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Everything posted by Gilypoo
Unfortunatly I have looked into this option as it was my most perfered.. (OH had the final say) Our council is VERY VERY strict and anything with a concrete floor needs building approval. Ive spoken to them and they have said that the application is likely to get rejected because of where we need to build it... I am trying to work around these issues. At the very least if they approve the application without questions, it takes an average of 3 weeks, longer beacuse of the easter break..
You hit it right on the head there :D ... It is so frustrating, like I said, i know I did wrong by my dog by not protecting her but all I can do is ask for help and try to fix the problem
Ive looked into the pre fab runs and they unfortunatley dont suit what we need. I also have a 68 kilo great dane puppy so they need to be fenced together and we will need it to be a weird shape... They havent seem to dig in the bit already dropped, do you think that they will go back there? We are SOO SOO lucky. I dont know what I would of done if it had of been a different outcome.
Already done the 1st suggestion after the accident everyone in our streets have my contact details. As I said before, the neighbours couldnt get close enough to her to look at her collar. Both my Girls always have identidfication them. The have there name (my details aswell) their shire tag, a tag that says " scan me im microchipped" the micro chip identification tag (to call CAR if dog is found) and then there actual micro chip.. WOW i sound like an obsessived puppy mum :D Those dogs are amazing. You gave me an idea, I might call them and see if there is any books on training a guide dog. I know that those dogs gets years of training, but they may be able to suggest some more basic training.. THANKS
I started a thread for ideas not to long ago and got some great suggestions.. I put them all to the OH and he wanted to start with this idea 1st... I really couldnt complain as he was going to be the one doing most of the Physical labor... Untill the whole fence line is dropped I am currently driving 1hour everyday to drop the dogs off at my closest family member to keep them safe... :D
We have an acre property will over 300 meters of fencing.. They were escaping through on section of fencing (approx 75 meters) so my other half wanted to drop the frnce line by about 1 meter. We have building restrictions and arnt alloud any fencing except ring lock. Anyway, we dropped this section and all was fine (for 1 week) They started tyo then dig at another section, so we dropped that line and were planning on doing the remander 200 meters this long weekend as we would have time.. Obviousley she got out again and was injured... She wears a containment collar aswell that doesnt seem to stop her.. Her escaping isnt the issue that I wanted to raise. I know we need to do the dog run but we thought we would try this option 1st. So thanks for the advise on the "road sense" or should I say lack of raod sense. Ill just have to hope it NEVER NEVER happens again. Thanks
As Most of you might be aware, I have a GSD that makes it her mission to escape... On Tuesday Afternoon my worst fears came to life. My poor Miss Molly was hit by a 4WD. A neighbour witnessed it and she said it looked like Molly went under the car and no impact was seen or heard. After a mercy dash to the Vets (when I found out, as it happened around 2.00pm ish and I didnt get home from work till 5) they said She is ok, a little bruised and scared but one VERY lucky puppy.. My neighbours tried to get molly to check her but she wouldnt go near ANYONE... My question to DOL users is: Is there a way to teach a dog "ROAD SENSE". In the area that I live in we dont have any foot path so when we go for a walk we have to walk on the road. When a car comes i say "CAR" and veer them onto the very limited kerbing. However it seems that when they escape all reason gets lost and its a free for all... Please dont flame me, for being a bad and irresponsible owner. My hubby and I are trying EVERYTHING to keep the dogs in, but it obviously isnt enough and all the nasty comments in the world wont make me feel any worse then I already do. I failed my dog by not protecting her and keeping her safe and I will never forgive myself. Any advise on "ROAD SENSE" would be REALLY appreciated.. Gily :D
Where Do I Pick My Puppy From The Airport?
Gilypoo replied to spirrall's topic in General Dog Discussion
I picked my Great Dane girl up from the Perth airport.. She came from NSW.. Im sure it will be the same process. You normally pick them up from the Air mail section. My girl was right next to the Austrlia post office... Some pet carriers offer a comfort stop depending on the flight and stop overs etc. Did you have this? Take your id as most carriers will not release the dog unless you prove who you are. You will also need to sign for your new puppy. I took some water, small amount of food that the breeder had been feeding, she had a toy that the breeder put in with her, I took another one and a rug that smelt of our other puppy to get use to. We had a 2.5 hour drive ahead of us when I actually picked her up.. If you live close by to the airport you really shouldnt need much just lots of cuddles and love... On this note if your are going to want to cuddle your new family member, maybe ask some one else to drive you so you can safely give cuddles. Enjoy your new puppy -
what a beautiful big boof head... ;) HAPPY BIRTHDAY OSCAR
I have a 13month GSD and at this stage she is soo bored. I have had to up her training to a whole new level. Back yard size should be fine as long as the dog does get more then the weekly formal training sessions. My girl goes about 4-6 times a week and lives for it. The other dog will keep her company and distract her for a while, however they require more.. GSD are so intellegent and like to be challenged mentally. Make sure it is socialised from an early age with a range of children and all different ages, this also includes other dogs. Unfortunatley there is a stigma associated with owning a GSD.. People are scared of them just because of there apperance so lots of puppy interaction.. GSD are quite a protective dog and the last thing your friend will want is un unsocalised dog This is all from my experience. Im sure you will get other posts from people who agree and dis agree with me. As long as the dog gets what it requires (exercise/ love/ attention) there is no reason why a GSD cant live in suburbia.
Good for you... If only all people treated there animals with as much love
How big is there property? Are there other dogs in the house? What are there work hours like? Any young kids/ kids? Just trying to get all the background info..
How much room can you seriousley need for 4 puppies that size???If they are 3 weeks now, how hard is it for another 5 weeks (minimum).. Seriously in it for the money. And she must of had them DNA tested or seen the papers to know that they are pure breds... I forgot you can be 100% sure by just looking at a dog....
How Do Great Dane's Go On Great Barko
Gilypoo replied to Bevo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I was in the same boat. I have a GSD and a dane and at one stage I was going through 15kilo every 8 days. I dont know what Barko is, but may I suggest supplimenting SOME the Eukanuba for meat and vegies. If you have a local butcher you may be able to get it really cheap. I pay 6.50 kilo. Whilst it is still expensive my girls enjoy it so much more and the natural diet (meat and vegies) made an amazing change in my girls attitude and temprement. Im not saying raw diet will suit your dog but it worked a treat for me and saved me heaps of $$$$. My girl is 67.8 kilios at 13 months old and gets 1.3kilos of meat a day plus some sort of bone, about 4 cups of vegies, some barlee/oats plus 1 to 2 cups of Eukanuba for all the extra good stuff that I cant give her... Eggs and sardines occasionally. Sounds like a lot but it really isnt that much when its put in her bowl.. She isnt over weight. Hips are still visible, can feel ribs and all the rest of that stuff.. Sorry if I confused you more. -
Unfortunatley this is the only way that I have found. I even have to put it in my pot plants cause at the moment every peice of paid for plant if fair game (we live on an acre bush block and they dont touch ANY of those plants. Just the pretty ones. Edited to asy that yes I know its un hygenic
Completly AGREE with waht your saying but your only in trouble if you get caught. hehe I just couldnt sit around and wait. I work for Local Government so I know what a bunch of time wasters we are. Im just thinking about the poor dog
Because the dog doesnt have a voice and is suffering.Some one needs to stand up for it. If she isnt having any luck doing things the "proper" way then something else needs to be done. I would rather help the dog then let it sit there and eventually die not feeling loved.. Everyones different and we all have a different opinion on whats right and wrong. To me treating a dog that way is heaps worse then getting it out of that situation
I have a Dane and both her food bowl and water bowl are elevated becasue it is such a LONG way down... My GSD on the other hand has her own food and water bowl and they are on the floor. When ever she gets the chance she will try and drink out of the elevated water bowl..(sharing is caring ) Maybe personal preference for the dog
I have found that also giving a copy to the Council members helps. You might get lucky and have a Dog lover on the Council. Also Addressing it to the CEO may help.. Just trying to give you all the insider information
I couldnt agree more.. I would hate to be in those shoes.. Like I said I dont agree, they just pay me each week. Did you have any luck with the RSPCA
Funny you say that, I am just about to right a letter to someone that has to fill the same Bark diary out...I know they such but Councils are required by law to do it.. I dont agree but they are the rules. I dont know the situation, eg dogs temrement/ surrounds and all that. Maybe just keep nagging the RSCPA.. SOME ONE has to listen HOPEFULLY..
I work in the Ranger section (no Im not a ranger) at a Local Government and if we get a call about a dog that is loose in our shire with out tags then we take it in. You could say that you were just driving and saw the dog.. I know its the wrong thing by law to do, but my blood is just boiling. How can people treat animlas like that. It makes me soo soo angry.
This could sound extreme but go to your local Councilman/ Parliment representative. Tell them the Rangers arnt doing anything/ Tell them the RSPCA isnt doing anything... (Obviously make sure that they arnt ) Make a huge fuss. All else fails, when the owners leave, let the dog out, call the ranger say that you have found a dog on the streets. Ask them to collect it and the HOPEFULLY as long as the dog isnt to messed up in the head he will get rehomed...Just make sure the dog has no tags on it to identify the owner. I doubt a dog treated like that will be microchipped or even registered.. To make sure you could take it to a different shire and call that ranger. I doubt the owner will call around to look for the dog... I know its all prob against the law, but sometime things have to be done to help these poor defensless animals.
Who have you reported it to??? Make sure your local Council is informed aswell as RSPCA. No dog/ animal should be kept like that. Poor puppy. You would probably find with a little stimulation the dog would stop barking, Maybe be sneaky and throw a toy or 2 over the fence to occupy it.. (as long as the neighbour wont flip out on you). We had the same prob with a dog getting fed, or should I say not getting feed, so we use to throw a bone/mince over every couple of day. We informed the RSPCA abd they went around had a word to the owner and gave them some food. The dog got checked up on every week until the RSPCA decided enough was enough and they confiscated the dog... Will be interesting to see the outcome of your delema
Be careful what you wish for