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Everything posted by littlehoot

  1. I've taken it as they dont want everyone set up inside due to numbers, I will take the gazebo to set up outside but I dont have solid walls yet so could get a little wet.
  2. The numbers for Sunday are Group 1a - 1-24 Group 1b - 25-206 Group 2 - 207-344 Group 3a - 345-354 Group 3b - 355-514 Group 4 - 515 - 659 Group 5 - 660 - 807 Group 6 - 808 - 1004 Group 7 - 1005 - 1143
  3. Was great to meet so many of you yesterday. I am happy with how Lola went. Clare they are great pics of Casey and Lola.
  4. Have nothing entered but I am going to watch and I will be showing Flatcoats. Look for the Blond girl wearing a red suit and a black whelpingsupplies tshirt, with a camera around her neck! Will do
  5. On no dont tell me that. I will try and get hold of him today. Maybe she is 151 then. Onnies thankyou for that.
  6. If anyone sees someone lost with a baby puppy pug that will be me. If I get there at 8 would that be ok?
  7. Can anyone atleast give me an idea where group 1 is?
  8. BB, Thanks I know where the showground is but I sadly dont know where I need to be once I get there. Thanks Heidi, its exactly what I meant.
  9. Well it still hadn't arrived so I called and Lola is number 161. Is anyone able to scan me the map as I am not sure where to go being my first show.
  10. Does everyone have their numbers yet? Mine havent arrived but I did give mine to the show sec so I know we are entered.
  11. This is my Lolas first day out so will be fun. Please no laughing at her if she misbehaves.
  12. Congrats to all the winner and thanks to BBJ for the results. Can I ask who the pug winners were?
  13. Its Glen Street Warrion. Just head through Colac and turn Right onto Cororooke Road. You'll go through Cororooke and Coragulac before you get to Warrion.
  14. The information I was given, yes there were supposed to be two sets issued.
  15. I know of one person that did and somehow my enteries arent there so I wont be showing now. Seems like there may be a few in a similar position.
  16. The show at Sunbury is the 26th. I am already getting nervous and it feels daunting, I am sure I will get in the swing of things when there. I would love the support if you arent busy.
  17. LOTG or Evolving will either of you be at the Sunbury show or the Colac two day show? These are my first two shows and I am getting nervous.
  18. Could I please order 3 smalls and 1 medium LIST Small: 3 Medium: 5 Large: 2 Orders: Ravyk: 4 Med 2 Large LittleHoot: 3 Small, 1 Medium
  19. Ash I was thinking the same re the trolley as pugs plus cages arent light to carry.
  20. I would be interested if you have pics at all? I havent purchased a trolley yet and will be showing pugs so can the trolley be up to 96cms or can it only be 96cms. Could you also please pm me with an idea on price. Thank you
  21. Brilliant. Just showed hubby and he thinks its possible to get out friend to make one. Would still love to just be able to purchase one if someone knows where they can be located
  22. Showdog do you have a pic at all? Would it be something a welder could make? I have a friend that makes ute trays and trailers so possibly something he could make?
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