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Everything posted by Bully

  1. Sorry to hear about Bow Wow. I lost Jessie, my Bull Terrier to Dilated Cardiomyopathy in 2005. The vets gave her a prognosis of "6 months, 12 if she's lucky". Jessie astounded them and made it to 3 years and died at almost 12.5 years. Jessie was on Vetmedin as well as diuretics (lasix and spironolactone) and digoxin. I fed Jessie a BARF diet so reducing salt in her diet wasn't a problem. I also had her on lots of vitamins and supplements such as Co Enzyme Q10, Hawthorn, Fish Oil, Magnesium and Vitamins A, C and E plus a few others that I can't think of at the moment. I was also on a couple of yahoo email Lists - caninehearthealth and caninecongestiveheartfailure which I received lots of support and information from. Best wishes for you and Bow Wow
  2. I will fess up and say Bull Terriers are some of the only dogs that do frighten me due to having one have a go at me as a kid - that said was i ever to meet a nice freindly one and be able to sit and have some pats and cuddles, i would probably then be fine. Silly isn't it how I feel like that, yet don't understand people thinking my GSD is scary though she's twice the size of a Bully! C'mon Brisbane, someone introduce me to their Bully! If we lived in Brisbane you could meet Pele, and she'd love to give you kisses and cuddles. Pele is a very well behaved Bull Terrier who gets on with everyone. We go to the Adelaide DOL meets and Pele charms everyone. Pele and I do obedience are will be trying for our CDX title this year Yes, I get people taking a wide berth of Pele. I tend to avoid the off-leash dog park for many of the reasons mentioned. We go to the beach every morning and our local park at night. The local park is great because it's not fully fenced so it tends to not attract people who can't control their dogs. Most of those that go to the park also attend the obedience club that uses the grounds
  3. Here are several dog name websites - http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/names.htm http://www.bowwow.com.au/ http://www.dogs4sale.com.au/Dog_Names.htm Love the name Jethro. We met another Bull Terrier at the beach a few weeks ago called Kevin. It really suited him Boy names for a Staffy - Rodney Max (very common) Trevor Bob Harry
  4. I have people asking me if Pele is a staffy X and sometimes if she's a pitbull or what's she crossed with. If you say she's a Bull Terrier they think pitbull, so I often call her an English Bull Terrier and explain that the correct breed name is Bull Terrier, and that Pele has pedigree papers and is a show champion, and for extra PR I add that she has her Companion Dog obedience title
  5. If he doesn't eat his dinner after 15 minutes take it away and give him nothing until his next meal. How many meals a day is he getting?
  6. Just a thought. How far do you walk her after leaving the beach? Could it be that because her pads are soft from the water that the hot pavement is burning them? Pele and I visit the beach everyday and I've never had problems with her feet. Maybe drive her to the beach and just let her paddle. Salt water is excellent for wounds. I agree with the Papaw Ointment - excellent stuff Hope her paws are better soon
  7. Wow!! I can see the beginnings of a waist-line Yep, ditch the pasta and rice
  8. Hi SBT123, you beat me to it I was going to mention visiting there.
  9. Jessie had a very puppyish bark, but if anyone came to the front door it was a real "I'll rip your throat out!" bark which would instantly change to a high pitched "YIP!! YIP!! It's Grandma and Grandpa (or whoever)!!" bark when she realised that it was a friend and most people were If a door to door salesperson/religious people or someone that I didn't want to talk to I'd give Jessie a cue to "Speak" behind my back, while at the same time giving the "It's alright, it's alright" you know, the trying to placate the dog while having absolutely no control, while giving a sneaky "speak" command and slight nod of my head and facial expression of "Yes, keep on going, Good Girl" Soon got rid of unwanted callers
  10. Poor Eddie Pele broke the 4 bones in her front foot as a 9 month old puppy. That was only 1 foot. I don't envy your sister with 2 broken legs Crate and lots of chew toys and stuffed Kongs. Put all his meals in Kongs to keep him occupied. Pele had to have a bucket on her head 24/7 because she wouldn't leave the bandages alone Good luck with the poor little boy, and for a speedy and full recovery
  11. Can't help with the whistle but came across this on youtube yesterday Using a whistle for an emergency recall
  12. Hi Fran, OMG!! What a scary experience So glad that you, Atlas and Luuka are OK ;) What a good boy Atlas Thank God for the neighbors :D Agree with the extra socialisation for Atlas, would do the same with Luuka just in case she was traumatised by the incident also. to you all
  13. Ooh, just have to order a red personalised collar for Pele from D4Dogz
  14. Pumpkin seeds are supposed to be good for getting rid of intestinal worms. Those little green pepitas are actually hulled pumpkin seeds. When I use pumpkin I cut out the seeds and dry them and when I have a collection I grind them in my little cheap coffee grinder and stick about a teaspoon in Pele's dinner or dog biscuits that I'm making If the pumpkin seeds where whole I doubt that they'd be digested and would come out the other end
  15. Vitamin E oil is good for dry skin. Amolin baby cream (calamine, almond oil, salicylic acid and zinc oxide) is also brilliant and so is Papaw Oinment. The last 2 are available from the supermarket. Keep up with the fish oil
  16. Sounds like my local park too. It's also the local dog obedience club, so quite a few attend there so the owners are clued up on dog body language too
  17. Only healthy animals should be vaccinated. Your boy has an ear problem so therefore is not healthy. Also vaccinations shouldn't be given when the animal is stressed. GA and surgery is stress to the body's immune system. Also yearly heartworm vaccinations shouldn't be given at the same time as the other vaccination - apparently it says on the accompanying leaflet, but not all vets read this I wouldn't touch the yearly heartworm with a barge pole IMO Also at his age I wouldn't be vaccinating. If you are worried get a titre test to check to see if he has antibodies to parvo and distemper
  18. That's great news Jass Also do NOT get Boots vaccinated until she is well and not on the steroids. Vaccinations should only be given to healthy animals. Hope she's well soon
  19. Hi Trisven13, so sorry to hear about Grover Jessie (now at the "Bridge") fought Dilated Cardiomyopathy for 3 years Hoping that Grover pulls thru'. If you'd like more info on diet etc that we used with Jessie or just a chat don't hesitate to PM me Heart disease is a shitty thing to deal with. Hugs to you all
  20. This would be the best suggestion, altho' when Pele broke her foot as a 9 month old pup she learned that if she pushed the bucket into the corner of her crate so that it bent over she could then reach her foot and chew the bandage - aaaarrgh Didn't work with Pele, she was determined to get that bandage off Go with the bucket. She won't like it but it probably will only be for a few days. Hope the foot is better soon
  21. Was going to suggest Pawpaw ointment but Tilly beat me to it For bandages (expensive) I use cheap kids socks and cheap electrical tape from Cheap As Chips or Reject Shop to hold it on
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