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I've torn muscles - OUCH!!! And the bruising was still coming out 3 weeks later Comfrey cream helped. You can get it at your local Health Food store or chemist Hope your boy is feeling much better now
General Feeding And Other Questions.
Bully replied to Jess and Ty's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Here's a list of poisonous things for dogs - Foods that Fido should Avoid -
General Feeding And Other Questions.
Bully replied to Jess and Ty's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Jess, I feed a BARF (Bones and Raw Food) diet with no cereal or grains. Scroll down and there's a there's a thread "Is This An Ok Diet For My Puppy?" I don't know if I've done it right - try "clicking" on this Is This An Ok Diet For My Puppy? There's a bit of info here. I've got Paw Paw ointment. I've mainly used it for dry skin, haven't tried it on scratches. I does say cuts and open wounds on the tube. I use Calendula cream for cuts and scratches or a Tea Tree Oil ointment if I think that the wound needs a bit of antiseptic. As far as bad foods - add grapes, raisins and macadamia nuts to your list. Hope this helps -
Hmmm, this has given me some ideas We have just started to build. At present I bath Pele in the laundry trough. She just fits in diagonally, so have told OH that the laundry trough needs to be big enough to bath Pele. Pele is 29.2kgs and is quite heavy to lift. Where do you buy a hydrobath and how much approximately are they? The heated one sounds the way to go Maybe I could bath friends and neighbor's dogs and help recoup the costs :D
Is This An Ok Diet For My Puppy?
Bully replied to PandaGirl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I've been feeding a BARF diet for about 13+ years now. I switched my previous Bull Terrier over when she was about 3 years and it was the best thing that I ever did for her. Pele, almost 3.5 years has been fed BARF since she came home at 8 weeks. I don't feed any cereal or grains - rice, pasta etc. Sometimes Pele might get some leftover pasta or rice dish, but that's ok it's not her regular diet. When Pele was a pup she used to swallow the chicken necks, so I gave her chicken wings. The soup bones are more for recreational chewing. I'm not too keen on offal either What I do is cut it up when it's still partially frozen and portion it into small freezer bags or containers until needed. Get hold of Dr Ian Billinghurst's books "Give Your Dog A Bone", "Grow Your up With Bones" and "The BARF Diet". Try your local library. Mine has all 3 books. In the BARF diet there are recipes for a meat/veg mix. -
Make sure that the urine sample is a first wee of the day sample. Not sure why but think that it's because it's more concentrated. Hope that it's nothing serious :D
Make sure that the urine sample is a first wee of the day sample. Not sure why but think that it's because it's more concentrated. Hope that it's nothing serious :D
In addition to the above rubbing with silk brings up a shine. An older lady mentioned it to me at a show one day. I borrowed an old silk scarf from my mother and it really did bring up a shine Pele is retired (spayed) from showing now and I've packed away the Plush Puppy, Mink Oil, white show make-up for Bull Terriers noses, chalk and other bits 'n pieces. Pele had a bigger make-up bag than mine :D
If you are giving your dog fish oil, or taking it yourself, make sure that you take Vitamin E as well. Make sure that it is Natural Vitamin E, not synthetic. Check the ingredients on the back of the bottle, if it says "Vitamin E (d alpha tocopherol) it's Natural, if it says Vitamin E (dl alpha tocopheral) it's synthetic and no good (it's also much cheaper). The Fish Oil depletes the Vitamin E in your body. Some bottles of Fish Oil caps mention it in the fine print (that no one reads), but most don't. I used to give Pele 3 x 1000mg fish oil caps and a 500mg Natural Vitamin E cap. I saw the Melrose Fish Oil at the HFS but it is Lemon flavoured for hoomans. I emailed Melrose to see if they did one without flavouring, but they don't. Thought I'd try it instead of pricking capsules and stabbing myself (I'm a klutz). My partner who has been taking Fish Oil caps for ages started taking the liquid recently and he swears that it's more effective. He's a bloke, so it's possibly all in the mind, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt :D
Had a nasty experience about 10 or so years ago with Jessie, my Bull Terrier. It was the day before Christmas and my partner, Allen's 15yo nephew was staying with us. Darryl and I took Jessie to the beach. Jessie and I used to go to the beach every day and she's swim for hours, no problem. Darryl was splashing water at her and she was catching it. After the beach we arrived home. Jessie used to jump up on the front verandah wall and bark. As I was unlocking the front door IT HAPPENED!!!! As she barked it squirted out and I felt it spray on my back Needless to say I tore my clothes off and bolted for the shower. As you can imagine Darryl thought it was the funniest thing ever (15 year old boys love that sort of thing) When the rest of his family including 12 yo brother arrived for Xmas dinner the next day the story was retold with much laughter. Jessie got renamed "BAZOOKA, the Fastest Bum in the West!" and lived with it for the rest of her life I still have nightmares and never recovered from the incident, even after many years of therapy
Stiches Seeping After Desexing
Bully replied to jaegertheweim's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Depends how much blood, whether it is bright red or watered down a bit. It could just be the stitches pulling. I don't think that it sounds normal. Keep on trying to contact your vet for an answer. My girl (3 years) was spayed just before Christmas. Apart from dried blood, it was pretty clean looking and no bleeding. Poor boy :D Give him a cuddle from me. I'm sure that he'll be bouncing around again in next to no time. -
Chewing Tearing Rugs And Dog Beds
Bully replied to 2RidgeBack's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Crate! -
Dogs who are vaccinated with MLV shed the viruses from the vaccine for about 2 weeks. One of the reasons that you do not vaccinate any of your animals while you have young puppies according to Dr Jean Dodds. From that you would assume that from mixing with dogs that have been recently vaccinated that your dogs would either succumb to the disease if they had no immunity/weakened immune system or build up an immunity.
I'd try and view a class first to get an idea of the methods used. I'd try and avoid a "Free For All" or "Puppy Punch-up" situation. I took Pele (Bull Terrier) to PP when she was 8 1/2weeks old (she came home at 8 weeks). I was an instructor at my local obedience club for almost 12 years, so wasn't after information, just wanted the socialisation. There were 2 Delta accredited trainers and 8 puppies (I think) in the class. Unfortunately most of the puppies were small, timid fluffies. The only 2 that were Pele's size were a veeery timid spoodle, and an 11 week old Beagle who was a bit on the aggressive side. From the day that Pele came home I worked on sit, watch, recall, drop, show stand so when we got to class a few days later the distractions were good for attention. Only 2 puppies were let off at a time and were monitored closely. If I was a novice owner the class may not have been ideal because of the mix. The instructors were excellent for the novice owner. On Graduation Night Pele, AKA (by that early stage) "Perilous Pele", the "Ferilous Perilous" or the "Feral Peril" (new words for the Oxford Dictionary) won most of the awards "Quickest sit", "Best Recall" (was really surprised with that one LOL!) PP's are really a buyer beware. The worst thing as a consequense of the PP? Whenever we went to the vets Pele would throw a tanty, 'cos she wanted to go to the back room where she "knew" the puppies were :rolleyes: How embarrassing
Home Alone Activities For 2 Border Collies
Bully replied to petmezz's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Jeez, why didn't they get pet rocks? Can they afford to get a dog walker? Not an answer, but in the short term might be a solution. I think re-homing might be the kindest option for the 2 BC's :rolleyes: -
FREE eBook by Pat McKay: 'Natural Immunity - Why You Should NOT Vaccinate' is available at the following URL... http://www.goldcoastragdolls.com/PatMcKaysBook.htm Natural Immunity - Why You Should NOT Vaccinate is now out of print and rather than reprinting it, author Pat McKay is giving the world a wonderful gift by making it available FREE to all the world! It is an excellent starting point for anyone who has ever questioned the practice of vaccination. Pat says please read this book, and pass it on to anyone and everyone - and in any format you like. Express permission has been given for it to be freely distributed; as email attachment, copied to CD, printed out or read on line! Pat is also the Author of "Reigning Cats and Dogs"
"What breed is your puppy?" Some larger breed puppies ( in particular GSD's) suffer from panosteitis sometimes called "growing pains" Panosteitis Has this been ruled out? Good luck with your puppy.
Cod Liver Oil And Flaxseed Oil
Bully replied to trishalouise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I give Pele, my Bull Terrier half the human dose (she's 29kg), as she's about half my weight. I'd proportion it in relation to a human dose. -
Sorry to hear about your girl. There are a few dog epilepsy lists on Yahoo. Here's a couple of websites that might be helpful - http://www.canine-epilepsy.com/ http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.../CanineEpil.htm
Here's some info on Chiropractors in Melbourne http://www.latrobevetgroup.com.au/pages/chiropractic.htm Could be Panosteitis http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cl...p;articleid=466. How long has she been limping? It might be a good idea to get the leg x-rayed. I know how hard it is to get a Bull breed to rest :cool:
Badly Broken Nail - Quick Exposed
Bully replied to benny123's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Poor baby - ouch Superglue works well. I've never tried it but it has been recommended on my Bull Terrier List. In fact there was a post just recently, within the last week or two. Check through the previous posts. Give your baby a hug -
I really suggest that you read up on the subject first. "Give Your Dog A Bone" by Dr Ian Billinghurst is a good start. There are lots and lots of websites if you "Google" BARF. It's not about just chucking some meat and bones in a bowl. The diet must be balanced. There are suppliers of BARF diets that someone may be able to put you on to. I've never used them. Here's a good website from Vineen Boxers http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/7244/vineen.html I've been feeding BARF ("Bones and Raw Food" or "Biologically Appropriate Raw Food") for around 13 years now. It's the best thing that I've ever done for my dogs, and there's no way that I would ever feed commercial. Go for it. It will be the best thing that you ever do for your 4-legged best friend.
What Do You Use For Quick Clean Ups?
Bully replied to Norskgra's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
A friend and I were at an obedience trial on the outskirts of the city. My friend has a Japanese Spitz X. Well Katie rolled in some cow poo. OMG what a mess My friend says "Oh well, stand for exam should be easy. The judge won't touch her!" Yeah, we got some water and cleaned the green goo off as much as we could We both failed but it was a fun day :p -
What Do You Use For Quick Clean Ups?
Bully replied to Norskgra's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I'm lucky 'cos Pele, Bull Terrier is short coated so a bath is a very quick and easy exercise Pele (3.5 yrs) has never rolled in anything disgusting, but I know the day will come When she broke her front foot at 9 months old I bought some "No Rinse" shampoo, but never used it as brushing her did the trick. Jessie, my previous bully used to roll in something about once a year, and do a good job when she did :D If it was between her weekly bath I used to fill a bucket with warm water and "Martha Gardener's Wool Wash" and sponge the offending bits. -
Interesting Info Learnt On Titre Testing
Bully replied to ~Anne~'s topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Mel, Someone, "Steve" I think was selling notes and a DVD, for about $30 for both. It was posted just over a week ago (in General Discussion I think), before I went to the seminar here in Adelaide. I would be well worth getting. Someone else might have more info for you I hope.