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  1. Same for standards. Pepper and salt are quite different to the blacks.
  2. Do you think that the claim of 6 litters in 23 months by one bitch might have originated with sloppy record keeping by the “breeders”? From the little I have seen, they don’t seem to have given 2 ****s about anything - food, shelter, anything. So I can easily imagine the breeding records must be lacking veracity. I wonder if trying to disprove that claim would open them up to even more charges. Even so, I can’t get my head around 3 years of hell for those dogs.
  3. The problem with putting bags of poo into newly emptied bins is that any subsequent rubbish tends to squash those bags, they split and the bin ends up with dog poo smeared all over the bin bottom. The smell in summer is horrendous. And the flies!
  4. And funded by a pro vegan organisation. Experimental design is a survey - what does your dog primarily eat? Lots of confounding factors. So, maybe the results aren’t as rigorous as the title of the article would lead us to think?
  5. Kazam, the heartworm injection is a version of the drug engineered to stay in the body for about 12 months after injection, which is precisely the reason I don’t / will not use it for any of my dogs. You can’t remove it. Once the dog has had the injection, you have to wait for the drug to be eliminated by the body over the 12 months. I hope Molly is feeling better and back to normal soon.
  6. Wolfie eats Lyka for dinner. He refuses to eat the fish version but any of the other varieties are good. Breakfast is Prime100 roll. Seems to work for him. Our foster dog Maggie doesn’t like the chunky textured varieties so she sticks with Royal Canin soft pouches (she’s only 8kg) for dinner and has Prime100 roll for breakfast. Seems to work for her. Different strokes for different folks
  7. I think it is a lot of things in combination - increase in dog ownership, using harnesses instead of collars and leads (you might as well hook up a sled and get them to pull something), more dog owners not really knowing what they are doing and choosing inappropriate breeds, etc. Most of the lockdown times, you could still walk your dog and get about but people who got a dog for companionship during those times most likely would not have got a dog in normal times and probably didn’t even give a thought to training it.
  8. My biggest worry would be the move. Elderly dogs (and people for that matter) don’t “do change” very well. I have seen quite a few older people, seemingly coping very well in their familar environment, just straight out decline in new, unfamiliar surrounds. I have observed similar patterns with elderly dogs - ours, friends and family. The anxiety that change provokes can be awful, both for the dog and family. If your darling boy is coming with you, you will have to be proactive in getting him familar with the new place and its smells. I wish you luck, in the end you have to consider what is best for him.
  9. Insurance is never good value for money. You are essentially paying an amount each year, so that if your pet has a catastrophic illness / accident you can recoup *some* of the cost of treatment. You really don’t want the best financial outcome / value for money because that implies your pet is having major, major health problems and interventions. And putting $xxx a week into a savings account won’t go any where near covering it for those extreme situations.
  10. And they used a cigarette lighter and boiling water to get it away from them … I am sure that there is much more to the story and yes, we will never hear it.
  11. According to the GoFundme page linked from the VSOS Facebook page, Indi suffered 3 heart attacks and has passed away.
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