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Everything posted by Bully

  1. Doubt that we'll be there Para Dog Club are having a Mock Agility trial that day. I'm thinking of entering Pele
  2. Sounds good to me Just hide the BBQ chicken from Pele
  3. Lovely pics Mish Squish I wanna give Asia a big smoosh on that cute face of hers :D The cresties look gorgeous in their little outfits Yellowgirl Haven't told Pele about the BBQ
  4. I love my Blackdog treat bag with the removable inner pouch. Not cheap, but worth it. They also sell clickers. I like the i-clickers
  5. I'm just helping in the office, so will make time to come and laugh at Kenzie's first attempt Seriously Ness, good luck, I'm sure you'll both do fine :D
  6. Bully, you get the best part I'm just a caring dog owner
  7. Went down the back shed, dug out the urn and cleaned out the spiders etc. and it works We have an urn It's supposed to hold 36 cups.
  8. A friend of mine has one. I refuse to call it a schnoodle, which I think upsets her. Her daughter in Sydney had it sent over after her previous dog died. Cost around $1400 and is supposed to come from a very good breeder, called Murray View Kennels I googled them and my god you should see what they are churning out in addition to schnauzer poodle X's, Roodles!!!! OMG why would anyone cross a rotti and a poodle
  9. Roast chicken Pele is fed a raw diet, so roast chicken is an extra special treat. When she has passed obedience trials I've bought her a whole roast chicken - deboned of course, and I've eaten the skin 'cos it's not good for doggies
  10. Not a fan of the Emergency Vet. I'd rather go to Adelaide Animal Hospital at Magill. From West Lakes there's not much difference in travel time. If it was a matter of life and death and time I 'spose you'd have to risk the Emergency Vet Hope everything is fine and you don't need a vet
  11. Hi Pepi's mum, thinking of you and hoping that you are doing OK. ;) to you.
  12. R.I.P. dear Pepi So sorry to hear that Pepi has gone to the "Bridge". Be comforted in knowing that you gave him a wonderful life. He is free from pain and discomfort and has left you with many happy memories to get you thru this tough time. I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my face Pepi and your story has touched many hearts here on DOL and we are here for you if you need to talk. Each day does get better even tho' it's hard to imagine at the moment. to you.
  13. I really enjoyed her book "Animals In Translation"
  14. A few years ago the health regulations were changed here in SA banning dogs from outdoor cafes. Had me stumped because birds can still poo on the tables The ban eventually got squashed because outdoor cafes/pubs etc were losing business from doggy people Hope the new laws get squashed up your way
  15. Keep ringing the council Even put it in writing - that usually gets something done. Good luck ;)
  16. Should be called MM's, Megabuck Mongrels because that's all they are IMO
  17. Can I please order - 4 large 2 small Thanks Julie and Pele ^..^
  18. Came across this one today http://www.askdryin.com/movies/CrateDogLR.pdf
  19. I agree. An off-leash dog park is for the dogs. Some owners would feel uncomfortable that there are kids present in case their dog bowled them over and may feel as tho' they must leash their dog. What is the point of an off-leash dog park then? It's not fair to the other users of the off-lead park. Please take the kids to a playground with your dog for an on-lead walk and visit the off-leash park without the kids Are your parks actually dog parks? Or parks where dogs are allowed? I'm talking about a fenced park specifically set up as an off-lead dog park, and not a public park that allows dogs to be off-lead Hope that clarifies
  20. I've been told by "know all" Joe Public's that Pele (Bull Terrier) has a "lock-jaw" and will attack me one day I frequently get people crossing the road when Pele and I come along or take a wide berth at the beach. Then when they get to meet Pele and find out how well trained and well behaved she is their attitude changes and they and wish their dog was as good as her If I see people looking worried about Pele I often get her to do a few obedience exercises or tricks to try and put them at ease
  21. I agree. An off-leash dog park is for the dogs. Some owners would feel uncomfortable that there are kids present in case their dog bowled them over and may feel as tho' they must leash their dog. What is the point of an off-leash dog park then? It's not fair to the other users of the off-lead park. Please take the kids to a playground with your dog for an on-lead walk and visit the off-leash park without the kids
  22. I've got "The Intelligence Of Dogs". He doesn't rate Bull Terriers very highly 66 / 79, that's a worry when my girl outsmarts me regularly I've also read "How To Speak Dog". Good reading
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