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Everything posted by cavvysavvy

  1. Where are you, I know how to get on to a stockist as she supplies a friends shop. Shes great and delivers almost next day if it is ordered. I am near Ballarat and keen to get a bag to try ASAP. I dont have any days off work to make a trip to Melbourne in the near future. Interested in the small breed adult formula... Will try the small bag first of course, and if my cavs like it ill get a bigger bag...
  2. I am thinking of ordering some as I am in Ballarat and nowhere my side of melbourne seems to sell it. WOuld like to give it a try. Does it temp the fussiest of eaters?
  3. Does anybody use artemis dog food? I am doing some research on the internet and am after a high quality food that has no by products and is as natural as possible. Was wondering how good anybody has found this range to be? Any feedback would be great
  4. We have an old girl whom I inherited from my grandfather when he passed away, she is a Jack russel and recently diagnosed with cataracts. We currently use maxidex eye drops once or twice a day as needed. She is just too old to under go the surgery to have them removed. She seems to be doinf well this way. Hope this helps
  5. Hello all, Just thought I would mention further to my last post about PRA regarding my 18 month old cav - Caesar. In the last 12 months alone I have spend thousands on his eyes. He had a dermoid that had to be removed The eye specialist then found that he had Multifocal retinal dysplasia I discover yesterday that my little man is also suffering from Progressive retinal atrophy... Thats 3 problems regarding the eye in only 18 months!!!!! Surely there is something I can do to get the breeder to recognise this without her abusing me...... Would be great to name and shame the breeder also, I dont want anybody going through what I am going through. Ultimately my little fella is going to end up blind!!!!!
  6. There is currently no DNA test available for cavs but they are apparently working on it. About to start another post regarding the eye problems I have had with my cav, with whom i purchased from a registered breeder 18 months ago. Pity you cant name and shame the breeder......
  7. I have called the VCA in the past regarding this breeder and I have also spoken to the Cavalier King Charles CLub of Victoria also. Ill get back onto the phone to VCA today also to see what I can do. The last time that I called the VCA they pretty much told me that there is nothing that I can do
  8. Yes, Do you know how long before blindness will set in after the initial night blindness etc... I did all the right things in selecting a VCA registered breeder, looking at many different breeders and doing my research and seems so disappointing that this still happens...
  9. Yes he is from a registered breeder. She does not want to know...... I have previously called VCA or Dogs Victoria and there were not a healp either and said there was nothing that I could really do. I just dont want anybody else to go through what I am as this is not his first hereditary problem that has been found....
  10. How old is your dog?? He is only 18 months old.
  11. Hello, I was wondering if anybody has a dog with progressive retinal atrophy? My Cavalier has been diagnosed today in the early stages with the night blindness and glowing eyes due to the dilated pupils... How long did it take for your dog to go from this stage to total blindness? How did they cope and adjust? Thanks
  12. My dog has IBD bouts every now and then and I dont even have to change his diet for these episodes. I always have on supply some metron which is an intestinal antibiotic for my little fella so that he can be fixed up quick. LAst week he has bad diarrhoa for almost five days and relieving himself every five minutes with blood all through it. Might be worth a trip to the vet. Diarrhoa can be serious, but I usually wait a day or two to see how things pan out rather than jumping to conclusions. Just make sure that he is drinking plenty of fluids...
  13. HAHA dont tempt me!! i would love a lil pup...but i have to think of the kids, well the dog really.. I want them to enjoy each others company You could try cavvie rescue. There are some groups out there that may have a mature age cav needing a new home
  14. No changes at all, but I do stay a few nights in town at my partners who also has a desexed cav.... He comes along with me and then goes back home when I do. Could he maybe be re establishing his territory after being away for a few days? Ha my little fella does that too. Maybe I should try staying home with him and see how things go. He may settle down after a few days hopefully and stop doing it. Should I try using a stern no when I see him doing it? I dont want him to think that I dont want him to piddle and confuse him...
  15. No changes at all, but I do stay a few nights in town at my partners who also has a desexed cav.... He comes along with me and then goes back home when I do. Could he maybe be re establishing his territory after being away for a few days?
  16. My cav toilets on command - I only have to say "pee pees" and he wees for me when taken outside but if he is wondering around thats when he marks everything. Our females are fixed up and we live on acreage so no neighbours with dogs either that are in close proximity... when he is doing his normal pee pee he squats if this helps...
  17. Yes, All of our dogs are desexed. We have always had our dogs done as young as possible
  18. I have an 18 month old cavalier King Charles who was desexed at a very young age - 4 months old and as of recent he has began to cock his leg on everything outdoors, including other dogs kennels and fence posts, clumps of grass - you name it...... He has never done this indoors and he is house trained. I have one other male dog who is not as bad and two other female dogs in case this means something. Any ideas to stop this behaviour completely? I would much rather prefer that he stuck to squatting. Any help or ideas would be much appreciated Thanks
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