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Everything posted by Bully

  1. Oh, would you please be able to PM that to me too, i have a friend at work with a dog with pancreaus problems, and she feeds BARF. thank you ;) Done :rolleyes:
  2. I've Pm'd you Dr Ian Billinghust's Pancreatitis Diet. This is a good article with info and a recipe Pancreatitis Hope Nate is feeling better soon
  3. Hi Erin, So sorry to hear about Griffin I've Pm'd you Dr Ian Billinghurst's Kidney Diet. There are a few kidney/renal disease lists on Yahoo that might be of help. Hope that he's OK.
  4. Dogs eat poo and all manner of disgusting things and lick their bums too. Why worry about a raw diet Dogs have a much shorter digestive tract than humans for this reason As others have mentioned sensible storage and washing of utensils and hands and there shouldn't be a problem. I've been feeding BARF for about 13 years now. Don't worry, jump in and feed your dogs a raw diet and they'll love you for it
  5. Hi longdogs, Can't help as far as ordering from O/S. I was thinking of ordering a thyroid glandular product from the US for my current girl, who is hypothyroid. A friend sent me her left-over bottle from her previous dog and I'm sure that it made a big difference. Couldn't find a similar product here in OZ, as the postage from the US for what I was after was horrendous I was since told that even if I ordered it from O/S that I wouldn't be guaranteed to get it My previous Bull Terrier, Jessie had DCM and was prescribed Fortekor to start with, then we switched her to Vetmedim (Pimobendan) after a few months and it made a huge difference. She had much more energy Her prognosis when diagnosed was "6 months, 12 if she's lucky". Jessie made it to 3 years Jessie was also on a BARF diet and lots of vitamin/herbal supplements. Her heart vet was astounded and called her an inspiration Hope you manage to find a cheaper source of Vetmedin as it is very expensive. Good luck with your doggy.
  6. Here are some of the articles on spay/neuter that I've bookmarked - http://www.littleriverlabs.com/neuter.htm http://users.lavalink.com.au/theos/Spay-neuter.htm http://www.doglistener.co.uk/medical/neuter.shtml http://arbl.cvmbs.colostate.edu/hbooks/pat...tpop/early.html http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24597888/ Hope they help
  7. YIKES!!!! My parents have 3 big cocos palms and Pele stuffs her face on them when we visit each week. Now I'm worried
  8. Thanks for sharing It's about time that I baked some biscuits for Pele.
  9. Here's the Satin Balls recipe for putting weight on a dog ;)
  10. There are some great ideas for ear cleaners ;) I'm going to add them to my "Dog Health" file, hopefully never to be needed The alternatives for the "Blue Ear Cleaner" is great, as I tried to find the Gentian Blue for it with my previous Bull Terrier without any luck. Another ear cleaner that I've used is - Equal parts Vodka Witch Hazel (alcohol free if you can find it) Aloe Vera A small amount of Apple Cider Vinegar can be added as well as a few drops of essential oils such as Lavender, chamomile or tea tree oil. Don't ask me why alcohol free Witch Hazel (couldn't find it any way) and then adding Vodka ;) I'd much rather drink the Vodka than put it in the doggie's ears I used Lavender Oil in my mix. Also you can buy a tube of 97% Aloe Vera at the Health Shop or Supermarket for around $7. I've got several pots of Aloe Vera growing, but the tube is much easier and quite cheap :p I'm glad to hear that you use a raw diet with no grains. Grains can be a major problem. I've got this website bookmarked if you haven't found it ARF4Westies Good luck ;)
  11. There was a thread on raw diet not long ago Is This An Ok Diet For My Puppy? This might help
  12. According to Dr Jean Dodd's paper on thyroid issues, the following skin issues can be sympomatic of hypothyroidism. Thyroid issues are not unknown in Weims. It probably wouldn't hurt to get a baseline anyway. I agree with getting the thyroid checked. I'd also be looking at a raw diet and eliminating all grains and cereals as they are one of the most common causes of allergies. A dog's digestive system is not designed to eat cereal. Another thing causing the skin problems can be vaccinations. From memory I think that Weimaraners can have problems with vaccinations. I'm not on my computer or I'd sent a few web links, but if you "Google" Dr Jean Dodds you will get a lot of information on thyroid and vaccination issues.
  13. Jessie (now at the "Bridge") loved fish. At the beach every morning for years we'd stop and chat to a group of fishermen. On the way back Lyle, one of the fishermen used to clean his catch and throw the bits to the seagulls. Jessie used to be in amongst the seagulls scoffing as quickly as she could In the end some of them used to save a fish for Jessie and she'd eat it still wriggling head first eeeuuuwww The guys thought that it was hilarious Jessie had manners, which I'm still trying to instill into Pele Jessie would sit politely and wait for her fish, then I'd get her to do a few tricks. In the end Lyle would put the fish on his chair on a hessian bag, or the table and table cloth as he referred to it, so that Jessie wouldn't get sand on it They used to spoil her I feed Pele canned Mackeral and sardines. I haven't tried her on "real" fish yet. Pele is a piggy, so I'm sure that she'd eat it.
  14. I've always given Vit E when giving Fish Oil. The current bottle of Fish Oil has Vit E added. Don't know how much, so I give Pele a Vit E cap anyway
  15. Yep, I use human vitamins & oils for my girl. If giving fish oil be sure to addd a vitamin E capsule as fish oil depletes vitamin E If you read the fine print of the fish oil bottle some mention about vitamin E but most don't
  16. I'm starting to think that they do it deliberately Why? 1. Jessie tore a rear toenail. She fell out of a tree. Don't ask It was the day before the dog club Xmas break-up and I'd made her a "Father Xmas" outfit. I'm sure that she did it to avoid the embarrassment of the costume :p 2. Pele tore her dew claw at the park before the first night of obedience training for the year. Skateboarding ;) I'd entered her in the Club's obedience trial at the end of the month 3. The current toenail that Pele split at the beach nearly 2 weeks ago. We are entered in our first Novice obedience Trial this weekend and have done no work for 2 weeks Are you seeing a pattern here?
  17. I was hoping to get Pele to obedience training tonight but it is raining heavily and she's still limping ;) We are entered in an obedience trial on Sunday and have done no training for almost 2 weeks 'cos of the toenail Sunday will be interesting Bloody Bull Terriers ;)
  18. OOPs, sorry I'm repeating myself I'll blame my PC as it's playing up
  19. Glad to hear that you've taken the plunge for a healthier diet. The doggies will love you for it Here's quite a good BARF site with lots of links to help you BARF for Beginners
  20. Glad to hear that you've taken the plunge for a healthier diet. The doggies will love you for it Here's quite a good BARF site with lots of links to help you BARF for Beginners
  21. Hope you find some answers as I'm in the same boat with Pele. She knocked her toe again today and it was bleeding a bit also With Pele she split the nail across-ways and I've managed to cut the underneath bit that was hanging off. I'm hoping that that top bit of nail will help protect the toe bit underneath. Poor At and Pele
  22. Thanks for that Puggy_Puggy. Now to convince the obedience clubs to accept a titre test
  23. Vitamin E is great, and so is Amolin Baby cream - it's got Lanolin.
  24. They are very sturdy looking :D Pele hasn't gone swimming in her Weatherbeeta Landa at the beach yet I know that it will happen :D I've told her that it's not a wetsuit Jessie (at the "Bridge") had a Drizabone (too small for Pele) which ended up going for a swim Only thing that I didn't like about the Drizabone was that you have to "waterproof" it again if you wash it and it was quite time consuming rubbing all the waterproofer in It is much lighter than the Weatherbeeta tho'.
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