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Everything posted by Lily123

  1. Just as the title says. My vet wasn't interested in discussing it - said they follow the yearly vaccination program. Also, another issue that kind of fits in - if we do agility or obedience, how do I get on if my dog only gets vaccinated every three years? (when they require an annual C5 as minimum).
  2. k9angel - how scary this must have been. I hope today has been a good day. Gentle hugs for Whitey, poor little sausage (and you too).
  3. CrazyCresties - Indy is one GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS girl!! What a stunner!
  4. Mystiqview - thanks for your input. It's great to hear from people who have used the lens. I'm sorry, but I'm blocking my ears, la, la, la, I can't hear you saying anything about another camera body LOL!! The information sharing is fantastic, particularly when I know nothing and the more you hear the more confusing it is sometimes!
  5. Hmmm... I had decided that it wasn't to be but, for the price, it really isn't too much to justify me getting it and having a good play around with it. I guess if it doesn't work out for me I can just sell it on. Thanks PossumCorner, you've been very helpful and knowledgeable with your comments and it's much appreciated. I think (if the tax man is nice to me) that I might just bite the bullet and buy the 50 mm.
  6. PossumCorner - hope you don't mind a question. What would be ideal circumstances for good results with manual focus (with the 50 mm)?
  7. Thanks for the replies everyone. I knew there was a chance I would have problems with some lens when I bought the D40 but for the price at the time it was the only way I was going to get into the DSLR market at all (and there were some very good reviews around). I've been very happy with the camera and for my skill level I couldn't justify getting another body yet (only purchased this camera late last year). I've got the 18-55 it came with and I bought an 18-105. Maybe I'm getting carried away with camera lens envy (LOL) and should just work with what I've got (but I've soooo loved looking at the photos in the 50 mm thread!). I'll go and have a look at the sites you suggested PossumCorner - thanks again.
  8. That's a bummer. I was really excited for a while LOL!
  9. I've been loving everyone's photos with the 50 mm 1.8 lens and was going to get one (particularly considering the price) but then did some research and of course now realise that I can't autofocus with this lens. Is there another lens that is comparable to this one that I could use (that would autofocus)? Has anyone used the 50 mm with the D40? Thanks for any ideas/help.
  10. Do you think the large crate would be okay to fit a JRT and a mini Poodle in? I was thinking just for trips to and from the beach etc?? Opinions? ETA - Fran - you're such a sweetie!!
  11. What a saga - I hope the talking too works for you!!
  12. I signed it. I didn't know you couldn't take dogs into cafes. There's nowhere in my local area that you can take your dog though and I was going to ask if anyone knew how I could find out where dogs are welcome.
  13. Oh Kirislin - your poor thing and poor little Penny. I hope everything's ok. Gentle hugs for Penny.
  14. Does anyone know what the pet insurance companies require in the way of vaccination? I've recently signed my gang up with PIA and there was a question in the application asking when your animal was last vaccinated. I didn't see anywhere in the PDS anything about not paying for treatment for animals that haven't been vaccinated (in fact I thought I read that they don't pay anything towards these illnesses anyway - parvo etc - but not entirely sure of this).
  15. Thank you! I'll give these things a try. I appreciate the help.
  16. What an absolute cutie! Have lots of fun with your new baby.
  17. Lynda - my deepest sympathy. RIP Kobi. This is always the hardest, most painful decision to make.
  18. Checked out the Bunnings ones and they are single ones so I think I'll go to Kmart on Thursday.
  19. Just double-checked with Bunnings - they have them at the moment for $18.97. I was going to get one for my guys for Christmas but for this price they can have an early present!
  20. Thanks for the link 4Kelpies, I'll read through that.
  21. Thanks Sas, will press on and see how we go.
  22. Thanks for the replies everyone! Aussielover - he is a mini poodle. I will definitely continue on with what I'm doing and see how things go. He is absolutely delightful otherwise and I just want to nip this in the bud.
  23. My 12 week old puppy growls and barks if we go near him when he has a bone. He's fine with food in his bowl - we can hand feed him and take it off him (including cut up chicken necks) but if he has a bone (chicken wing, lamb flap) in the yard he runs away, growls and barks at us. It was suggested that we don't try to take the bone off him but swap it with another bone and also try hand feeding the bone. I tried this tonight and he did swap and did let me hold the bone when he ate but the minute he got the end of the bone to finish off he started the growling again. Should I just keep up with this or is there anything else I should try? I've never had a dog who worries about food - they've always let anyone take it off them so I'm just not sure how I should approach this. Thanks for any help/suggestions.
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