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Everything posted by FD26

  1. Aww, at least the breeder is doing the right thing, Didles. I came in to post...only 10 days! We've just booked his flight and it's for a day earlier than expected, wooohooo (silly, I know...but exciting to me lol)
  2. What a cutie, Jake's mum. :rolleyes: How exciting!! Have you been to Tamworth before? He's about the same age as our little guy...11 more days here and he'll be coming on the plane.
  3. Thanks guys. I did tell her to look her up in the phonebook and also to contact the CCCQ. That makes more sense with the papers then. I was going off my last pup which we got in the NT, who came at 8 weeks with his papers. I didn't realise it was a different process in QLD. As far as the vaccs, I was thinking she may have to start over because that's what happened with my cat. Maybe it's different with cats and dogs, then? Or did my vet take me for a ride? lol Anyway, I'll let her know...
  4. My cousin recently bought a puppy from a registered breeder in QLD (where she lives). At the time the pup was 13 weeks old. The breeder said she didn't have her registration papers yet so she would send them out when they arrived. It's been 3 weeks now and there's no sign of them and the breeder won't respond to emails which is her only way of being contacted. It seems a little suss to me.. Also, my cousin has booked the pup into the vet to get what she thought would be her third lot of vaccinations. Upon looking over the paperwork it appears the second lot weren't given, although the puppy was in the breeders care when they were due, my cousin didn't get the puppy until a week afterwards. I suggested this may just be a mistake in the paperwork, but with no way to contact the breeder doesn't she run the risk of having to start them all over again? Does anyone have any suggestions on what she could do?
  5. I would notify the council for sure. Don't expect her to pay to get the microchip, but at least let them know all that's happened.
  6. I can so relate. 12 more days! Here he is though, 6 weeks old
  7. Bought a crate today from dealsdirect, and in good timing because I found out our pup is coming a few days before we expected - yay! So only 13 days left now He's looking really good, too! I'm sooooo impatient though lol.
  8. I'd do it now. $5 isn't worth waiting for. Have you notified the council about your problems with the "breeder"??
  9. Didles, I know your pain! I've been grappling with that for awhile, as our yard isn't suitable either. I'm job hunting so I was worried about what to do with him if I get full time work. But now it's looking like I might be getting part time work, largely when the rest of the family is home. so it may not be an issue at all.
  10. How did you go when you went to see him, did you spot mine? We haven't had pics in awhile..might give her a ring some time this week.
  11. We bought a "filing cabinet" through deals direct. OH had to drill holes into it to put it together.. AND THEN...it doesn't fit files, too small
  12. Happens all the time, usually around 6-7 weeks, do I don't see why anyone would spout that BS...oh except for $$$
  13. Sadly PoppyDog, as she is an "oodle", I'd be prepared to put money on the fact that you have a puppy farm pup. How did you find her? You can only ask..but expect disappointment. Personally, I think you'd be better off not bothering. I don't know much at all about this - but if it were me I would be contacting the council to let them know a pup was sold without being microchipped, if it's against the law. Not sure they'd do anything about it, but I'd still be letting them know!
  14. What a cutie! I'd be over the moon about no accidents yet!
  15. Same, but he has a bit of white on his belly/toes and chin! I was just starting to wonder if we're getting a pup from the same litter lol. Mine's coming from Qld too.
  16. There's a plant called Cat Nip if I remember correctly that deters them Yates Keep Off is very good sprinkle around the area the cat/s like to invade it helped me with the 12 cats the neighbour down the road had ( until the council stepped in a took about 6 away and desexed the others left there ) I think you've gotten it a bit mixed up. Cats are attracted to cat nip! :D
  17. That's horrible. :D To the OP: If they're disturbing your dogs, can't you write a letter to the neighbour and tell her this? Maybe she just isn't aware of what her cats are getting up to when they're out. There are cat repellant sprays though, maybe do a google search or ask at your pet supply shop. Also, most NSW councils do have regulations on when cats can be out and about so look yours up. I wouldn't run to the council about it, but perhaps point these out to your neighbour if need be.
  18. Aww, what a sweet topic. I hadn't ever really thought of it like this before, but Blue...my old mutt would have been my heart dog. I found him on the road when I was pregnant and he was such a sweetheart. Very protective, and so devoted to me. He used to help me up from the lounge when I was big as a whale in my last few weeks of pregnancy and then he'd watch over bubba like a hawk. I ended up going through a messy divorce and had to give him away when he was about 2 It was one of the hardest things I've done. I have a heart cat, too...Machette, who died of nuerological problems he was born with 2 years ago, he was only 8 months old. He was the most quirky little thing, though...and I put up with more from him than I reckon I ever have from a cat. When he was sick I didn't leave his side for a second, that was really hard.
  19. Krital, what colour is the pup you're getting?
  20. I reorganised it by date. Keyarna - German Shorthaired Pointer - Tomorrow! 9th Feb oakeydoak - Border Collie - Next week! (15th Feb) JaxD - Jack Russell - 1 week and 6 days to go! wuffles - Australian Shepherd - 22 Feb ThatTyeGuy - Amstaff - 26th of feb KritalJay - Staffy - 5th March FD26 - Staffordshire Bull Terrior - March 5th! Gumnut - Labrador - Mid May. Bluefairy ~ French Bulldog ~ Hopefully in 5 months or less. belgian.blue - Grey Tervueren Belgian Shepherd .. winter 2O1O Mich & Jake - Shetland Sheepdog (tri-colour) - due second half 2010
  21. What a lucky pup! I've often wondered about this - about whether I could perform CPR on a pet and if it would do any good if I did. Although, not being a nurse I'm not too sure I'd be as effective. I've always been trained in first aid but luckily never had to use it.
  22. Good point. PETA tends to be more reactionary, based on their already-existing belief system. It sure sticks out a mile in relation to companion animals. Totally reactive there. So it's reasonable to identify issues with other animals being used for human purposes, but still a way to go re any improved welfare options. The more I hear about PETA, the more they seem to position themselves as an organisational cattle-prod (ironic metaphor there ). More on getting reactions, as if that's enough. And confusing reaction with solution. I think you'll find PETA as an organisation does this, while many of PETA's followers are more about rational change. When I was a gung-ho animal rights bound vegan I used to devote 2 hours a week to writing letters to people in power about both rational legislation and particular animals that needed help ASAP. I haven't visited their website in a decade, but they used to run lots of little campaigns like that, and have some pretty helpful toolkits available on it.
  23. Most likely heartworm..........They get a puppy one and update at six months If that's the case, then if it were MY dog I'd be saying a big fat NO!! I'm not a believer in heartworm shots. I think the risks outweigh the supposed benefits. I'd rather take the responsibility for daily or monthly heartworming. I thought heartworms were tablets, not injections?
  24. Woohoo, pictures soon! :D Still about 3 and a half weeks here. My OH goes away next weekend, and then once he gets back it's my son's birthday and then only a few days left...so hopefully it will zoom by! Although, with recent break ins here, I wish I had a big mean looking dog already but he said no when I asked if we could at least foster a rotty denied.
  25. Good advice. Even tho' numbers of people do own short-nosed dogs in tropical conditions....the owners have to be that bit more mindful. So I'd say work thro' your non-short-nosed preferences. You can own them here, definitely, but they do need more time inside with the AC than other breeds seem to, they definitely feel it more. I suppose it depends whether you want a dog that spends most of it's time inside or out.
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