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Everything posted by Bully

  1. The Dogs SA Open Day on Sunday 15th November has been cancelled due to the forecast heat.
  2. She knows what she wants does Pele :D One of our Bull Terrier Club members has a Bloodhound named Rodney. It really suits him
  3. Start her out tracking roast chickens - she'll be a natural Pele and I did a tracking lesson organised thru the Woodville Dog Club earlier in the year. Pele, the "Porker" out Beagled the Beagles, she was a natural
  4. Aaaaaawwww sooooo cute I wanna smooch too Can't wait 'til he makes his appearance at a DOL picnic :D I want to try tracking with Pele next year.
  5. So sorry to hear about your girl. My darling Jessie (Bull Terrier), now at the "Bridge" battled DCM for 3 years. It's a shitty disease. Wishing you all the best for a positive prognosis
  6. Thanks k9kutz, might order one. At $22 if I'm not happy with it I don't feel so bad about relegating it to the back of the cupboard or giving it away
  7. Just checking out the Clipperworld site and the medium cheaper de-shedder is out of stock. Would this be the same thing Noah's De-Shedding Kit as the cheaper de-shedder?
  8. What size do you use? Was thinking of ordering a medium :D Pele is shedding like crazy and I use a Zoom Groom on her, but if a Furminator works better then I'm sold
  9. Yes, definitely correct. I'd explain to them that the class made you uncomfortable and that you don't think their methods are the right ones for your dog. I agree, but it would probably be best to put it in writing to the club. Good luck, I'd be running a mile too
  10. Dog Club break-up that day so won't be there. The Dogs SA Open Day is next Sunday 15 November at SACA Park, Kilburn. Might see some of you DOLers there
  11. Hi Fran, That crate sounds quite large and it doesn't sound as tho' it is collapsible. Make sure that the crate is collapsible (not just "Easy to disassemble" that sounds like a 10 minute job, not a few seconds). Pele's crate is 90 x 60. Pele is 50cm at the shoulder. As mentioned Atlas needs to be able to stand up and turn around and lie in the crate. Great idea about test driving crates at a pet store
  12. Lucky Atlas Pele had a tin of salmon tonight. I opened it for me but it had bones in it - yuck, so gave it to Pele. Pele gets tinned sardines or mackeral a couple of times per week. Jessie used to get fresh, raw fish from the fishermen at the beach. The old guys used to spoil her. Lyle used to save a fish for her and put it on his chair for her so that she wouldn't get sand on it They used to think that it was funny if the fish was still alive - head-first down her throat still wriggling Chomp, chomp and it was gone - eeuughhh!!!
  13. That's great that the scratching has stopped The cereal in processed dog food is often the cause.
  14. Shouldn't laugh, I zapped some liver in the microwave once and it exploded. It looked like a massacre - yuck!! Won't do that again ;)
  15. Hi Zug Zug, Good to see you at training today Here's the website for the Tasmanian Canine Association Click on "Show Dates 2009" for what's on this year, otherwise there is an email address on the website
  16. I thought this too (potentially thyroid). Has she been tested for this? Either way, I wouldn't trust the Aussie tests - they aren't as thorough as those in the USA. Having said this, if your dog is losing hair there is a chance that our local tests might show it. But if it came back negative I'd still be wondering what the USA results would show. So IMO, if you do have this tested, you'd be better off going straight to the ones who do the tests most thoroughly. Thyroid is what I was thinking too. Here's Dr Jean Dodds website Hemopet for a complete thyroid test. With the high Aussie $ at the moment it's not that expensive to get it done by Dr Dodds
  17. For a broad jump maybe you could put planks/palings on bricks for training at home. I was thinking of doing the change of position with Pele 'cos she's such a klutz and would probably crash in the middle At her first attempt at the broadjump today she stepped all over it Then she got the idea and did it perfectly and thought it was great fun. Now I'm thinking of broad jump
  18. Thanks for the ideas We need some jumps too :p At training this morning Pele did a perfect dumbbell retrieval over the solid jump and a perfect broad jump. She's never done either! I was so amazed and proud of her
  19. You all knew it, but now it's official. At today's Bull Terrier Club Fun Day Pele, "the Porker" was awarded the title of "Greediest Eater"
  20. Dr Ian Dunbar. Check out the website Before You Get Your Puppy ;) Brilliant website with lots of great articles. Good luck with the new puppy ;) I feed a BARF diet, but don't feed any cereal. A dog's digestive tract isn't designed to eat cereal. Dog food companies use it as a cheap source of protein and filler. Cereal products are the biggest cause of allergies. If we have a leftover rice or pasta dish I'll give it to Pele, but it's not part of her regular diet Crates are great! I don't think that we would have survived Pele's puppyhood without a crate. Pele loves her crate and chooses to go in their rather than her basket. If we are at a dog show or obedience trial I have to bribe Pele out of her crate
  21. Have her blood tested for low thyroid (hypothyroidism)
  22. Try http://www.wagschoolbooks.com.au/shop/books/wsblmb1.html they have it for $35 + shipping.
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