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Everything posted by Lily123

  1. Michelle - good to hear your obedience class went well. I observed a puppy preschool class a few weeks ago - it was a great puppy fix actually! Magstar - when will you hear which puppy is yours? It must have been so exciting. These last few weeks will drag. Have you done your all your puppy shopping? Nic - Oreo is doing so well. He is so obedient for such a little guy.
  2. I hope this is the right spot for this topic. I have some questions about what people use for worms/fleas/heartworm. I have been using Revolution on my JRT and the cats but I've seen some threads on here regarding how many chemicals are involved. I was automatically going to start the new puppy on Revolution but would I be better just putting him on something for heartworm and worms and only treating for fleas if there is a problem? We had problems with fleas years ago (when the Frontline stopped working) but haven't had any since. I do live in a hot, humid area so I don't want to end up with problems again. Also, I remember reading a thread somewhere about not using the monthly heartworm monthly but six weekly. Could I use the Revolution six weekly do you think? It seems the more I read the less I know and the more confused I become. I want the animals to be healthy with as little chemical intervention as possible but I also don't want worms or fleas! Just interested in what people use and how it works for them. Thanks for any advice.
  3. I have a JRT and have had a Silky Terrier and my mother had an Australian Terrier. All have been fantastic dogs. No escape artists and great with everyone (the Silky was wary of males and was a very good guard dog). My Silky and JRT are/were fantastic ratters. The are such vibrant, full of life and joy little dogs (not that they think they are little dogs LOL).
  4. Nushie and Magstar - it's so exciting when you finally get to meet them (we met our puppy for the first time last weekend - he's five weeks' old today). I'm sure your breeder hasn't forgotten you Magstar but how about a friendly email just to check on what's happening? It's so much fun buying all the "stuff" too. We made an outing out of last weekend and visited a big pet store (and Ikea) and got lots of goodies. I set up the crate on the weekend and it got the seal of approval from our current dog and two cats! I took Blue Fairy's advice and borrowed the Poisonous2Pets book from the library so I could check the garden - I do have a few plants that I'll need to decide what to do with. I must do the "get down to the dog's level" thing and check around - I know there are some cords that will have to be moved. Thanks for the reminder. BF - I am SURE Zoe will sleep through soon (I've got everything crossed for you!). How exciting to win a competition and cute puggy stuff too. Congrats on the kitchen. You'll feel like a new person. We did a small re-vamp on our kitchen a couple of years ago - what a difference.
  5. Nic - Oreo sounds like he is doing very well - he's a clever puppy to be learning so many new things. I want to teach my puppy to ring bells at the back door to be let out; also to speak and be quiet. It's a long time since I've trained a puppy so I'm quite nervous.
  6. Michelle - wow, what a great first night. Hopefully the rain will stop and that will help with the TT. I don't think my two cats are going to appreciate the new puppy at all. I think it's going to be quite interesting! BF - Zoe is doing so well with her training - what a clever girl. I hadn't thought about getting them to wait before eating but I can see what a good idea it is. I'm sure her nights will improve soon - fingers crossed.
  7. Michelle - Georgia is gorgeous - how exciting to finally have her home. Good luck with the first night!
  8. Lauren - she is absolutely a gorgeous girl. I hope you had a good night.
  9. Jodi1981 - how exciting! The pregnancy countdown is so hard, I think I found it harder than waiting for the puppy to come home (he is now 16 days old). Lauren Golden - congratulations on Maggie's safe arrival - can't wait to see photos. BF - what a day you had! Sounds like a good report from the vet (love Zoe's thank you!!!). Good to hear you have a vet who supports three yearly vaccinations. I'm not sure how to find one - I guess I'll have to do some ringing around. Do you know if you can do obedience/agility etc if your dog is only vaccinated three yearly but your vet supports this? Just something I've been thinking about. I hope you get some sleep soon. I don't do well with no sleep so I'm praying my puppy settles quickly when I get him home.
  10. Lauren Golden - so close for you now! Shame about the photos though. My breeder has been great and I have been getting weekly photos and updates (my guy is two weeks old today). Blue Fairy - sounds like Zoe has settled in really well - she sounds a real cutie. It sounds like everyone else's pups are settling in pretty well and I love seeing the photos. I do not, repeat DO NOT, like hearing about the lack of sleep though. Ignorance is bliss LOL! I'm getting nervous about that. Our current dog did not give us one sleepless night - she slept right through with no crying from day one. Is it too much to hope we'll be this lucky again?
  11. Gotta love those ears - how darn cute!!!
  12. Great news Mich and she is absolutely beautiful. Now you just need those pesky holidays to whizz by!
  13. I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. I am crying as I type this. I have followed your story and know what a brave battle Pepi fought. I know how incredibly painful this is and my heart goes out to you. My love and hugs to you. RIP sweet baby.
  14. Oh Marns, you poor thing - how stressful. Poor little Lola. You'll be so relieved when you finally see her tomorrow. Congrats Jess on getting on the waiting list. It's a good feeling. I love everyone's stashes - there are going to be some spoiled puppies! I'll have to get busy shopping!! What is everyone putting in the bottom of their crates? Does anyone know anything about Vetbed? I hope you get some more pics Lauren Golden. I love getting updates on my puppy (and he's only a week old).
  15. Congratulations Nicolatu - can't wait to see some pictures. I'm a bit worried about lack of sleep! RCBG - today's the day!! Everyone's going to be so excited. Can't wait for your pictures too.
  16. Belgian. Blue - our puppy is a black miniature poodle and yes, my breeder has been great with updates. The waiting, waiting, waiting is hideous but I guess it will go fairly fast, particularly as I have to get everything ready for him and shop, which should be great fun! Not long for you now Belgian. Blue and a few others too I think (? Lauren Golden). I'm glad I'm within driving distance to pick up my puppy - some of these flights add quite a bit to the price.
  17. Blue Fairy - CONGRATULATIONS! What an absolutely gorgeous girl Zoe is. Sounds like she's doing great. Love the pics. I have some very exciting news too. I am getting a puppy!! He was born last Tuesday. I was further down the waiting list and thought I'd miss out but ended up higher on the list and now have just got to somehow get through the next eight weeks!!! I am beyond excited. I was convinced I wouldn't be getting a puppy for ages so this was a fantastic surprise.
  18. Congratulations to all the new puppy parents - there sure are some cuties! BF - so very sorry to hear of your daughter's loss. My condolences to your family. Congratulations on your wonderful puggy news - Zoe is probably my favourite girl's name!! It's funny how things turn out sometimes, isn't it? I can't wait to see pics.
  19. Congratulations on the new arrivals everyone - there are some beautiful photos of beautiful babies!! Bluefairy - things are getting exciting in your neck of the woods - woo hoo!
  20. CruiseNRoxy - Hemi is a total cutie - wishing you lots of love and laughter together. Blue Fairy - it must be very difficult to go to that hospital - so sorry for your loss (hugs). Your heart issues sound serious - I hope you've got a good cardiologist to look after you. Take care of yourself - don't forget, you need to be well to cope with the gorgeous pug you'll soon have in your life!! JaxD - Badger has the most beautiful face - he is adorable. Sounds like he loved puppy class and was definitely keen to go back again - that was so cute. I laughed out loud at what he did on your poor son on the way home - lucky he thought it was funny!!
  21. Blue Fairy - I hope you're okay. Sounds scary. I hadn't thought of a baby monitor (DH would think I was completely nuts!). I'm on the lookout for a baby gate to block off the laundry so the pup can't get to the cat food and litter tray. All the new babies sound like they're doing well. Belgian Blue - I bought my crate off ebay - I think it was ozdirectsell - or something close to that anyway. Great price and super fast delivery. I think a lot of people have been getting them from deals direct. Not sure if the divider is in all of them - it's in mine but that's the second smallest size.
  22. Belgian Blue - good news! Missin Bastian - is your baby home yet? KritalJay - yay for Boss being home. Hope the sleeping is sorted out quickly. Sounds like they are going to be great mates. Lola must be such a good girl! Jules46 - LOL at Flynn's routine - puppies are great time wasters! (not that it's a waste of course) Blue Fairy - yay for you!! I LOVE pugs! Fantastic that there are breeders near you (you'll be able to do lots of baby visiting!), the wait won't be so long and you are still getting a squooshy, mooshy face to love! Vent away, any time! I'm not sure yet where I'll put the crate - I was thinking the loungeroom but I'm afraid I won't hear the puppy in the night. Niques - sounds like James is doing great.
  23. Bluefairy I have to empathise with you. I too am a worryer and a thinker - I really think we make life so much harder for ourselves. I am getting an easily sourced breed but have still had setbacks and I don't have a date for a puppy yet. It must be so much more difficult with a harder to get/more expensive breed. You've had a lot of heartbreak with your animals in the past so I understand it must really make you worry. I had my mind set on one breed but have ended up changing but I'm happy with my decision now (due to a number of reasons - cost/medical issues in the breed/allergies in the family). Try to stop "overthinking" things (easier said than done!) and just go with the flow for a while. I'm sure everything will work out in the end. Good luck (and you can always come here and vent anyway!).
  24. Welcome Costa's mum - not long for you - how exciting. I don't know what to put in my crate either - as Jax said, I guess it depends if it's hot or cold. PoppyX - glad you've got a final date now - I'm sure it will all work out for you. Monah - those Snoozies sound good - I'd better Google that. Bluefairy - Happy Birthday to you and your OH, have a lovely dinner. Niques - you'd think James could have found something easier than rose bushes to fall in love with - what a funny puppy! KritalJay - where are you? How are things going?
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