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Everything posted by Gilypoo
A PET'S TEN COMMANDMENTS......... 1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful. 2. Give me time to understand what you want of me 3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being. 4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you. 5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me. 6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it. 7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you. 8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak. 9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old. 10 On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.
Hey, I had a similar situation...(kinda) over the weekend, the people accros the road went away and left their dogs. All was ok but approx 11.30pm their M & M started going crazy. After 2 hours enough was enough. I went over to the house and rung the door bell (obviosly no one answered), Our area is acreage so no bacyards to speak of.. After I established that no one home, I went about "putting" the dogs to bed. Told them to get on their mat and gave them a quick cuddle and WHALAH, no more barking.. The next night the same thing happened it started about 12.00 and went to 4 before I had had enough, their other dog seemed to be stressing abit so I took a bone with me. I put them both in their beds and gave them the bone (I had seen the neighbours give them then on numerous occasions). Tucked them in and not a peep.. I went over the next day when I noticed the owners were back and all I said was: Im sorry to bother you but I thought you might like to know that your dogs were very quite stressed and barking ALOT over the weekend. I said I hoped he didnt mind that I gave them a bone and put them to bed as other neighbours started yelling at them (which they did). He was very thankfull for taking the time to see what they were barking at. I informed him that it was the least I could do and hoped that if my 2 kids were making a noise then someone would check them out for me or at the very least let me know what happened so I could prevent it next time..I think he appreciated the honesty... My recommendations would be talk to them face to face: If for what ever reason you are uncomfortable or scared then put it in writing. Be honest but not rude be factual but polite.. Keep a copy of the letter that you give them and then continue to keep a record of the times that the dogs bark.. Honesty is the best policy... If it falls on deaf ears then you know you have done the best thing then you can go to your local Council and take it further. Goodluck ETA: that i am lucky enough to know the dogs (my 2 have had play dates with them) so I didnt feel that I was in any danger of being hurt
Umm???? How do they stick on?.. I think someone has too much spare time on there hands
To all you people that rescue and foster you are nothing short of amazing, I dont know how you do it. :D Long story short, over the long weekend, I puppy sat my Brothers cross breed dog while he went on a short holiday, and I almost killed him. He is a lovely dog but just doesnt get the attention that he needs at home so is very clingy. He is also very stubborn and doesnt really listen. He did my head in and it was only 3 days. It definatley made me appreciate my 2 that little bit more.. So I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who does it on a permanent basis. It really takes a certain type of person and without all of you soo many more helpless dogs would be pts. I am in awe at how you do it. I can only imagine the type of damaged dogs that you get come through your doors, the amount of time, energy, tears and money that you put into these furkids its a credit to you. So I am sure that I am not alone in saying THANK YOU ;)
Worst Excuses For Re-homing Or Surrendering A Pet
Gilypoo replied to PeiPei's topic in General Dog Discussion
Why do they single out the one particular breed? I understand there blood is different, but is there something special about their skeletons... Surely the draining of blood is classified as some type of abuse? I don't know about the blood but for anatomical study purposes what other kind of dog would people gladly surrender over en mass? Same with OTT TB's and STB's becoming dog food. What's OTT TB's and STB's SOrry Ex racehorses and ex harness racehorses. Race breeders can be a pretty ruthless lot. I went to the greyhounds during winter and watched a race and one of the dogs cramped while running.. The poor little bugger just stopped and couldnt move. It was a little funny to watch until the trainer/ owner walked out onto the track and picked him up.. He was livid. I feel sorry for the dog.. -
Worst Excuses For Re-homing Or Surrendering A Pet
Gilypoo replied to PeiPei's topic in General Dog Discussion
Why do they single out the one particular breed? I understand there blood is different, but is there something special about their skeletons... Surely the draining of blood is classified as some type of abuse? -
Worst Excuses For Re-homing Or Surrendering A Pet
Gilypoo replied to PeiPei's topic in General Dog Discussion
Well said -
Worst Excuses For Re-homing Or Surrendering A Pet
Gilypoo replied to PeiPei's topic in General Dog Discussion
In MY opinion... NO.. -
Worst Excuses For Re-homing Or Surrendering A Pet
Gilypoo replied to PeiPei's topic in General Dog Discussion
We have done this aswell.. (forgot to put in my last post) -
Worst Excuses For Re-homing Or Surrendering A Pet
Gilypoo replied to PeiPei's topic in General Dog Discussion
My Hubby and I arent well off by any means, however we do have a type of pre nup (more like a signed stat dec) that states custody of the "kids" in the occurance of a divorce... I get the Great Dane, he gets the GSD and if they dont settle within a time frame, I get both... I am also REALLY looking forward to having a family and including my fur babies in the picture. I understand sometimes thing get tough in regards to finances, but I am a true believer that you are agreeing to give that animal your home and love for the time of its natural life. If you cant, you better try so god dam hard 2 rehome it to someone that will give it a better life then you can offer.. none of this pound dumping. And you better have a good reason. -
What Does Your Dog Do That Makes You Laugh?
Gilypoo replied to fiveplusone's topic in General Dog Discussion
If im in the kitchen cooking tea and my Great Dane trys to come in I point to her bed and tell her to go away, she then promptly "growl" in a playful way while wagging her whole rear end as if to say " you have to be kidding right.. NO WAY".. Its frustrating cause I satrt laughing and she picks up on it and wont go lay down, all the while tea is getting wrecked. -
Most of the traits that you dont want in your future dog relate to training... eg. on lounge, in rooms, barking, good with kids... As long as you have time you shouldnt have any major probs. I havent had any experience with any of the breeds that you have mentioned so I cant be of assistance. Good luck in finding your perfcet pup...
CRAP.... I was hoping to prove him wrong cause he is a no it all type of person.. and one of "those" Rangers.. Never mind. I learnt something new.
WOW... Thank you... So there definatley is a standard to go by.. Another question, or 2 : Is the ABDA and the UKC, the same in respect to a governing body like the ANKC are for us? Also can you still import APBT if you follow the rules and regulations? I know I sound like a completly clueless person but would really appreciate the info Gily
Hi All, Just a question that I am hoping to get the answer to fairly quickly. But 1st a bit of a background story: I work for a Local Government and I handle the Rangers administration needs. Unfortunatley my position has a lot to do with the pound (obviously). Our pound has a disgusting rate of euthanisia (completley whole other thread). ANYWAY I was recently reading a thread about the APBT and the amount of attacks that they may or may not be responsible for. There was a link in that thread that was called "find the Pitbull". I thought that I would "test" the Rangers to see if they could correctly identify the APBT. The results were shocking. 3 out of our 3 Rangers failed the test aswell as our Administrator of Law and Safety Services (Rangers boss). I thought that was unbelievable considering these guy are the one that note the "breed" of a dog that comes into the pound, and therefore decides if the dog is to be destroyed.. One particular Ranger told me that the APBT is not reconised here or in America as a registerable breed and that it doesnt have a "standard".. Is this right? As the topic says this particular Ranger is VERY VERY stubborn, so I would love to prove hime wrong (I know its not the best attitude to have) I have had a look on the ANKC website but I can find anything. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Gily
Now I Know It's Not Really My Business But....
Gilypoo replied to Charlotte*Paddington's topic in General Dog Discussion
Such a sad story for the old girl... Have you tried contacting the rescue place in SA. They may be able to put you onto some one in sydney or even arrange for transport to them I really hope that she finds her forever loving home to you for speaking out. -
I had a very sick and blind cat that loved being outdoors most of the day, however she would get confused and wander off so we made a contraption like the one you are taliking about. We just tied a piece of rope from point a to b the tied a sliding not on it and tied it onto her collar so she couldnt get away. I worked a treat for small amounts of time however we found that she would tangle her self up and get stuck if left on there too long.
I picked up my pup a year ago and def no gates then.. I hope goldie is found soon
Miss Molly just got the all clear... YYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Excuse the spelling, the vet said it was a funky looking haematona... So glad it is all over. Thanks for everyones well wishes.. i appreciate it more then you know.
What Can I Do With My Lovely Jack Russell
Gilypoo replied to hshen's topic in General Dog Discussion
how long are you away for? -
What Can I Do With My Lovely Jack Russell
Gilypoo replied to hshen's topic in General Dog Discussion
Can you not take him with you? I know quarintine is expensive and not the "best" for the dog in relation to stress etc, but I think it would worth it in the long run. You get to keep your dog and he satys with his fav family Any family that can take him? -
I use to work for Holden in the service department as a Service Advisor and unfortunatly the commodores have alot of issues. I would make sure you check that any tech lines and recalls have been done on it. At one stage the new VE had 6 recalls out before it reached the sale yards. The VZ which is from roughly 2005-2007 were a better model but I would make sure you get a series 2 as they got rid of most of the kinks by then I personally would go for the Hilux over a crewman Just my opinion thou. HAPPY CAR SHOPPING
Sorry I cant help as I am in WA. This is why my 2 kids are donnors for my vets. You never know when you will need it and I hope someone will be as giving if we need it. Goodluck in the search. Big hugs to your 4 legged patient