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Everything posted by littlehoot

  1. I am sure I read somewhere (forgot to bookmark) that you can purchase a bracket similar to a bike rack for cars but for show trolleys? I was hoping someone knew what they were called or where I could purchase one. We only intend on showing two dogs so thought this would be a better option than a trailer. Sorry if such a product doesnt exist.
  2. Ok so I am going to enter two shows next month. Lola is only 3 months on the 20th and then its Easter so we are heading out after that. So I have a Gazebo on order, a chair for me, lead for Lola and her crate. So I have the bare basics. Now just to fill out the forms.
  3. Hope its not to wet out there. Any news on the PM results?
  4. I hope its not to wet there tonight as its been raining her for the last couple of hours. We are 30mins from Noorat
  5. Ok, well a gazebo is a must. Now do you have all solid walls or some mesh or some the silver mesh? Also with a trolley, we only have one pug to show so is it worth it for one dog or do you get one that can be divided into two to save buying another later if you get another dog to show?
  6. I was wondering what you all considered as must haves when starting to show. I have a month before my first show and I would love to know what others must haves are. TIA
  7. That is just horrid. Hope Karma comes back on this woman. I have everything crossed that the dog makes it safely back to you.
  8. All the best for anyone showing on the weekend. In my search for a Gazebo I found this. Bargin for anyone heading to Sydney for a show Link
  9. Welcome home to the new babies. Are there any coming home over the weekend? Lola is going well on the sleeping overnight but she doesnt stop at all during the day. No sleep for this puppy. I try to give her a sleep after her lunch but she just cries. Hows everyones toilet training going?
  10. I was wondering if anyone knew how many enteries were in group 1?
  11. Very cute pics Jules. Sorry for no Lola pics yesterday but we have a fire 3kms from home so I am just prepared incase. FD26, Joker will get used to it soon. Lola cried twice the first night and Sunday night, Monday night only once and last night slept through without a toilet stop until 7am. So I think its just a case of ignore if possible. When I take her outside I say toilet and give her a treat. So basically she gets rewarded for going outside but doesnt if she has an accident. I guess as Pugs love food it makes it easier. Also Lola only has one sleep of about an hour and a half around 1ish. Didles how is Winston going? I think Badger is a real character.
  12. Lola was well behaved and asleep when we got back. I was gone for 3 hours. She hadnt had a sleep that morning which I think made the difference. I have also been using a crate cover at night so that she knows its time to sleep.
  13. Morning All, Badger pics are cute as. Hope the newbies from yesterday all settled in well. Lola is being good. She had an accident last night after my daughter took her outside. She wasnt out there long enough. She had a good sleep though so that was good. I will try and get some new pics up today.
  14. Not long to go now. I have to head out to an appointment soon so I will need to give Lola her lunch and then toilet. She hasnt had a sleep yet so I am crossing my fingers she will just sleep when I am not home. Should be 2 hours as long as the Dr is on time. Can I ask how everyone else is going about leaving them while out?
  15. Love the pic OakeyDoak. FD26, yep let me clean the cage tomorrow for not listening. Red Ruby: Lola is going well with the toilet training. We go straight outside after a sleep and 5 mins after food and she hasnt had an accident yet. First thing this morning she ran to the door to get out so I think she is getting there. The other training on the other hand isnt going so well. She is still very jumpy and excited so shes not focusing so to speak.
  16. Ruby definitely has some good sleeping positions. How did all the babies go overnight? Lola did well and slept until 7am again which is great as thats time for getting up for school. She is still zooming around the house and throwing here mouse toy. FD26 today is the day for you YAY
  17. Just off to watch domestic Blitz as my sister is on there.
  18. Thank you everyone for your comments on Lola. She is very excitable which is making it a little hard to train but I will win that battle lol. How are all the other babies going? Didles, how is Winston?
  19. Congrats. Glad you had such a fantastic day out. Peaches and your yourself both look so proud.
  20. Huge Congrats again. We need pics as well please
  21. We are back, sorry had to do the human kids for nits today. My car looks worse today but I could be just being a sook. The hail stones were Golf Ball size and a touch bigger at times, they hit for 25 mins. It was horrible. Lola has settled really well. We havent had any accidents yet (touch wood) She also slept from 11p-730am which was great not a sound. She was beside the bed in her crate. Here are a couple of pics I took of her. We have started the clicker today. Just getting her used to it and looking at me.
  22. Anyone know who the Pug was that was RUBIG please.
  23. Welcome home Winston and Ruby. Well we are not long home ourselves as sadly we got caught in a hail storm and looks like my car might be written off. Lola (well we think thats going to be her name) is going well. Just had some dinner and not fazed by much. Will get some pics for you all tomorrow promise. Didles: I am glad your family all made the decision and whats best for little Winston. Sounds like your breeder is fab though which is great.
  24. Didles, I hope today makes things a little clearer for you. But it again will be a tough call. Well today is the day for us. YAY
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