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Forgot to mention, I can collect mine from Ness at training, if that's ok with Ness
Thanks Ptolomy ;) I'm sure that Pele will go nuts over them if they sound anythink like a Cuz Here's the naughty Bull Terrier caught in the act desparately trying to get to her Cuz's today. Of course I took a pic before telling her off She's never done that before. Can't wait for the i-squeaks
Scary. Glad she's ok now, but still get her checked out
Bloody idiots The poor dog will be even more terrified of water now
Can I please order 2 large 2 medium If they are anything like the Cuz balls Pele will go nuts for them and try to kill the squeaker
Microchip now. The tattoo can be done when she's desexed. What if she gets out or is stolen, then the microchip is your only form of identification
Tuna / Salmon / Sardines: Oil Or Springwater
Bully replied to Skruffy n Flea's topic in General Dog Discussion
I feed the springwater variety because the oil is usually canola or soy. I just add some fish oil to it. If it is olive oil then I'll use that. The mackeral usually has mackeral oil (or so the tin says). I used to buy raw sardines from the fish shop for Jessie, but haven't for Pele. Our regular fishermen at the beach (we go every day) used to feed Jessie live fish - eeeuuuuwwww She was a favourite with them because she was a good girl and didn't try to steal their bait. They thought it was hilarious - she'd sit and they'd drop a live fish head first down her mouth -
Small White Fluffy
Yep, bring her to a DOL meet. I'd love to give her a cuddle, she's gorgeous When I was showing Pele at the Royal we (including the other bully people) would often get the "Gee aren't they ugly". Often felt like saying "Look in the mirror" or "Your kid's ugly!" but just bit my tongue. I love it at dog training when we get the OMG it's a Bull Terrier, we'd better keep out of its way from the newbies and they discover that Pele is in the trial class
Jessie, now at the "Bridge" for 5 years was my "heart dog". Not a day goes by that I don't miss her - she was such a character Pele, has been with me for nearly 5 years now and I love her dearly and we have such a strong bond, but I still consider Jessie my "heart dog". Jessie taught me about obedience training, raw diet and health issues (arthritis and heart) and natural therapies.
Agreed! Not the same as tracking, but I get all sorts of comments doing obedience with my beagle. Some people think it's a bit of a joke and don't think you'll do well at it or ever be much competition. Proving them wrong is the best revenge :D Same doing Obedience with a Great Dane, Breeds should never be used as an excuse not to train ones dog I think. All dogs have noses so tracking should be natural for them. I'm planning on trying tracking this year with Pele, my Bull Terrier. She now has her CD title and we are going to start trialling in Open this year so will be very busy I used to get the same comments about training a Bull Terrier. Pele passed every class every month and had her class 5 and Basic Obedience Certificate at 12 months of age, leaving the so-called "smart" breeds in her wake Yes, proving them wrong was great
One day years ago I was walking Mishko, a friend's Siberian Husky along the beach with Jessie, my Bull Terrier. I'd stopped to chat and at the same time was plucking Sibe fluff from Mishko's hindquarters. On the way back someone commented to me that they thought that a dog had caught one of the many rabbits in the dunes. They didn't believe me when I said that it was from Mishko, until I plucked a few more handfuls
Bull Terriers only shed twice a year From January to June, then July to December Bull Terrier fur is like little needles and it sticks into everything. I find that the Zoom Groom works best for Pele. I did buy a copy of a Furminator but the Zoom Groom works best on Pele. IMO the latex gloves are the best for wiping dog hair from clothes, car seats etc. The side of a rubber thong works well too
Fantastic book Not biased because I have a Bull Terrier and have met Jane It's one of the best dog training books that I've read. Pele, my Bull Terrier has a CD title and we are aiming towards CDX It works
Same here
Gee thanks poodlefan ;) They are really lovely collars. I'm really tempted :D *evil cackle* Don't think I don't drool over the Whippet ones. Some of those Stafford ones are quite reasonably priced too. (and no, I'm not on commission ;) ) Pele always wears a red collar. I've been wondering what one of the narrow martingales would look like in red with the brass trim :D There's an Aussie site that advertises here but I appear to have lost it. Probably just as well
Gee thanks poodlefan ;) They are really lovely collars. I'm really tempted
Hi Juice, I'd eliminate any grains from Mase's diet. Many Bull Terriers are intolerant to grain/cereal. If possible feed Mase a raw diet Join the raw4bullies List. A fantastic group of Bull Terrier owners who feed raw and will help with raw feeding questions Many of the dogs on the List had allergy problems before switching to a raw and grain free diet ;) I'd also add fish oil to Mase's diet. Some people will suggest Flax Seed Oil, but flax seed is a grain.
Webbing is easier to care for and cheaper. I'd be sticking to that until puppy is full grown. What matters more is the quality of the buckle or clip. Buy a decent brand like Lupine or Rogz and they should be fine. Once puppy is fully grown you can go to town on a nice leather collar with brasswork - many Staffords are shown in these and they look great. Pele's everday collar is an all cotton webbing martingale. I buy them through my dog obedience club for $6 so they are are really cheap and comfortable for her and I replace them every few months as they fade - hey a girl has to look good Pele swims at the beach everyday so I keep the Rogz martingale with the chain triangle piece for best because the chain rusts. I have been looking at some lovely leather collars with brass trim. If I get Pele one that would definately be for "Sunday Best"
PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals Jeez I hope they don't come here. They cause enough trouble elsewhere. Unfortunately they suck in loads of animal lovers thinking they are supporting a whorthwhile cause
Absolutely agree If you don't feel comfortable with a flat collar then use a martingale collar (sometimes called limited slip collar). I use a webbing martingale collar on Pele because her neck is the same width as her head and she could slip out of a flat collar. I never use a slip or choke collar ;)
Earl is sooo cute Love all that loose skin Pete the dog is lovely ;) Pele making sure that the chicken didn't cross the road Pele slept on the way home too
One Way Of Teaching Kids To Be Scared Of Dogs..
Bully replied to W Sibs's topic in General Dog Discussion
absofrikkenlootely! Agree! -
Pele our Bull Terrier was named after Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire and Volcanoes because of her red colour. Most people think of the famous Brazillian soccer player Pele. So Pele is an English breed, bred by a Greek, owned by Australians and with a Hawaiian name