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Everything posted by littlehoot

  1. Welcome Jodi, there are a few waiting for pups around the same time as you also.
  2. Didles, that is not good news. Is there a vet that specialises in that, that you can get to look at him? Sounds like the breeder is as shocked and upset as you.
  3. Oh hun, I am so very sorry. Huge hugs to you and your family.
  4. Best of luck for the weekend. Also was looking in the Trading Post for a Compact Gazebo and there is one but its a Pavillion and comes with one wall kit. $250
  5. I've cleaned the house top to bottom and tried to puppy proof as much as I can. Just waiting on Hubby to finish work and bring dinner home. Also bit off topic but my sister will be on ACA tonight as helping her friend with a brain tumour. She will also be on Domestic Blitz on Sunday.
  6. Its going to be a busy weekend around here. Will make sure I start snapping pics early so i will have lots to post tomorrow night. Best work out how to first.
  7. I hope Pucky gets better soon. Its sad that people dont think about their actions and how it affects someone else.
  8. Well one of the breeders has done really well in Canberra so just her Husband will be home, so we have organised for 12ish once he is finished worked. Cant wait.
  9. Congratulations BlueFairy. Will be a huge year for you. No doubt you are over the moon. Have fun shopping tomorrow.
  10. Its all a little surreal now. I am just waiting on the Canberra Royal Results to be posted to see if both the breeders will be home or if one will still be in Canberra. Just hoping a little rain comes soon as cools it down around here. Dont want to travel a pup in the heat.
  11. Im not 100% decided yet as I am not sure it will still work with show training. Dont want to confuse her. But yes it it wont effect her show training then I will be. This time tomorrow we will be on our way home with her.
  12. Welcome Mad. RR: Thats terrible that someone stole your pup, people are just heartless. OD: Are you clicker training as well? Hope Didles kids are getting their surprise of their lives right now.
  13. lol Ruby Red. I can see the kids pulling their toys around the yard. Didles must nearly be home and not long now until her kids are home from school as well.
  14. Just wondering what time group specials start?
  15. Poppyx, I got a large cat collar for our pug. I figured I would use it until she would fit into a small dog collar. I would go the smaller size but maybe speak with the breeder and ask your pups current neck size
  16. Sounds like he is doing well though. Pugs are foodaholics so I think it shouldnt be too bad. I am so excited that Didles is on the way to the airport to get her pup and that its all worked out for her.
  17. Fd26. Yep tomorrow is the big day for us. Its very warm here today so I am hoping its cooler tomorrow like they say I think your weekend will fly since your OH is home tonight, shame him and pup couldnt be on the same flight to say you another trip.
  18. Glad to hear Badger is going so well. Are you clicker training him as well. Have a safe trip Didles.
  19. Sounds great, I'll be thinking of you driving there. Can see you bobbing away in the car passing time, then tapping at the counter at the freight terminal waiting for him. Yours kids are going to be so excited and have the best weekend.
  20. Today is the day Didles. Are you excited? When are you heading to the airport?
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