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Everything posted by georgesmum

  1. I think you may have missed a number of posts in this thread. Somewhere in this thread (the authors may find them themselves and quote) are posts which state that: - It would be irresponsible of any breeder to claim there are no genetic problems in their lines, and if they did so, they either have their head in the sand or have no idea (paraphrasing) - (I'll add that breeders which make that claim are lying) - Sure, breeders become defensive in the face of negative publicity, including forums such as this when someone comes online making all sorts of blanket claims about the breed they love, and to which they have devoted their lives - Over the years, I've seen a number of potential buyers, with the attitude of expecting the genetically perfect pup, end up with one from a puppy farmer who told them all the lies under the sun (see my second point above), only to spend a lot of money at the vet, and then badmouth the breed. Not the shonky breeder they bought from, but the breed. Not their poor choice and the fact that they couldn't accept that there is no such thing as a genetically perfect breed, but the breed. If you want a genetically perfect breed, K-Mart sells them for about $20. - I don't have any puppies, so healthy or not, there is nothing for you. Except at K-Mart. end sarcasm.
  2. Who are you, and why would I do that? In fact, your question just doesn't seem to fit the original intent of your first post, so... Who are you? What is your intent with this thread? It becomes clearer with every post. In answer to your question: Not many. My vet often thinks I'm seeing the other vet in town. He comments on how "robust" my newborns are, then later the young pups, how "rock solid" their patellae are; he'll check this and that knowing there's no point because it's all okay. The hip scores will come back lower than breed average. Hearts are good into old age, when the dogs will die at about age 13 or 14. BTW, heart clear until 7 can be cause for celebration. If the murmur is detected at 7 years, the dog may have another 7 or 8 years left yet. It may not even die from the heart condition. Stop scaremongering. Your slip is showing.
  3. Me thinks a couple of readers were probably getting a bit excited for a moment, there :laugh:
  4. Jed, I couldn't work out how to "multi-quote" your post, but thank you for it! For information, I know a lot of Cavaliers in SA who have lived long, healthy lives into their teens (13-15 years), rarely needing to visit the vet. And when I say "a lot", I do mean "a lot". I've been involved with this breed for 30 years (pet owner, then exhibitor/breeder/agiliteer), and attend the Cavalier Club's fun days where up to 150 pets and their owners may be in attendance. They come from all over the state, and from all breeders. Seeing all of these dogs, talking to their owners, gives a very good overview of the breed. The SM issue is a media beat-up, and while none of us wants to see any of our dogs suffer, in 22 years of exhibiting and attending pet events, I would have seen maybe a handful of obviously affected dogs. I'll leave any further comment on the condition to anyone else with more experience of it. To respond to another poster, it can be tested for, but not in all states of Australia, and at up to $1,000 per dog. Responsible, reputable Cavalier breeders are health testing as much as we can.
  5. Hi Panzer. My first post on this subject, and it's about agility LOL I bred and titled two Cavs in agility, one of whom was a well-driven little boy. These days, he gives me the "puppy dog eye" look so I'll put him on my bed (won't even use the doggy steps!). If you're looking for a pup, I can't help, though, so hopefully, LizT has better info in her PM to you. This is a great breed for agility, if you are well-matched with the right dog. A good breeder will help you pick out a suitable performance dog, if that's what you're looking for. Good luck Georgesmum South Australia
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