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Everything posted by Roseclipt

  1. Thanks for the heads up Steve - I look forward to reading more from you on this.
  2. No, i can't find it either. I have read the Act, but can find no mention of 15 metres. Would also appreciate the link.
  3. " .... much of which is mandatory and you may be breaching this already" Can't see how - have plenty of floorspace Seriously though, all conditions CAN be complied with - I had actually read these before. And have 35 years of records. Interesting from a legal perspective, also, how one part states "business of breeding dogs" and another states "activity of breeding dogs". Environmental enrichment is interesting - having spent 13 years on animal ethics committees and ensuring this was done - I have seldom seen any "kennel" that provides this - which is why we would not sell to breeders who kennelled their dogs .....
  4. Certainly sounds reasonable so far. One query in relation to minimum standards- my apologies for sounding egocentric, here - but I think we all relate to the issues that have personal concern. I have had up to 18 of a giant breed at times. They were (except for our oldies) kenneled at night, but had free run of the house and well fenced paddocks during the day, and I was always home to control any "temper tantrums". Bitches in season were also obviously separated. We also then had a dedicated whelping room in the house, with separate temperature control, etc. The bitches were always desexed after their usually one litter, and then remained here with us - I adore my old guys and gals. As we aged, we realised that we would get too old to control a largish pack, so have let our lines die out through old age (ours and theirs). We still have the last of our big guys here, and they are full time house dogs, along with 4 of a small breed, 2 of whom are desexed, the other 2 are exhibited. We have bred one litter of the small breed with some success, and will probably do so again, but I have no interest in kenelling them. As with our giants, they are whelped in the house, they are raised in the house, they live in the house uncrated and they have free access to the paddocks. OK - so I do a lot of housework - but how will minimum conditions affect us? I have no problems with paying an extra registration fee, but also have no intentions of having kennels, as such.
  5. We had to double fence our acreage for these reasons - stooopid kids and stoooopider parents thinking it was OK to poke sticks into our dogs through 6 foot chain wire. And after the JW's ignored two sets of gates, and 9 of our Danes nailed them in a large mud puddle, we added the sign "Attention. Large dogs running loose on property. Please sound horn". So far (18 years) this has worked well - except for a remarkably nosy Neighbourhood Watch person who decided that we ticked all the boxes for "local drug dealer".
  6. Coprice working dog here. My Danes have been fed this for 15 years, plus between 400 - 500gms raw beef each, they hold really good condition, no problems with breeding or whelping. Puppies are fed Advance until 9 months of age, and then swapped to the Coprice. The Frenchies were being fed EaglePack Holistic, but went totally off it. They were swapped to Royal Canin, but our pied dog went a bright pink, and they were always licking and chewing their feet. We have now swapped them to Coprice also, plus raw meat (beef or human grade chicken), and they do very, very well on it. Plus they love it!
  7. Didles Poor little munchkin puppies - it's not their fault - but those sods who owned them .....
  8. Boy - how sneaky are you guys Thank you for the tip - it never even occurred to me to try that - but I will sure remember it!
  9. Thank you for that link - I just read Chi Chi's story. Jane said it all - "And she is the best lesson in being happy despite adversity". Thanks be that there will be one very special little sister left, amid the wreckage and the heartache.
  10. I certainly hope those puppies are OK - and also the others that have been exposed. I am so sorry this has happened to you and your puppy, Beladoza - and a lucky escape for you, Didles. I have had a run in with this woman over Danes - having bred and exhibited for 35 years, and managed to keep my guys and lines out of the hands of the puppy farmers, she managed to get her hands on a puppy bitch bred under our prefix from imported semen - the owners of the litter were inexperienced enough to fall for it, and it is the first time we had ever allowed one of our girls to be bred away from us. The puppy was sold on immediately at double the price interstate - we offered double the double price to get her back, but no go. Luckily, even though the interstate owner doesn't have a great reputation, arriving on their doorstep has proven her to be happy and healthy, and the conditions are actually very good. Now I also have Frenchies, having retired from breeding Danes, and have been watching with horror the unfolding of this farmer, and the amount of litters bred. As she obviously deals in dogs as well, I think the suggestion of the ATO and Centrelink may just be the way to nail her, as I doubt the CC has much power to do it. Any other prefix should also be somehow made available - we could always play anagrams ..... Shall we all just hope that one day her current prefix catches up with her, and there is a slab in her future?
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