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Everything posted by Gilypoo

  1. Thanks for everyones well wishes. The bucket only lasted approx 2.5hrs. My MIL went to check on them and it was enialated. The bandages didnt last much longer either. My OH went home at 1.00 to check on them and they were off. Nurse dad to the rescue. He re did them for her. The drain comes out tomorrow, Will keep everyone updated. Thanks again Gily
  2. Morning all. Molly is back to her normal self. She will at sometimes move a little to sharp and do a little yelp and look at Bella as if to say why the hell did you do that Im back at work today so the ratbags are home by them self. I wrapped Molly nice and tight (not to tight) in new bandages and she has the dredded bucket on her head. Im hoping all will be in place when I get home. I have 4 people checking in on them through out the day on a roster. Work was really good and gave me 2 days off but I cant really take anymore. I will try and shoot off early today thou. Gily
  3. I started on science diet and was great to start, but then both my kids suddenly stoped liking it so I switched to Eukanuba and havent had a problem since. Have you tried mixing it with something yummy like fresh meat just to get you furkid interested again.
  4. UPDATE: Bad news. Molly came out of surgery at 5.00pm the vet was amazed at what he found and said he hasnt seen anything like it before. He explained it to me as a very suspicious large cyst/mass.. it was approx 20cm long, 10 cm wide and approx 2cm deep. It reached almost from her topline to all the way under her ribs near her stomach. He has sent the sample off and we should get results on friday. He said it was rare for a pup that age to have cancer but he said it didnt look normal. He said it was most of it was cased in its own sac adn then kinda sprouted out abit. Im a little bit in shock. Please keep Molly in your thoughts and will let you know what the results say. Gily
  5. I am a strong believer that dogs understand the size difference. Take my Great Dane for example. She has grown up with my GSD. We got them a week apart both 8 weeks old. She plays completely different with her then she does my brother cross breed blue healer and even my parents JRT X Shitsu. She is so gentle and normally tip toes around them and will let them set the standard of play..Were as with her "sister" it is a free for all. It all comes down to training and the specific dog. Do your research and pay attention to the signals that you are getting from your dogs.
  6. UPDATE.. Molly is in surgery now The lump swelled again double the size within 2 hours so the vet took her straight in to have a proper look.. Will keep you updated. I pick her up at 5.30.. Fingers crossed for my princess
  7. I dont think you would have a problem introducing a GSD to any dog if done the right way. GSD have a major misconception about them. They are not big boof heads who are incontrollable. I have a GSD that is 14 months and she is so much more gentle then my mums 5year old Jrt x Shitsu.. Until you actually own a GSD it is really hard to know what they are like. I was the exact same before I got my girl. I was a little affraid and worried what i got my self into. The GSD was my OH fave dog so I didnt have a choice. Now I LOVE the breed and am so drawn to them I am in the process of looking for our next pup so I can start showing them. They have an amazing temprement and are so lovey and sooky. But they also need alot of stimulation and a VERY intellegent. I think the dogs temps should have major rolls in the selection of getting the pup. If your breeder is a good one then they will be able to match you with the right pup. All puppys can be a handful but if controlled the right way there is no reason why they cant all get along peacefully and safely Gily
  8. So your vet did not aspirate the lump? I would just be a bit concerned as it could well be a mast cell tumour, they suddenly pop up, change size and consistency and can even disappear. No one can say by just looking or touching a lump, if it is a benign tumour or a cancerous one. I do not want to worry you, but if Molly was my dog, I would definitely have it checked out for peace of mind. All the best! Dagmar Hey no the vet didnt test the lump. She was being a little b*%@h and would hold still. I have an appt next week to get it checked out properly regardless. I trust my vet 100% and am not worried by it. Thanks for your advice thou
  9. I voted yes, I believe it was proven that they come form the same lines way back when. The difference is that APBT was bred to fight by some unsavioury people and a "better" temprement was bred into the AMstaffy... Either way I dont think that it should matter. As long as the dog has a good temprement, and is healthy then who cares what it is called.. My folks have a amstaffy and he is a beautiful dog. Just my opinion thou Gily
  10. Hey all, We went to the vet yesterday and the vet wasnt to worried by molys lump. When I got home it had changed heaps, before it was large and jelly like and now it is small and hard. The vet said it is more then likely an injury caused by playing with bella and the jelly bit that I was feeling was a sac of fluid and it has popped. He shaved the area and I have to monior it for the next week and if it doesnt go down then he will reasses from there. So good news Gily
  11. She is a "hot" dog anyway. It is only slightly warmer.. but like I mentioned before no pain that she is showing.. Thanks again, REALLY appreciate. Will let everone know how she goes later.
  12. Thanks for the tips.. If it is a Lipoma do they take them out or give any medication? Just want to know what to expect this afternoon. What is the protocall for an abcess?
  13. Im kinda hoping it will be a "sports injury" as that would be a lot less sinister reason for the rapid growth. Fingers crossed
  14. Morning all, Well yesterday when my OH and I got home from work we gave our 2 girls their usual hug and my OH noticed a rather large lump on Mollys side. It feels like approx a 5c piece of hard area/mass then approx an area just smaller then a tennis ball of liquid/ jelly subsatnce. It is all under the skin. It is located approx 5cm down from her topline on her left side pretty much in the middle of her ribcage. We are always patting/ cuddling Molly as she is a smooch and we are 99.99% sure this lump wasnt there on Tuesday night or Wedneday morning. You can clearly see it if she is laying down even through the fur (she is a long hair GSD) It doesnt seem to be bothering her, ie she doesnt pay it attention, doesnt hurt if touched. We have an appt at the Vet this afternoon to get it sussed out. My main concern is that it was so quick to grow and seemed to get a fraction larger from when we 1st saw it last night to this morning.. Any ideas what it may be? Is it possible that it could be a playing injusry from Bella? or maybe a bite, but I thought that may be more ON the skin rather then under. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Gily
  15. edited: wrong thread :rolleyes:
  16. Just had a look at the websitw.. I will be forwarding it to everyone that I know who is a wantng to bred or buy from a pet shop.. Out of curiosity, did diesel get his wings?
  17. yah for you. One down a hundred million more to go
  18. So sorry for your loss I had to take my GSD to an after hours vet as she had a bad cut on her foot, when I called to tell them we were on our way thats when they informed me that there was a base fee that needed to be paid before we leave the practise, obviously I agreeded and made sure I took my credit card with me.. I now have a close relationship with my vet and I dont need to pay anything advance/ upfront. They invoice me at a later date. This goes for all appt (vaccinations etc) I always thought that you needed to call in advance. Where I live we dont have "walk in after hours vets".. Its good to know that all the vets in my area are run and owned by vets....
  19. typical males... Sorry no suggestions other then getting him fixed which may not be an option for you. Sorry I cant help
  20. Good to know that there are some decent human beings out there :D
  21. This website has HEAPS of information on it. It also has a whole section about pet stores...Maybe youcould download the appropriate pages. http://www.wheredopuppiescomefrom.com.au/ After reading this page I decided to swap local petshops where I buy my pet supplies from. I asked them where they got their puppies/ kittems from and they couldnt answer me. I dont want to support a company that may support BYB... I think you have a fantastic idea
  22. YAH great news... go give your boy lots and lots of cuddles... Dam dogs they make us humans so worried
  23. I feed mince that costs 6.50 a kilo (good enough for human consumption) and go through 15 kilo a week aswell as some sort of bone/ shank/ frame each day and then eukanuba bickies for all the extra good stuff.... Dont worry I do plan on cutting it back but cause I have a Great Dane I am making sure that I grow her properly and will cut back when she is around 2ish... The 100 is to feed a Great Dane and GSD, both 14months... I was feeding only Eukanuba but a 15kilo bag was only lasting 6-7 and that was 112.00 a bag... It is amazing how much better there temp/ energy levels are on raw..
  24. My dogs are spolit rotton. I spend 100 a week on food so over the year thats 2600 each plus the vet bills.. On saturday I paid 629.00 for 2 courses each of worming, vaccination, heart worm injection and medication for bells incontenance (yet to be properly doagnosed). My Bella is accident prone, she is only 14 months old and has been to the vets at least 5 times for accidents (tonsalitus, 2x cuts requiring stiches, incontenance, and infected paw pad). So I am well over the average price.. Dont tell the Hubby
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