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Everything posted by Bully

  1. Maybe try mixing some liver treats or other smelly, yummy treat with the kibble so that it adds more flavour to the kibble so that it is worth working harder for
  2. I always find if I steam the pumpkin and give it to the dog that it solves diarrhoea pretty quickly, never thought to freeze it in an icecube tray for latter use, brilliant idea. Another good one is purreed apple for tummy upsets that are causing bile vomiting. If your travelling its a good idea to get baby food cans of purreed apple and pumpkin for the dogs medical chest as changes in water or long travel can have an effect on our dogs. Brilliant idea about the baby food cans of apple and pumpkin Will add that to the shopping list for the First Aid kit Thanks!
  3. I use Filta Bac sunscreen on Pele's nose. It's an animal sunscreen, but don't know how it would go on the rest of the body. It would leave a mess inside as it's zinc cream. What about a small T-shirt or light cotton coat on the dog until the hair grows a bit
  4. Forgot to add that on my Bull Terrier email List the Americans swear by canned pumpkin for diarrhoea and also constipation. You can't buy it in cans here, so I keep some frozen in an icecube tray in the freezer just in case I've never had to use it, so can't say if it works or not Raw Pumpkin seeds are also supposed to help eliminate intestinal worms. If you "Google" Pumpkin seed and worms, there is quite a bit on the Internet
  5. Pele looooves pumpkin. I dry out the seeds and put them thru the coffee grinder ($15 from Priceline) and sprinkle them on Pele's food, use them when I bake biscuits for her - I don't waste them. You've probably seen Pepitas in the supermarket, health shop etc. They are the shelled and roasted pumpkin seed Taste yummy and good for you I put mashed pumpkin with yoghurt in Pele's Kong and freeze it for a hot day. I also make Pumpkin and Liver treats. Boil the pumpkin and put equal amounts of chopped pumpkin and raw liver into the food processor and whizz it up. Spoon it onto a baking tray (I put baking paper on it). This is the instruction from my Bull Terrier List - Spoon onto a greased cookie sheet and bake 45 min. at 250 degrees. Remove from oven, cool a little, and cut each "cookie" into quarters. Wash cookie tray, put quarters back on UN-greased cookie sheet and repeat baking process. It is just a dehydration process. Don't know what 250F converts to. The numbers on my oven have worn off, so I just take pot luck I usually just turn over the cookies (they look like little cow pats) and don't bother putting new baking paper on. I cut them into small pieces for training treats. Pele loooooves them and hovers around the oven
  6. I'd be fuming too I guess if your dog was in the wild it would catch and BBQ a chicken!!! Professional advice!!! Apparently vets only spend a minuscule portion of their vet training on nutrition and then that is conducted by the pet food companies Hope your pup is feeling better soon
  7. I buy chicken necks in bulk and bag up 2-3 to a small freezer bag and pull out as needed and thaw in the fridge. On hot days like today I might toss some frozen chicken wings out onto the lawn as "ice blocks" I started Pele (Bull Terrier) on chicken necks when she came home at 8 weeks old, and think that she was eating chicken necks by 10 weeks. Last night she had a chicken frame for dinner
  8. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2007/10/...nteractive.html A great little chart with a slider to adjust your dogs weight. It shows how much chocolate it takes to make your dog sick.
  9. I bought Pele a gel filled cooling mat and she refuses to lie on it. Ungrateful little doggy Oh well, the humans use it now. Put it behind the outdoor lounge chair and it keeps us cool I bought Pele the Cool Champion Cool Coat and she loves it, altho' we haven't had any real hot weather to use it yet. I'd go for the Cool Champion one One day might buy Pele one of those
  10. Hi 4 paws, so sorry to hear about your boy. I'd be looking at further testing. Here's a great website that may answer some of your questions Home care tips for dogs with congestive heart failure Jessie, my previous Bull Terrier had Dilated Cardiomyopathy. I've got lots of heart disease links on her webpage http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5493/links.html You will need to reduce the sodium in your boy's diet. Jessie was on a BARF (Bones and Raw Food) diet for most of her life, so cutting down on salt wasn't a problem. As well as the heart drugs I gave vitamins and supplements to Jessie, such as Co Enzyme Q10, Salmon Oil, Hawthorn, L-Carnitine, Taurine, Magnesium, vitamins A, B, C and E. If I can be of further assistance to you please don't hesitate to contact me. Heart Disease is really horrible and you may be in for a roller coaster ride.
  11. I feed a raw diet and no commercial food at all, but this webpage might be helpful to you Selecting the best commercial foods There's lot's of other diet information both raw and cooked for both cats and dogs
  12. I use half the human dose for Pele (28kg).
  13. That's true. Dogs need to have their vegetables crushed to break down the cellulose so that they can digest them. In the wild they would get most of their vegetable matter partly digested from the stomach contents of their prey or rotting fruit/vegetable matter they find on the ground. A whole carrot is purely for chewing and entertainment value Pele loves to chew on a carrot and spit it out
  14. I'd love to be able to get hold of some green tripe. I've heard that by law it has to be bleached :D Here's an article on the benefits of Green Tripe
  15. I've never fed them. Main reason is that I've never seen them. I feed a BARF diet so would grab some if I saw them :rolleyes: Sound really yucky tho', but am sure that Pele would love them :D
  16. Could be a grass seed since it's come on suddenly. Have you got an eye dropper? Try warming a bit of olive oil and putting some in Scarlett's ear. Squeeze her ear together and try and squish it around a bit. Do it outside. She won't be impressed and will shake it every where. Hopefully it will dislodge what ever might be irritating her :D
  17. WOO HOO!!! That's great news PomsNZ :D So glad to hear that you've put Bucca onto the BARF diet. He'll thank you for it :rolleyes: Jessie, now at the "Bridge" was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy when she was 9.5 years. Prognosis "6 months, 12 if she's lucky". Jessie made it to 3 years, astounding her Vets, and I'm sure that the almost life-long BARF diet had a lot to do with it, as well as all the vitamins and supplements that I was giving her. Jessie is the cover girl on the Dogzonline Bull Breeds Calendar, Pic taken at 11.5 years and 2 years after diagnosis with Jessie living life to the fullest Go Bucca!!!
  18. A big NO for all the reasons mentioned. A nice raw meaty bone is a much better option
  19. Here's a site on how to How to Dremel Dog Nails for those who are interested
  20. So glad that Bucca is feeling better. Will keep our fingers and paws crossed that he is on the mend :rolleyes:
  21. Is that the brand that starts with "K"? If so I nearly bought the chicken fillet treats a few months ago. Luckily read the back of the pack I threw them back - YUCK!!!
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