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Everything posted by Bully

  1. Yes pleeeeease!!!!! Had a friend call around this afternoon for a coffee. I'd told her about Pele's obsession with Cuz toys. Went inside and got new un-desqueaked Cuz and Pele went nuts. All her backyard toys are de-squeaked ones. She went crazy. Then I brought out 2 i-squeaks and the Cuz was forgotten Oh dear, we have a tooth hole in the large i-squeak 'cos Pele is on a mission to de-squeak it Pele is so gentle with her soft, squeaky toys and has toys from when she came home at 8 weeks old that she still plays with and they still squeak. Cuz toys and now i-squeaks have to be "killed" I took them off her and hid them on a high shelf in the back shed and she's spent all afternoon looking for them, even after I shut the roller door Jeeze I'm a mean bitch!
  2. Pele kept wanting to go over to you at agility training tonight. She wanted those i-squeaks back :D
  3. Just counted 23 toys pulled out of the toy box Pele usually only pulls out the toys on top. Definately an i-squeak finding mission Might be cos' I squeaked one while she was outside - I'm such a bitch Your i-squeaks are safe in the boot of my car Kenzie, and I've hidden the car keys from sneaky Bull Terriers
  4. S'ok Kenz, they're locked in the boot of my car
  5. Yeah, when I pick up parcels at the post office and mention that they are dog toys I get this real weird look. I'm sure they think that I'm that weird dog lady The i-squeaks were in the post box so didn't have to go to the counter. They were a tight fit so would have had to have let out a few squeaks as they were squeezed in Pele has a toy box (plastic crate), well she has several - inside and outside. Normally she only takes toys from the top. Cuz toys are not kept in the toy box, they are hidden. I just went out and noticed that all the toys from the inside toy box have been removed. It looks like a bomb has hit the toy box I think that Pele might be looking for i-squeaks
  6. Pele's vet had a vacancy this afternoon so we went for her thyroid blood test. Ness's i-squeaks are in the boot of the car. As soon as I strapped Pele into her seat-belt in the front, her head spun around to the back seat and she was air sniffing. I think that she could smell i-squeaks in the boot Her sense of smell is incredible On the way home I stopped at the park. I didn't put her new i-squeak in the car because I wasn't planning on stopping on the way home, so Pele got her de-squeaked large Cuz which she normally loves (well she'd rather have one that squeaks :p ) but today she wasn't interested in it Must be something to do with i-squeaks :D :p
  7. $700!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!! Some idiot will pay it tho' Talking about funny combinations. I volunteer at the AWL. Some time ago we had a staffy X border collie. Everything about it looked staffy, solid build, brindle coat, head, height but it had long border collie hair. He was a long haired staffy Lovely boy and I hope that he found a lovely home
  8. The 2 bags were a firm fit in the mail box, so I'm guessing there were a few squeaks as they were pushed in :D ;)
  9. So come on Bully - wheres the photos..... No pics yet Pele was in the car when I went to the post office, so put the 2 bags in the boot for obvious reasons Pele sniffed my hands all over when I got into the car. Surely the rubber smell wouldn't travel thru' a post bag onto my hands? Got the bags out of the boot and had a Bull Terrier hot on my heels Pele was quivering with excitement so I gave her a large i-squeak and she shot outside with it. I only let her have it for a few minutes then confiscated it and hid it along with her other 3 balls (Yes, I'm a mean bitch :D ). Ness's balls were on the kitchen counter so Pele was hovering around there, so put them in the car boot. Now she's going around the house sniffing and keeps going back to the kitchen :D Might take a large to the park tonight. I don't think that I'd be able to get her to work for it as she's too OTT about it Thanks Sandi
  10. Just looking into my saved info and stress can bring on spinning. Check out http://www.minibull.org/health.htm and scroll down to the article "Stress Can Trigger Compulsive Disorders". Maybe the worm tablets may have stressed his system. I've also given the following article to Pele's vet with a note that she is only to be given isoflurane as an anaesthetic and no Ketamine, ace prozemine and a couple of others listed here Anesthesia in Minis because they can lower the seizure threshold of some dogs and I don't wish to find out if she is one of them.
  11. Sorry to hear about your boy. Yes, try and distract him but don't make a big deal of it. Contact your breeder ASAP. Also check out this website Bull Terrier Neurological Disorder Resources there's lots of info there.
  12. So glad to hear that Pepi is home and happy What a little cutie he is
  13. We plan the holiday around the dog, she's family too
  14. What horrible people People like that shouldn't be allowed to own animals I'm going to go and give Pele an extra big
  15. Maybe get the vet or vet nurse to show you how it's done when you pick Pepe up Give the little guy a from us
  16. Do we have access to the clubrooms and urns for tea/coffee? If so then I guess if we all chip in for coffee, tea, sugar, cups, plastic spoons/stirrers, milk, biscuits etc. I'm no good at organising stuff like that either We'd have to know how many going and hopefully someone with more idea on catering could advise quantities
  17. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall
  18. You know that you could cross them Ainsley and sell them as Labaliers and make a lot of money
  19. Joe Public don't know that the Labrador's correct name is Labrador Retriever, they think that it's a Labrador X Golden Retriever
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