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Everything posted by Gilypoo

  1. No not yet... The girls have an appt at the vet next week to get checked out 1st to make sure nothing is wrong physically... Reccomendation on DOL was to not google search a Beahavourist so I was going to talk to my Vet and ask if he recommends anyone... Im going to try handle the situation at home in the mean while.... Tea last night was better... Molly the GSD actually ate all her food without coaxing her to... Bella the GD sooked at 1st cause she got fed seperatly but after a few minute conceded defeat and went 2 lay down straight after tea.. I know its only the 1st day but was a huge improvement... Dont worry they wont fool me. I will stick to it and get professional help after the vet..
  2. I think its too late for me but anything that will help th girls
  3. Hindsight is a bitch of a thing, but unfortunatley leaving them entire was not possible for us.. We are on an acre of property with only ringlock fences and 4 entire male dogs in our street alone... I think we could of been in a worse situation if we left one of them entire...
  4. I love them both dearly but the dogs can have there smelly food..Raw mince / chicken necks and eggs (not to mention other thing) dont really appeal to me... :D It was the raw offal I was thinking of. YUMMY
  5. I love them both dearly but the dogs can have there smelly food..Raw mince / chicken necks and eggs (not to mention other thing) dont really appeal to me... :D
  6. I agree with almost everything that you say. I really think the GSD is the dominent one and it just happened that the GD lashed out 1st ....The GSD is very protective of me in general (like I said about the washing etc) the Dane is still more of a puppy and "teases" the GSD but only playing (what it looks like to me) I could be completly wrong mind you. The Dane just seems more laid back and takes things in her stride more then the GSD....But I could be looking at it all wrong. They have an appointment next week at the vets to get checked out, then I will sort out the Behavourist... As the Dane is still growing im not comfortable taking her on bike rides as her bones are still very soft... She gets tired easily and after 45 min is lagging behind me (im not a fast walker at the best of times) :D Thanks for your advise thou.. Will def keep everyone updated on how we go...
  7. We have only just started.. We had our 1st lesson on Sunday. I am handling the GD and my mum is doing the GSD, we did it this way because the GSD was getting very protective of me. Which I now know is the resource thing....A light bulb just clicked in my head :D .... I really need to get my girl some help. While you source someone suitable, have a look here at the triangle of tempation (TOT) and Nothing in life is free (NILIF) programs pinned at the top of the training thread. Both would be safe to implement on your girls. How much exercise do they get? I try and take them 5 days a week for about 30-45min...it usually averages out to 4 days a week plus obedience training on sundays
  8. We have only just started.. We had our 1st lesson on Sunday. I am handling the GD and my mum is doing the GSD, we did it this way because the GSD was getting very protective of me. Which I now know is the resource thing....A light bulb just clicked in my head .... I really need to get my girl some help.
  9. I think you have hit it on the head.... My GSD seems by what everyone is saying that she is a resource guarder.... Sometimes if I am giving her a cuddle then the GD will come up and want one aswell the GSD will then growl... She also does it when I am hanging out the washing. I normally give her a stern" uh" and then give the GD a cuddle in front of her... Is this the right thing to do??? I REALLY do need to see a behavourist.... Any one know of a local Bunbury person?? Now that people written things about her I can actually see what she is doing if that makes sense
  10. Call me naive but what do you mean by me being a "resource" ?
  11. Both of them are fixed.... Thanks for everyones advice. I will try to look for a beahavourist down this way... The little witches were best buds last night. They normally sleep in seperate beds but noo not last night, they had to sleep with each other..
  12. Im in Bunbury.... I seperate them by about 3 meters but will do one inside the other out from now on.
  13. I dont really think that it is linked, just that the 1st "serious" fight that they have had was when I feed them.. As I said im clueless... Its never happened before? Do you think it may be something different?
  14. As many of you will probably know already, I have a 13 month old GSD and a 13 month old Great Dane both female... Both were born on the same day and both are purebreed. We got the GSD 5 days before the dane and both were 8 weeks old.. I have a few questions but first a bit of back ground info.... The girls have never really sorted out the leader / dominent one of the 2. Yes they have had a few semi serious fights but nothing compared to tonight. As they were so young (6months ) the last time a fight happened we just put it down to playing puppies.. Tonight was another story.. I feed the girls in the usual way. We HAVENT pick a leader our self as I wasnt sure that I was ment to... Anyway. I fed the GSD 1st as she sat 1st (this is the usual way we decide who gets feed first) then I feed the GD... I went inside to do something, then I noticed the GSD had walked away from her tea... the GD was still eating.... As we are having trouble keeping weight on the GSD I looked into her food bowl and shook it to see f I could entice her to eat some more.. She came back and started smelling it.. At this stage the GD came over and tried to eat it... the GSD started growling so I made my usual "UH" noise when someone is doing something wrong and stepped in between them to push the GD aside and stop the GSD from growling the next thing that happened was the GD lunged at the GSD and it was on... both Snarling, biting to hurt and a full on attacking each other... I managed to seperate them (which I now know was a silly thing as I could of got hurt but it was a natural instinct)... The GSD walked away limping and crying and the GD continued eating her own food... I was quite upset so I left and got the OH to sort them out... Sooo.....My questions are: What age do dogs normally sort out leader? Should we have picked one for them from an earlier age? If they are ment to sort it out them self, when do I/ if I do step into seperate the fight? As you can imagine it is hard to see them fight but I know they are pack animals and it is in there instint to establish a hierachy... There is no question that I am the leader then my OH...... I know GSD are a dominent breed and I know the GD could do some REAL damage because of her size... So HELP please, and no flaming... I wont lie, I am clueless and it scared the BEJEUSES out of me..
  15. Gilypoo

    Dog Attack

    everyone sumed up my thoughts exactly... I am gobsmacked at this, how could a mother do this.. Now unfortunatley the dogs will take the blame which isnt fair... A 6 month old baby would of done NOTHING to provoke an attack except for having a smelly bottom. The whole situation is terrible for everyone involved...
  16. Gilypoo

    Dog Attack

    UMM????? What more can I say! http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/1037767/b...ttacked-by-dogs
  17. I cant help you as I live in Perth (2hours south actually) but I just wanted to say for looking after the little boy... Its good to know 1 less tom of the streets causing unwanted kittens... So cudos to you
  18. If I thought that as the GSD's only escape route, I would've switched the collar over to the Dane before now. That would've stopped the Dane from digging and providing the escape route for the GSD. The beauty of electric fences is that you can set them up to wind in, through and around obstacles such as trees. Or are you saying that it is scrub? That would prove more difficult. Unfortunalty we have everything on our block. We are waiting for the fire season to be over so we can clear it and hopefully be able to use the other type of fencing... Because we only have 1 collar the dogs have out smarted us.. They use a tag team principal, the one that has the collar on sits back and waits while the other digs... I work 1hr away from the nearest supplier of the same type of containment fencing that we have so I cant get into to get one. But as it is late night shopping tonight I will DEFINATLEY be making the trip in..
  19. Everything doesnt work about the bloody thing :D She has worked out that if she runs fast enouf she only gets a little zap.. We think what is happening is the Dane digs the hole, the GSD runs through it then the Dane follows. We are plaining on getting the Dane a collar tonight to hopefully stop this.. from what the neighbours have told me it is ALWAYS the GSD out 1st... We have looked into the actual zappy fence stuff (my mum and dad had it for there dogs and it worked a treat) I dont think that it will work for us as nothing can be touching it from what I have heard. We have ALOT of trees on our property and I dont think we would be able to have it without something touching it.. Suprise Suprise the Shore wont let us touch the trees either
  20. .Then I would actually have to admit to him how much I spend on them and that would start a whole new thread :D I know its bad but they are his and her girls and the GSD is technically "His"(we are married and got them within a week apart , a GSD is his dream dog and a Dane was mine.. Hence the his and hers) so I think it actually made him open his eyes about it....
  21. Def interested in anything that will help... What is this??? :D
  22. I like the way everyone is thinking... Thanks... Now I just have to convince the OH... I might sell my body :D
  23. sneaky sneaky, I like the way you think :D
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