Shepherd 08
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By cross examining you. I'd be looking to prove that as a use of force trained police officer with training in non-violent conflict resolution that when yelled at by an old guy than you reacted in anger rather than fear for your safety. I'd rate my chances. x2. Given the circumstances where a person has the ability to leave a scene but chooses to assault a person instead they would never be able to use self defense as a reason that has indeed been the case in the past in several cases I agree too. If the person has the ability to leave. I'm talking about a situation where this is not the case.
By cross examining you. I'd be looking to prove that as a use of force trained police officer with training in non-violent conflict resolution that when yelled at by an old guy than you reacted in anger rather than fear for your safety. I'd rate my chances. For the upteenth time, I wouldn't strike anyone for simply verbally abusing me, which I've already clarified. It wouldn't get to court. I've been cross examined by much smarter men and women than you and being an honest person, I've never had a drama. So if someone comes up to you and you think they will assault you, or if you attempt to walk away you'll cop a whack to the back of the head, you'd do what exactly?
And your proof is... ? Quite a number of years charging people with various assaults. I'm not talking about charging. I'm talking about defending using the "sefl defence" defence. What happens to others doesn't alter the particular circumstances of this event unless its going to your state of mind. I'm talking about you justifying as "reasonable" physically assaulting someone calling you a useless pr*ck of a dog owner. Where's the threat? And under the circumstances, haven't you received training in non-violent conflict resolution? And haven't you had use of force training? I need to get used to the tone of this forum as I'm used to making fairly facetious remarks (like my original comment on this thread) on various forums without people taking it too seriously. To clarify, I would not hit someone simply for verbally abusing me (as described in the first remark). That was a flippant remark. My following comments in this thread relate to a situation in which I would consider defending myself. Again (I can't believe I have to repeat this again): If someone approaches me in an aggressive way and I genuinely fear he will assault me, I can defend myself. I'm no longer talking about the situation described in the OP - let's be clear about that.
And your proof is... ? Quite a number of years charging people with various assaults. Rubbish, you are wrong. No champ, I'm not. How many assaults have you investigated and taken to court? Tell me how you'd prove beyond a reasonable doubt that in a one on one incident with no witnesses that it wasn't a case of self defence?
And your proof is... ? Quite a number of years charging people with various assaults.
Ummm, that argument only works if you are not the first to give a 'smack to the head', otherwise I hate to tell you this, but you are the antagonist, yelling or no yelling, which was kinda my point when I asked "Are you for real?" Escalating to physical violence just because someone yells at you is NOT ok. Look, I really don't want this thread to go off on a whole new tangent, but... If someone comes up to you and you have a genuine fear they will assault you, then you have every right to strike first in self-defence. You do not have to wait for someone to hit you first. Also, don't get confused with someone simply yelling abuse and someone coming right up into your face in an aggressive stance/posture and yelling abuse. Actually you don't. If leaving, or some other non-violent method of avoiding conflict is available, lawfully you are required to do that. Wrong. In the situation I'm talking about, I'd be well within my rights to defend myself. I have real life experience in this kind of situation.
You seem very aggressive and very quick to "defend" yourself. So what would your dog be doing as you beat someone off? Would your dog join in on the attack? Talk about making a situation worse than it needs to be...what happened to walking away and calling the appropriate authorities. I seem very aggressive? And you're basing that off a single post? No, I'm not an aggressive person at all, in fact, if we ever met you'd see that I am a very pleasant person. "So what would your dog doing as you beat someone off?" Sorry, I realise that was probably unintentionally funny, but thanks for the laugh. I don't beat people off though lol. You seem to be misunderstanding the point I was making, which was this (repeating myself here). If someone approaches me in an aggressive manner and if I perceive that as a threat to my safety, then I will defend myself and the law tells me I have every right to. Would my dog join in the attack? Firstly, defending myself is not an attack and secondly, my dog would probably run away or try to hump something.
Ummm, that argument only works if you are not the first to give a 'smack to the head', otherwise I hate to tell you this, but you are the antagonist, yelling or no yelling, which was kinda my point when I asked "Are you for real?" Escalating to physical violence just because someone yells at you is NOT ok. Look, I really don't want this thread to go off on a whole new tangent, but... If someone comes up to you and you have a genuine fear they will assault you, then you have every right to strike first in self-defence. You do not have to wait for someone to hit you first. Also, don't get confused with someone simply yelling abuse and someone coming right up into your face in an aggressive stance/posture and yelling abuse.
Off leash dog - overreaction - yelling - overreaction - smack to the head. Are you for real? I have only got this far but I agree with hotfurball. Are you seriously for real? So I am walking my extremely dog agressive, oversize, very fit Sibe on lead, who incidently was attacked by an off lead terrier as a puppy and you approach me with your elderly Rotti off lead :p My dog feels threatened and snaps at your dog. Thankfully your dog because of his size only requires 23 stitches, abs and a few drains, thankfully it wasn't a swf. Then you recieve the five hundred buck bill for his treatment, you're the sort of person who doesn't follow rules so god knows you aren't taking ANY responsibility for that bill. You report my dog to the council. What then? Or I am walking my extremely dog agressive, oversize, very fit Sibe on lead, who incidently was attacked by an off lead terrier as a puppy and you approach me with your elderly Rotti off lead I start sceaming at you to keep your dog away from mine because I sure as hell never want my dog laying a tooth on yours or any other. You smack me in the head for sceaming at you, my Sibe who is extremely protective of 'her' family lunges at you. I am still recovering from being hit but luckily she isn't human agressive so only glances your arm with her teeth. What then? But of course what actually happens is I cross over to the other side of the road because I will protect my dogs at all costs but ............. why the hell should I have to, I aren't the one breaking the law, you are. Was that little rant directed at me? I am confused. If you are asking me "am I for real?" then yes, I am. You come up to me aggressively within striking distance - regardless of whether you have a right to be angry or not - and IF I perceive that as a threat, then yes, I will defend myself if I feel it's appropriate. Let's not get off topic though, hey?
Off leash dog - overreaction - yelling - overreaction - smack to the head. Are you for real? Well, depends on the situation. If he gave me the impression he would become violent, absolutely.
Right or wrong, if some idiot got up in my face like that, he would've copped a smack to the head at the least.
Foxtel Watchers? Just For Fun :)
Shepherd 08 replied to Dogsrawesome's topic in General Dog Discussion
It's Me Or The Dog is the only dog show I watch and also a couple of the police dog shows (can't think of the names). -
Daily Telegraph Story On Pet Shop Puppies
Shepherd 08 replied to Shepherd 08's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yeah, good points. Definitely should've been a better link between puppy farmers and pet shops. -
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw-...i-1225995114283 Education is the key here. There are plenty of people out there who have no understanding of how these shops operate. The more mainstream media outlets do stories like this, the better.
I had a very similar situation mid last year. My dog (also a male GSD) was apparently barking while we were out and about. I had no idea this was the case, as he is well behaved when we are home and doesn't just bark at nothing. Like it or not, dogs aren't always as well behaved when left alone :D I received a note in my letterbox from the neighbour across the road, who I subsequently went to see. Far from being anti-dog (they own a few little yappy dogs), they told me they didn't want to put in an official complaint and that they just wanted me to know it was happening. I was really appreciative that they let me know, and I told them so. I gave them my mobile number and told them to call or text anytime barking was an issue. I also got a high frequency barking collar which I fit on my dog when he is left home alone. Since that time - no problems. Unfortunately for you, you have an anonymous complaint; might be worth printing out a few generic letters and posting them to your neighbours. Ask them to contact you if they have a problem and you can hopefully come to an answer together.