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Everything posted by spiff
This forum is about sharing information. Pointeelab relayed information she was given from friends. It's now up to Sandgrubber to check it out. For all you know, Sandgrubber might be anything, and for all you know, Pointeelab might just know a whole lot more about Sandgrubber's ethnic background than you do Suggesting someone is in the KKK, as is calling them "an ugly Australian" is against the rules of the forum, and as far as tolerance is concerned, you might like to practice what you preach. And whilst you were ranting, you actually failed to add any information to the thread. Well I'll just leave you people to it, sure if you met me you wouldnt like me cause I'm all for cross breeding (people and dogs) and if pointing out to someone that they are being racist and that it's wrong is breaking the rules of the forum then so be it,because I dont think its alright.
O/T - accusing people of being in the KKK does not show tolerance. You are dead right,I am sorry I used the wrong word anyway. I mean let's face it tolerate means to put up with someone that you dont like or annoys you, so to tolerate someone of a different race because of his race is just saying, I hate him because he's black but I'm not saying anything so that's alright.So having said that, I embrace all people of different cultures and I don't tolerate racist's.So thank you, I'll climb down off my soapbox , go home , take a bex and have a lie down.
This has nothing to do with this topic, but neither has the above Quote. You automaticly assume that all the people reading the forum are white, sandgroper might be asian for all we know. Who cares! I and my family have spent many years in Hawaii and its got many beautiful people there. So why dont you take off your KKK hood and have a good look around, no maybe better to leave it on so the rest of us dont have to look at yet another ugly Australian. Tolerances breeds tolerance.
I think this is also true for humans! Get a footy team or 'gang' together and they definately behave differently to being on their own As much as we 'modern' humans think we understand nature, we really will NEVER know what really goes on in any animals brain, or understand the infinately many and small signals that we do not even see. Please dont compare a pack of dogs to a football team, dogs are infinatley more intelligent
I just read some of the posts that were left over the past few days an was please to hear some more logical suggestions I think rastus hit the nail on the head, the most important thing is honesty and thats what we have on our website, it goes into great detail what we offer, so theres no arguments later on. Chewbakker what wonderful little brats you have, don't have to look far to see where they learnt how to throw a good tantrum.
Yeah okay , sorry if I've offended you people. But it's starting to get a bit childish, Good-bye and thank you.
:p yes grasshopper...you are a quick learner !! be careful young Jedi, too many stirrs of the pot could bite you on the ass You may find chewie & her clan on your doorstep tomorrow !!! (and I'm sure she'd be a good guest) fifi the crazy with more than two dogs !!! would that make you triple d fifi
NO, I was not implying that all people who own 3 dog's or more are crazy, Although all the people that I know that own 4 dog's are crazy, all one of them. Seeing as I don't know any of you people, so I wasnt referring to any of you. This has been quite good listening to your feedback, and colliehound can use alot of the information too. Chewie you are welcome to bring your whole brood and stay at our place, but to fit in you will have to book all 4 rooms and since it will be school holidays peak rates of $230 per room per night apply, and of course 4night minimum (some conditions apply) :D ;) :D so am I learning to stir the shite pot good fifi
Hi , Thanks to everyone for there input on this thread, we have picked up alot of good tips. Unfortunately some of them we just cant do due room, council guidelines or we're just not comfortable to do it that way. We were quite surprised at the amount of people that owned more than 2 dogs, we personally don't know anyone who owns 3 dog's or more (cept for the towns local crazy lady , she's got 4 of mellowist,nicest dogs I've ever come across, but she's as mad as a hatter) We only have one dog ourselves and no children. I think we will change our advertising from dog friendly to pet friendly as dog friendly I think gives the impression that we cater to people such as many of the people that have responded, I mean some of you are pretty hard-core and good for you thats your life. But we have chosen to cater for couples with clean well behaved pet dog's who want a Quiet break with there pet down at the beach, we can't please everybody so we will concentrate on pleasing these people.. I'm sorry that some of you people are peed off that we're just another place that discriminates against dog owner's, we are just going to do the best we can within the boundrys that have been set and what we are comfortable with and I'm sure that any logical person would understand this. Thank you
Thanks fifi, it's ok we've been having a bit of a laugh, but since I started the thread i wont get drawn into it to far
I'm sorry, thought you were just joking around. Well it's got every thing a good motel should have, guests so far have said that it has been all that they could ask for and very comfortable. It hasn't been rated, but by the old scale I'd say it's rated 3 1//2 to 4 Nope, Chewie would probably like to stay at your place with her three skin-kids + the rest of the family. I thought you said the rooms aren't big enough to accommodate kids as well as adults and dogs so I'm unsure as to why the questions were even asked if it's not suitable to her needs. Then again, it's not going to be any use to us because of the slightly silly restriction to 2 dogs. This sort of thing comes up from time to time when people advertise their property as being "pet friendly" but then they place rather silly restrictions on guests with dogs, such as only allowing one dog, only allowing "lap dogs" (all three of ours consider themselves to be lap dogs, does that count???), and dogs only permitted outside in the guest's car or chained up to the car. Yes, they're all super-dog-friendly places! If you really want to offer genuinely dog-friendly human accommodation, perhaps start with asking yourself WHY you want to appeal to this market and WHAT you really have to offer everyone who would like to holiday or travel with their dog or dogs. Why is your property better than others in the area and how can you make yours better if it's not? There is a great resort in the Gold Coast area which is purpose-built for dogs and humans to stay together. It is quite similar to Best Friends from looking at both property's websites. And when I last enquired the GC property didn't restrict dog numbers per guest/cabin. Just something to re-think about if you really want to attract dog-loving guests because there are lots of us with more than one or two dogs in our family. I wish you lots of luck! I answered chewies question because he/she asked me twice and it would be rude not to answer. Yes the rooms arn't big enough for a family,chewy didnt ask if they could stay,just asked if it was a nice place, to nice for the likes of me to stay in as I'm just a glorified cleaner .Now can someone throw me a rope I've dug myself into a nice big hole.
I'm sorry, thought you were just joking around. Well it's got every thing a good motel should have, guests so far have said that it has been all that they could ask for and very comfortable. It hasn't been rated, but by the old scale I'd say it's rated 3 1//2 to 4
That's a real shame. We have three dogs. We like to travel/holiday with them. So your place is definitely out for us on that basis. Surely in the holiday accommodation business, council regulations don't stipulate dog limits for guests in the way they do for permanent residents? Just a thought. I'd love to make everybody happy, but as you can see from this whole thread ,I'm not. but the up side to this is that someone will read this and say i can do this, I will be increasing the height of the fences for a start and are considering alot of other thing suggested thanks very much
Thanks for your information, I'm sorry if we have offended anyone by remaining anonymous, i feel it would be wrong to get on a forum, get into a conversation with you in the guise of selling you something. Same as I dont write reveiws for my own place, I know plenty of motel owners in my area that do. 2 dogs per room is our limit, we are set up in a residential/ rural area on the coast with a few restrictions and we wont bend the rules for anyone,as we hope to stay in business for some time, we're still learning that's why we're asking questions
I'm sorry if I've offended, as agree with you entirely , but due to some council restrictions our property is just not set up for family's,in our situation dogs are easier and we love them,but kid's are ok too
thanks , yes we do
please tell us more of what you want though no matter how trivial , I reckon it's interesting to hear what people think is important to there holiday
some people Chewy, there are already a gazillion pets allowed places which cater to people with children. It's so nice to (finally!) see a few places which exclude kids. If you didn't have kids, I'm sure you would feel like a break somewhere that doesn't welcome them at least some of the time. :D I know I get tired of hearing other people's kids screaming, I get tired of tripping over someone's kid's toys left in hallways, I get tired of dodging prams, and I really get tired of parents whining about their kids' behaviour. But that's just me. :D ETA - I just read that kids are allowed. So I'm going to sulk over that because it's not kid-free. Therefore we aren't likely to ever visit. Just in case. so far we have been only open in the xmas holidays so we have only had people who were desperate for a place to stay, I doubt that any one would really want to share one room with there kids, wouldn't be much of a holiday might as well stay at a youth hostel,but we cant discriminate
Thanks for all your ideas please keep them coming, we wont be able to please everybody but maybe someone else reading this can cater to the ones that we can't. Our target market is Singles/couples wanting a quiet comfortable place to stay close to the beach for 3/4 nights, we have got foldout beds for kids but I really dont think it would be that comfortable for more than a night.Having said that we had Mum 2 9 year old girls and 2 kelpie crosses for 3 nights and they had a hoot, I reckon the girls shed more hair than the dogs.
Yes to all those thing, we do have extensive insurance to cover our property, But once off the property I think it is the owners responsability both legally and morally to any incident outside of the property.
actually they are private units ,though not fully self contained commonarea is not fenced as yet and may never be, but I'm listening ,as is it is you must have control of your dog at all times
Thank's we have secured courtyards, I look into the off leash area but we are really close to an offleash beach any way , it gives us something to think about, please keep the ideas coming. Sorry I dont feel real comfortable saying where we are as its not self promotion. dont worry youll find us because eventully we will be what your looking for ;)
Hi,My wife and I just opened dog friendly guest house, I think we cater pretty well to the needs of pet owners and there pet's,it is a place mainly for couples through not familys. I am not after free promotion i would just like to hear what you want in a pet friendly place I think we have most things covered, but if I can get one idea to make an improvement I'll be happy,Ive done a bit of search ing through the old posts but haven't found alot so how about tell me and everybody else who is thinking of setting up a similar business what is important to you including the little things, having read many of the posts on this site it sounds like it difficult to get good quality dog friendly accommodation and that what we are trying to do, I think we're on the right track,full this weekend- 3 couples, 5 dogs . Thanks I would appreciate your help.
;) :D :( Good one Bindi, ;) I never made out like I was real bright myself, but at least I realize I'm a bit of an idiot at times and make allowances for myself. Unlike some, Who have no idea of their idiodisability and make no allowance whatsoever, spelling isnt that important to me or grammar, I just don't like people looking down there nose at other people or dogs for that matter, all this talk about putting a stop to x breeds, why dont we nip it in the bud and just desex the owners :)
I love bitsa's,there the only dog's I've ever had in my house, I really do like all dogs. I am amazed what I'm reading, it all sounds a bit snobbish and I haven't heard anyone talk like that since I was in South Africa in the early eighty's.That's just my opinion and probably my last, oh yea jess live die. If your going to belittle your cousins intelligents it would be a good idea to use the spell check