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Everything posted by Bully

  1. Please refresh my memory on the two food game. Just did a search but nothing came up
  2. That's what I was thinking. I might leave the Cuz out of the equation because she goes a bit silly over the Cuz
  3. I was thinking of putting it next to her food bowl tonight, but then thought maybe giving the dumbbell a few days break. It's got me stumped. You'd think I'd bashed her over the head with it. She's such a sensitive little soul
  4. Pele started to retrieve the dumbbell a few months ago. All of a sudden she won't run out after the dumbbell on the flat but retrieving over the jump was no problem. Just now I went outside with the dumbbell and a bag of roast chicken pieces. Pele is an absolute pig and will do anything for food and roast chicken is a fave. When she saw the dumbbell she took off inside. I called her out again and as soon as she saw the dumbbell she started to tremble I threw chicken all around it and no way would she go near it and then took off inside and into her crate and sat there trembling :D I was just going to click and treat her for going near it. It's almost as if I've bashed the living daylights out of her which of course I haven't Now I need to try and work out a plan to make her think that the dumbbell is fun again. I really don't know what's going thru' her Bull Terrier brain Any suggestions please.
  5. Well done, that was a fantastic effort No brags from me in our first Open trial. Pele totally switched off at the start peg and was so woeful and just didn't want to be there We only passed SFE and DOR. I was pleased with DOR as she's been anticipating the drop and coming in slowly, but she rocketed in on both sections. I still love her anyway
  6. This is our 1st attempt at Open
  7. Pele's first pass in CCD was in the pouring rain. She was a real little trouper and was rock solid on her stays, while all the other dogs broke. We got first place with a low score cos' we were the last ones standing
  8. Great idea Unfortunately I don't have a spare Bull Terrier suit
  9. Just remembered that Peter Dynan is coming to measure Pele, so have to bring her. At the moment she won't run out and pick up the dumbbell Was only entering her for fun anyway cos' I'll be there working, but trialling in the rain isn't fun
  10. It's like Pele and Cuz's It's raining heavily here at them moment. I'm having serious thoughts about scratching Pele from tonight's trial, since I'll be at the club until the end working
  11. I was going to suggest that, and maybe do a little bit of training on the sidelines with Charlie and see how he copes before putting him in a class :D
  12. Thanks Ptolomy Pele is stamping her feet with impatience She's obsessed with Cuz toys anyway Grabbed the wrong Cuz toy the other night on the way to training, one that didn't squeak Was brilliant, Pele was still obsessed with it and it didn't annoy anyone ringside so we didn't have to move well away
  13. Hey Fran, would love to meet you ;) Probably wouldn't be able to drag Pele, the "Porker" away from her BBQ duties tho' When will you be in Adelaide? The Bull Terrier Club shows are 20 and 21 March.
  14. Hi Conztruct. The group is positivelybts Come and join it and I'm sure that you'll get lots of help
  15. I hate the terminology Designer Dog. They are just Megabuck Mongrels. I have nothing against mongrels, but the breeding of them for megabucks
  16. Jessie, Bull Terrier now at the "Bridge" was great when unwanted callers came to the door. She'd alert bark and if I told her "enough" she'd shut up. If I wanted to deter the caller I'd say something like "Quiet, please be quiet etc." sounding like I had no control, while at the same time giving her the "speak" command and a nod and a smile which was a keep going signal For good measure I would tug on her collar (as if I was trying to control her) but it was really a signal to rev her up which I used to rev her before an agility run. What looked like an uncontrolled and irate Bull Terrier was guaranteed to send unwanted callers running Then I'd say "enough" and make a big fuss of her and go and play tug or get her a treat
  17. Jessie was quite a character. We visited the beach every day and her favourite thing to do was stand on her hind legs in the water and bark We are convinced that she was a seal in a past life and related to "Flipper" I've got some shocking photos taken of her barking and they look like an impersonation of a white pointer shark Love all the other pics of the "oldies"
  18. Jessie, 11.5 years and 2 years after being diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy (bung heart) and given a prognosis of "6 months, 12 if she's lucky". Jessie astounded her vets and made it to 3 years She lived every day to the fullest. It's been 5 years now and I still miss her very much
  19. Jessie, 11.5 years and 2 years after being diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy (bung heart) and given a prognosis of "6 months, 12 if she's lucky". Jessie astounded her vets and made it to 3 years She lived every day to the fullest. It's been 5 years now and I still miss her very much
  20. It's 10 months to Christmas ;) Nah, I won't make her wait that long
  21. I've played tug with both Bull Terriers that I've owned. With Jessie (now at the "Bridge") I didn't play tug until she was about 18 months old. With Pele I played from a young puppy (always careful with puppy teeth). With both dogs we had/have rules and they learned to release on command before we started to play serious tug. If they don't release I remove the tuggy and game over. I let Pele win sometimes. If they never win where's the fun?
  22. Pele saw Ness's medium i-squeak at training tonight. She wants one NOW!!!!
  23. Send them this article So You Want To Breed Your Bitch Hopefully it will put them off Many Staffords need C-sections, is she prepared for the expense of that?
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