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Everything posted by Python

  1. I can't speak for anyone else but I was not intending to make fun of you, but if you're saying you're aware of most of them selling with papers for $1200 - $1500 then why have you not purchased one of these dogs? If these dogs are not of what you consider a high enough quality, and you would prefer one of the dogs that is more expensive, then buy that one. If not, don't expect that you can post on a public forum hoping for someone to provide you with a pup of exceptional quality for the cost of a pet. And as opposed to cost I was more concerned about your intentions to be possibly breeding with a dog in the future, as i'm sure we'd all rather see breeding left to registered breeders, and you haven't mentioned that that's what you're intending. If you're looking for the best possible dog, save for it, and if you're not wanting to purchase from great lines with papers, and you dont intend on becoming a registered breeder, then don't breed. And I would never mention the name of a breeder and then state that in your opinion they're charging too much - i've never bred dogs but have a freind going through her first whelping and establishing herself as a breeder, and I have the upmost respect for what she's doing - You cant put a price on a breeders blood sweat and tears and to say that a respected breeder is overcharging i find quite rude. I am sincere in wishing you luck - this forum is very welcoming to those with the right intentions. No I didn't mention the breeder someone else did and I said they had nice dogs just that I couldn't afford it and not only that that they were really nice because they were the only breeder to reply and suggest other beeders to contact! I never was rude and said the breeder overcharged. that breeder helped me find other breeders and sent me link to breeders at this webpage so that is how I found this forum so why would I want to say bad things about them and their dogs? I also said that I would go to show and join all the clubs, this is why I say I think you just make things up. I never purchased the dogs that cost less becauss as I said first I cant get hold of these breeders or they dont email or dont write back when I do. So that is why I ask if anyone knows of other breedres in case there are some other than on this webpage.
  2. yes exactly! Many of my friends have kangal but they dont have any papers. any way thanks for your help I will try calling breeders and not worry about emails.
  3. Well whats it about then? More made up stuff about how you think I dont no about kangals or how I write or if I have owned kangal before and no how to look aftar one or even how long I been waiting for a good dog and not buy from just any one?
  4. You guys dont listen and just make up lots of things! I said I cant afford to pay 2500, only 1000 to 1500 for a pup with breeding papers and from what I have found out most kangal and anatolian pups with breeding papers sell for around 1200 or 1500 MAX. and because of that you all make up things about how I dont want to pay for a pup and dont no anything. YES there are some nice kangal and anatolians and some not nice dogs any one can see that. I already said I dont wanna dis any breaders but then you all think its okay to dis me and make fun well i hope you enjoy your forum and stick to your own as thats clearly what most of you only like to do.
  5. I like Kangal as i am Turkish! I know they are not cheap I can afford 1000 to 1500 just not 2500!!!
  6. Alright well anyway it looks as if I will have to try calling them now.
  7. Thanks yes I have spoken with the takas kennel and I cant afford how much they ask for a pup with breading papers its like 1500 more than a pup with pet papers. i can be a good owner go to the shows for the dog and join the clubs and all that but they ask to much. You get what you pay for, a lot of time and effort goes into importing, whelping & raising a litter... If you are only after a pet puppy, purchase a pet puppy? Yes I no which is why i came looking for a pup from a proper breeder. look i dont want to dis takas kennel because they were one of the only breaders who answer my email and questions. im just saying i cant afford there price for a pup with breeding papers is all. maybe one day i can but not now. the reason i dont just want a pet pup is that i want a really nice looking male pup one of the best ones and possbily for breeding later if its good enough. i just want to no if there are any kangal or anatolian breaders around who can help me with a nice big male pup. thanks
  8. Are you looking for a pup to show? No for a family dog and guard dog but if the breeder wants the dog to show then I can do that if they want. There are not many breeders or good dogs so maybe one day I would like to breed as well .
  9. Thanks yes I have spoken with the takas kennel and I cant afford how much they ask for a pup with breading papers its like 1500 more than a pup with pet papers. i can be a good owner go to the shows for the dog and join the clubs and all that but they ask to much.
  10. Yes I write to them and then they reply and then I write back but I never herd from them again. but I dont really like much the look of some of there dogs and it was hard to get infomation about them. Have you tried phoning them? Sometimes things can be misunderstood when using written communication. Even if those dogs aren't to your fancy, if you ring them, they might be able to put you on to another breeder. I dont feel right ringing them if they dont respond to my emails anyway. it shouldnt be that hard to find a nice pup as i have seen them about. the breeder of the pup dont breed anymore which is why i cant ask my friend and have to go to somene I dont know.
  11. WHats that? is there an email? sorry ps: thanks for the quick answers!
  12. Yes I write to them and then they reply and then I write back but I never herd from them again. but I dont really like much the look of some of there dogs and it was hard to get infomation about them.
  13. or even Anatolian Shepard as I have heard they are like the kangal, thanks .
  14. HI im looking for a male kangal pup but there is none to find. I hoping you guys can help me find one I have tried breeders but no help even wrote overseas but no good information or they dont reply so they are not much help. I just want a nice kangal and i dont know why it is so hard to find one and i cant get any help which is annoying also. Im just looking for a big male pup not long hair and with a black face. my email is [email protected] thanks
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