I couldn't not see the point of forking that much on a desingner that hadn't been out long