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Everything posted by Bully

  1. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole!!! Most of the reasons have already been given. I prefer the monthly. What scares me is that vets give it with the annual vaccination Don't they read the instructions on the pack It says not to give within a month of the annual vaccination
  2. I've just checked the site out and am going to place an order also
  3. Robert McDowell's Herbal Treatments are good
  4. Paw Paw Ointment is great. Also Am-O-Lin Baby cream is great and works well on lips too Both are available from the supermarket.
  5. Ouch If the nail is completely off I'd just bathe it in salt water. If the nail is still attached you could superglue it together until it grows a bit and can be cut. Pele split her front left toe (ring finger) a few months ago and I superglued it. It gave the toe a bit of protection for a few days, then I managed to trim it. As long as you keep the foot clean there shouldn't be any need to bandage for more than a day or so. Hope he's feeling better soon.
  6. Pele is obsessed with the Cuz toys. I buy the Other Cuz from Vet-n-petsdirect http://vetnpetdirect.com.au The large ones are $11.95 :D
  7. Sorry Emmabelle, I had a laugh too So sorry about your poor boy and your toe. I think that brandy is stronger than wine so go for that Seriously. Manuka Honey is fabulous stuff. I'd get a bucket on your boys head to stop him from getting to the bandages. Does he have a crate? I keep a bag of sanitary napkins in the first aid box - great for big gashy wounds and soaking up blood, just cut them into smaller pieces and much cheaper than surgical gauze. Cheap kids sports socks (Reject Shop, Cheap As Chips etc) - 3 pairs for around $3 - $4 are great to put over the bandage to keep it clean. Get a used IV bag from the vet and tape it over the bandage with cheap electrical tape (5 rolls for $2 from the bargain shops) for taking him out to the toilet. Good luck and I hope that you are both better soon
  8. So glad to hear that your beautiful boy is still doing well. Jessie (now at the "Bridge") was diagnosed with DCM when she was nearly 9.5 years. She was given a prognosis of "6 months, 12 if she's lucky" and made it to 3 years much to the heart Vet's amazement. He called her an "inspiration". Jessie was on "Vetmedin". It was a new drug at the time and we switched her from Fortekor. The Vetmedin made a big difference. I also had Jessie on Co Enzyme Q10, Hawthorn, Magnesium, L-Carnitine, Taurine, Fish Oil, Vitamins A, C, E and probably a few others that I can't think of at the moment. Jessie had been fed a BARF diet for most of her life, so cutting down on sodium was no big deal. I've got lots of heart links on Jessie's webpage http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5493/links.html Hope your boy keeps on doing well
  9. Hi Kyra, Not a weird question at all. A raw diet certainly will help as you have seen. Jessie my previous Bull Terrier was diagnosed with arthritis when she was 3.5 years old. I was thinking of making the change to raw and eventually did. It made a lot of difference. Then I cut out all grains and there was even more improvement
  10. That's where stuffed Kongs are worth their weight in gold IMO
  11. I use a Kong Zoom Groom on Pele, my Bull Terrier. It's fantastic
  12. My parents had a bag of about 6 apples that they were going to throw out as they were past their best. Pele loves apples and we share one at the beach everyday, so I took them home, cored them, stuck them through the food processor and froze it in some small containers and an icecube tray. I'll use the apple with yoghurt or cottage cheese (she loves that too), or even toss a small container of apple on the lawn for her to lick and enjoy on a warm day
  13. I didnt know pumpkin was ok for dogs. i always wanted to get my dog her own pumpkin for halloween but i didnt think it would be safe for her.. Boiled mashed pumpkin is really good if your dog has diarrhea as it full of fibre. Also supposed to be good for constipation as well
  14. I was thinking the same thing By feeding a cheap, unbalanced diet to a pup just to save $$$$ will only cost you more in vet bills. By feeding a well balanced good diet you will be setting up your puppy for a healthy life and saving on vet bills. Get a hold of the book "Grow Your Pup With Bones" by Dr Ian Billinghurst. Your local library may have it. If you are feeding extra meat and veg don't forget to feed some bones as well. Bones are a good source of calcium. Meat has no calcium. Meat contains phosphorous which needs to be balanced with calcium. What breed is your puppy and how old?
  15. I'd go with Plan B and wait until after her first season. You will need to be extra vigilant when she does. A friend's Kelpie X has suffered bladder infections all her life, she's about 12 now. Suzie came from the pound already desexed when she was about 6 months old. I've often wondered if she would still have those problems if she'd been spayed later.
  16. Get Max to the Vet ASAP, especially as he is not drinking. It may not be the flea shampoo, but it does seem a coincidence, so I'd take the bottle along as well. DO NOT let them give the vaccinations at the same time (Yes, I know that this sounds like killing 2 birds with one stone and saving on vet bills). Vaccinations should only be given to HEALTHY animals. Max is not healthy The Manuka Honey is a good idea. Just mix it with a bit of warm water and if necessary syringe it into Max's mouth. For tummy upsets I mix Slippery Elm with the Manuka Honey. Slippery Elm coats and soothes the lining of the stomach and intestines. You can get that at your local Health Food store along with the Manuka Honey. In the meantime any honey that you have on hand with do. Hope Max is OK
  17. NOOOOO!!! Corn cobs can cause blockages. Apparently they also don't show up in X-rays Corn cobs just aren't worth the risk Dogs don't digest corn, so there are much better treats around to give your dog.
  18. Pele loves yoghurt. I use the plain yoghurt with acidopoulous in it. She gets yoghurt and a mashed 'nana when we get home from obedience training. She runs out to the kitchen and waits for it. Yep, we created a monster I read somewhere (think it might have been Dr Ian Billinghurst in "Give Your Dog A Bone") that yoghurt doesn't contain lactose, which causes the problems with milk. Most dogs are lactose intolerant. Pele also loves pumpkin. I've got some frozen in small containers. For a treat I mix that with yoghurt and stuff her Kong with it. She loves it
  19. Got rid of the dog Seriously tho'. I've got those rubber gloves too, and a "looks like a sponge" that works well. We are building at the moment and I am going to have the least amount of carpet possible, a leather lounge suite and get a Dyson vacuum cleaner. Currently I have a Hoover Dog and Cat vacuum cleaner which is great. We are building 2 storey so reckon an upstairs and downstairs vacuum is the way to go. Bull Terrier fur is short and spiky and sticks into everything, so apart from trading her in on a Chinese Crested or Mexican Hairless we are stuck with dog hair
  20. Hi Kyra, Cataract surgery is expensive, but the results can be dramatic I'd research it and your dog's condition to see (bad wording LOL!!) if it would work for your little buddy. If you decide against it, dogs are very adaptable and cope with the loss of sight. There are quite a few blind dog groups on the internet. Simple things to do are keep the furniture in the same spot. Wear a cat collar with a bell on your ankle when walking so that your dog can hear where you are. Dogs adapt and it's no big deal to them
  21. The vaccines take a couple of weeks to take effect. Pele, Bull Terrier came home at 8 weeks of age. The next day I took her to the beach to meet a group of dog friends and their owners (Jessie, my previous Bull Terrier's mates) who we'd be sharing our daily walks with. These dogs are vaccinated and healthy. I carried Pele down to the water-line and below the high water mark so she'd be on clean sand and not exposed to dog droppings. I didn't let the other older dogs rough Pele up. The odd correction if she got over the top was good. I made sure that the experience was positive for Pele. Then carried her back to the car. We also did puppy pre-school and I carried her around to view the world. We sat outside the local kindergarten so she could watch kids running and screaming, then get patted when the kids came out from my lap. We sat outside the local shops and watched the world go by. Later Pele learned to sit and be patted without jumping. That was hard work More dogs die due to behaviour problems before they are 18 months old than Parvo. We didn't visit dog parks until after Pele had completed her vaccinations, but wanted her out and about socialising and felt that the beach was the cleanest place to go. Good luck with your Grizzly
  22. RAW, RAW, RAW!!!! Cooking destroys the digestive enzymes, plus there's the bone in the mince. Dogs have a much shorter digestive tract than humans so can cope with the disgusting things that they eat They also lick their bums Read some books on raw feeding as you need to balance the diet. I follow Dr Ian Billinghust (Aussie Vet) and his books "Give Your Dog A Bone", "Grow Your Pups With Bone" and the "BARF Diet". Your local library might have the books or you can order them from his website or a good on-line book seller or even your local book store. Good Luck. Your puppy will thank you for a healthy raw diet. BTW I don't feed grain or cereal as your dog doesn't need it or is designed to eat it (the shorter digestive tract again)
  23. Hi Kylie, Panting can be a sign of pain. I'd get the back checked out again. Maybe check the heart again. Don't take the vet's word that "it's just old age, just let her hang out in the house all day and don't take her on walks longer than a block" That's a load of bollocks Old age does not happen over night
  24. We tried homeopathics with Jessie but it didn't work, but a combination of homoeopathics and thyroxine worked fine. With Pele I've got her on both. We have managed to cut her thyroxine right down. The thyroxine will take several weeks to kick in. Has the vet suggested another blood test after about 6 weeks to check that it's working and that the dosage is correct or needs to be adjusted?
  25. That's really great that you've gotten to the bottom of Zedley's problem. You should see a huge improvement over the next couple of weeks. Pele, my 3.5 yo Bull Terrier is hypothyroid. She was diagnosed just before her second birthday. I suggested that the vet check for it as my previous BT was also low thyroid so Pele's symptoms rang a bell in my mind. Pele's heart rate was low too. Zedley will feel much better soon :D
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